Closed Bug 122121 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

BeOS gfx implementation extremely slow


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mozilla, Assigned: mozilla)


(Keywords: perf)


(2 files)

Major problems include the following: - creating and destroying BBitmaps every time you blit - copying platform independent bits into BBitmaps every time you blit - using B_OP_ALPHA even when no alpha channel is present - excessive locking when drawing (currently twice around every primitive) - excessive calls to Sync() resulting in a huge slowdown (particularly when tiling) - unneeded drawing of BBitmap data in DrawToImage() - and so forth I'm filing this bug and assigning it to myself as I have a patch currently in testing that addresses all of the above. Will attach to this bug in the next week or so.
Accepting bug, adding perf keyword, setting milestone to 0.9.9 (but hopefully sooner).
Keywords: perf
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.9
Attached patch Patch for 122121Splinter Review
This patch fixes all problems I reported in the original bug description, plus the following: - Added DrawNoLock() method used by DrawTile() calls, to prevent locking and synchronizing with the server on each iteration - Fixed several warnings - Massive code cleanup and commenting - Rewrote CreateImage() completely since only the 24 -> 32 bit case matters. Removed non-working cruft related to B_CMAP8 BBitmaps, and optimized code to work better on systems without write-combining. - Removed unused member variables - Reordered member variables for better packing and initialized them in order - Removed code in DrawToImage() which was updating the BBitmap unnecessarily - Implemented memory saving feature in Optimize() for when its starts getting used again
Great work, Daniel! Unless you have further enhancements, I give this a thumbs up for checkin! r= Marking as assigned to Daniel.
Ever confirmed: true
It's all ready to go. Please check in when the tree reopens.
This patch has been checked in. Marking fixed.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
v (but we aren't still not the fastest..)
ok, i'm tried some additional tricks. 1) common C/C++ rules - ++i is faster than i++; footype foo[N] is faster than footype *foo = new 2)for speed we may also avoid nested function calls like DrawString(PRUnichar) {DrawString (char*)}, rendering text directly from unicode version, which is simpler and faster. Same for GetWidth etc functions. Also very frequent calls for single-character drawing/measuring can be handled bit faster. 3) UpdateView() function. It seems no reason to call SetFont when drawing polygons, for example. May be moved in font-related functions. 4)Locking1. There are excessive nested LookLooper calls in widget/src/beos code in path calling async drawing. May be removed. 5)Locking2. Most unsure for me. We may call in UpdateView mSurface->Lock() instead BView::LockLooper(). Same for UnlockLooper and surface::Lock may be rewritten a bit, e.g. surface::Lock(*******) { if(mOffScreen) mBitmap->Lock() else view->LockLooper() } also moving locking into surface:: definitely helps to avoid nested locking, inspite in my debug code i nver noticed LockCount higher than 1. I tried to ask in BeDevTalk what in reality means call of BView::LockLooper() for view attached to BBitmap but nobody answered for sure, though. P.S. We shouldn't be afraid about adding extra code or growing stack size in this case - even little speed addition counts more in current situation.
Other explicit rule to recall - minimize code inside Lock() - but here is the question about e.g. adjusted text drawing which happens word by word - what is better - Lock view once until we finish whole frame (long-time lock, but single) or do Locks inside loop, allowing (probably)time-windows for other activity (short-time but multiple Locks) ?
I would say it is much better to lock once, especially as that drawing is to an offscreen view(???) so the looper doesn't need to be unlocked to handle mouse messages and things. Also I read somewhere if the GetWidth stuff returns aFontID, that can speed up rendering. That could be something else to add to the gfx implementation.
i'm bit confused with your concentration on locking issue. I think comment found in code about locking overestimates situation. 1)Usually mozilla is compiled with double buffering. It means that 90% of drawing primitives are called (at least for page layout rendering) on views, attached to BBitmap, not BWindow. 2) BBitmap itself NEEDS to be locked, when view, attached to it as child performs drawing, but BBitmap lock don't lock application window. 3) There is little uncertainity, what is object to lock for BView::LockLooper(), when view is added to BBitmap. I asked about it in BeDevTalk, nobody knows for sure, but i have strong feeling, that it calls at the end BBitmap::Lock(). If not, we can do it explicitly. 4) I did it explicitly in my code, and i never observed attempts to lock already locked BBitmap. And i think, that it is logical. As far as i understand, drawingSurface/BBitmap in current BeOS gfx implementation deals with single view, sometimes created just for this purpose - to perform draw on offscreen bitmap. So it needs more investigation, if this is so big issue, or not, but sure, there are excessive LockLooper() calls in nsWindow.cpp
