Closed Bug 1227221 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

[ADBE 4091133] Flash (beta) shows a huge amount of plugin hangs


(External Software Affecting Firefox Graveyard :: Flash (Adobe), defect)

Not set


(firefox42 fixed, firefox43+ fixed, firefox44 ?)

Tracking Status
firefox42 --- fixed
firefox43 + fixed
firefox44 --- ?


(Reporter: kairo, Unassigned)



(4 keywords, Whiteboard: [ADBE 4091133])

[Tracking Requested - why for this release]:

I saw a large increase of "plugin hangs" in our stats for Firefox beta starting on Nov 20 (maybe end of Nov 19 UTC) and finally could track this back to being caused by the newest Flash beta, version

What we call a "plugin hang" in this context is the plugin process not reacting to pings from the main browser process for a long time (IIRC 45s) and us then killing the plugin process and showing a crash reporter dialog.

We saw the amount of those hangs roughly double compared to the previous pretty constant level.

This search shows that 2/3 of all plugin hangs on our most recent beta in the last days are from this new beta version of Flash:

On our current release, which has way fewer Flash beta users, this is not as visible:

Looking at the rate of hangs vs. crashes, the current Flash release has them at 56% hangs:

The new beta has 80% of reported issues being hangs:

The main hang signature there is in F_1706698279, which is usually much less pronounced (the F_1152915508 ones usually dominate), but there are more different ones:
Flags: needinfo?(jeclark)
Thanks.  We're looking into it.
Flags: needinfo?(jeclark)
This is ADBE 4091133
Summary: Flash (beta) shows a huge amount of plugin hangs → [ADBE 4091133] Flash (beta) shows a huge amount of plugin hangs
Whiteboard: [ADBE 4091133]
Someone on Reddit reports Flash hangs from a recent Windows Update, but I don't know what Flash version they are running:

I can confirm that installing the optional Windows 10 application compatibility runtime (Universal CRT) in Windows Update KB2999226 precipitates the problem state where flash player for all browsers and the Firefox plugin container hang due to high CPU usage in Windows Vista x64. Removing this update resolves problems with flash and plugin container for all browsers in Windows Vista x64.
Keywords: crash
(In reply to Jeromie Clark from comment #5)
> Sorry, I totally read that wrong. If we're talking about the uptick on
> 1706698279, it's correlating 100% to WinXP.

We're seeing the other generic hang signatures also up, which are on the other Windows versions. It looks to me like this is probably increasing hangs across the board, but usually we have a really low number of hangs on WinXP (non-protected-mode) while the protected mode hangs in F_1152915508 (multiple signatures) are most of the hangs we're seeing. With this beta, it seems, all variants are hanging and adding that to the usual "almost nothing" volume of the XP signature is way more visible than adding it to the already higher volume of the other signatures. That said, it's a good find that 1706698279 is XP. :)
Understood, thanks.  After further investigation, we believe that these are related to a couple deadlocks that were identified and fixed in our codebase last week, but those changes haven't landed in a public beta.

We're building a new beta tonight and will push that out to the beta audience in the morning to confirm.  Please expect symbols from someone on the US team early tomorrow morning.  

We're pretty close to cutting GM, so hopefully