<quote> 2) BBitmap itself NEEDS to be locked, when view, attached to it as child performs drawing, but BBitmap lock don't lock application window. </quote> Exactly. So there is no real need for it to ever be unlocked during rendering (no window messages to process). If each primitive drawn to the BBitmap via a child BView calls Lock/Unlock I think this adds serious overhead. This is why I'm so concerned with locking stuff. BeOS should be one of the fastest moz platforms (should be much faster than linux with all the X server round triping), but it is nowhere as fast as the major platforms. The only major difference - BeOS requires stuff to be locked. That's why I believe LockLooper is probably the major slow down in the Be gfx. <quote> 3) There is little uncertainity, what is object to lock for BView::LockLooper(), when view is added to BBitmap. I asked about it in BeDevTalk, nobody knows for sure, but i have strong feeling, that it calls at the end BBitmap::Lock(). If not, we can do it explicitly. </quote> From the BeBook: ------ BBitmap::Lock(), BBitmap::Unlock() These functions lock and unlock the off-screen window where BViews associated with the BBitmap draw. Locking works for this window and its views just as it does for ordinary on-screen windows. ------ So as far as the appserver is concerned a BView with a BBitmap parent still draws into a window, and even though it's offscreen it still needs to be locked. This probably adds about the same overhead as locking a normal Be Window. If this is called around every word on a page (maybe a few thousand times) this is a lot of overhead. I'm not concerned about nested lock calls, just the number of times lock()/unlock() happens.
Actually BeOS will be inherently slower than Windows for two reasons: all the drawing is done by the graphics server in another process (the app_server), and we don't have nearly as much hardware acceleration as they do. Remember, all offscreen drawing in BeOS is done completely in software. Under Windows, you can load an offscreen onto the graphics card, and do most of your drawing in hardware (although I don't know if the Mozilla Windows port takes advantage of this or not). However, I agree that all the locking is imposing overhead (you wouldn't believe how much work locking a looper does) and that we could improve.
ok, Daniel, LockLooper is may be really complex "intelligent" method, doing additional work for atomizing and safety, as far as i understand, but what about direct usage of BBitmap:Lock? and second thought - what do you think about possibility to use BDirectWindow ? There is notice in BeBook that it don't work on some cards, but i really doubt that bezill ais usable at all on machines using such cards.
Btw, most resource wasting (in locking-sense) thing for double-buffered page layout rendering is picture animation. For each frame update of each image it performs lock, good if only one. Even if we can reduce overhead by copying only changed part of image.
Locking a bitmap with no view attached is cheap, I'm not sure about locking it when using a view (and therefore another server thread). Using a direct window is an interesting idea, but the major problem is that you lose CopyBits() in the process. Without a hardware accelerated screen-to-screen blit (which is what CopyBits() does) scrolling will be unusable. I tried this in the current code base to work around the iframe scrolling problems, and it was deadly slow on a 1.1 GHz Athlon. Therefore BDirectWindow is out.
Attached image Screenshot
Ok, Simon. In theory i have code you desired. 1) Most LockLooper and UnlockLooper instances in nsRenderingContext were replaced by nsDrawingSurface::Lock and Unlock calls. 2)in nsDrawingSurface i'm doing BBitmap::Lock and Unlock only once for surface - after mBitmap = new and before delete mBitmap - so same Lock stays since creation untile destroy. 3)mDrawingSurface Lock and Unlock Looks like: { if(mLocked) return NS_OK; if(mBitmap) { fprintf(stdout,"LS %p\n",mBitmap); } else { mView->LockLooper(); fprintf(stdout,"LL%p\n",mView); } fflush(stdout); mLocked = PR_TRUE; } same for unlock - it never unlocks BBitmap in reality. And now look at screenshot in attachment - most locks (LS) are for bitmap (while drawing)- and it is same bitmap for page. LLs (LockLooper for view when NO surface bitmap created) start dominate when Mozilla is idle. And not that i noticed SO big speed improvement, but maybe it is still worth to be proposed as patch.
now some results - witch cheap profiling enabled in nsDrawingSurface (#define CHEAP_PERFORMANCE_MEASUREMENT) "Time taken to lock" didn't change noticeably - probably locking (Lock call till return) is not so time-consumptive. But "Time taken to unlock" reduced in times, up to 5 times, and for offscreen case (mBitmap exists) is in my Duron800 2ms(?) in average, instead 10 in average before code changes.
Btw, it seems that even previous code i had here if(mBitmap) { mBitmap->Unlock(); //now empty } else { mView->UnlockLooper(); } was big win over calling Lock/UnlockLooper in drawing primitives- it seems that BView::UnlockLooper() is again in times slower than mBitmap:Lock/Unlock, even BBitmap has bView attached (this method is used in latest StripZilla with updates)
Another slow thing - text typing - for each letter mozilla calls FillRect 6 times, like this: fillr 0 0 258 12 fillr -12 -477 823 673 fillr -10 -363 821 537 fillr 0 0 258 12 fillr -10 -627 5016 4206 fillr -2 -1 658 125 and most of them - in onscreen mode, it means - with real locking even if we apply technique proposed above. And, as fact, mozilla pushes out whole text (and proceeds full frame reflow) even if we add single letter to end of text. But this is out of our competence :( Only thing which we can investigate - weird values for width and height for fillrect - like fillr -10 -627 width-> 5016 height->4206
And wwidget with worst design in Mozilla seems URL bar (probably other drop-down edit boxes too). With autocomplete on adding single letter needs 18 (!!!) FillRect calls, and 2 DrawString calls. Sure, with output of whole string. Sad that we cannot use BeOS Text classes, may be will be better.
Isn't it time to reopen this bug? not only does Mozilla still suffer from performance issues under BeOS, as it is, users can't find this bug via the default Bugzilla search (which only targets open bugs). Prog.
Actually, no, this should not be reopenned. Rather, this whole discussion should really be taken either to the forums at, or news://
I think bugzilla is a good place for discussion, so in the future there is a record of the process we went through to speed up Bezilla. Maybe a new bug "BeOS gfx implementation could be faster" as an enhancement or something. While I remember this, I'll post it here: I found quite a good bit in a Be Newsletter article - google for "BeOS newsletter 82" (without the quotes). A quote from this: ----- If you're writing, say, a text engine or a web browser (read: something string-width intensive), simply caching a single string's width might not be what you want. You probably want to be able to find out any string's width without incurring the messaging overhead each time. Sounds like you want your own StringWidth() function. I happened to have such a "width buffer" object, and did some profiling with it. BStopWatch revealed the potential performance boost of a local string-width mechanism to be significant. On average, it took a version of NetPositive that did no caching roughly 530 microseconds to calculate the various strings (one at a time) in its default page. With caching enabled, the number went down to 54 microseconds. I'll save the implementation details of my width buffer class for another article, but here are some things to remember if you decide to write your own. .... -------- Pity that he never published the implementation details (not that I could find, anyway). If you look at BeOS Newsletter 90 there is another good article on getting fast interfaces on Be. On another note, I got paid this week, so I'll be getting some decent hardware as soon as I get a bit of free time. Then the patches will start flying (maybe) ;)
Discovered yet another reason why it looks sometimes sluggish. Background. Mozilla don't use (and probably cannot due its buffering specifics) Be API's SetViewBitmap for background drawing from image. Instead, it uses its own method DrawTile, which uses usual DrawBitmap (DrawBitmapAsync for every tile, though) But problem is that, it seems, overriden BView::Draw/Invalidate causes also call for DrawTile, EVEN IF background ISN'T VISIBLE (obscured by other elements). Good ilustration is - if you move little square (some window) over text area, you see that update is still sluggish - noticeably worse than on blank page. Or on page without background image, e.g. And on such sites with "specific" background as or even this is total nightmare.
Main problem with DrawTile is weird idea of some web designers to create background consisting of zillions 1*1 pix images. Even with DrawBitmapAsync and intelligent locking it is big overhead. It seems nsImageBeOS::DrawTile may be improved a little bit, though. Currently it performs DrawBitmap for every tile, but once first tile is rendered onto BBitmap via attached BView, we can use CopyBits on this view, which may be more effective.
Right, SetViewBitmap only makes sense with a view which is drawn directly to screen. You know, the scary thing was DrawTile used to use the synchronous version of DrawBitmap for each tile (Mathias and I changed that in our rewrite). Redrawing the background when it isn't visible sounds like a huge problem - do you think you can fix it?
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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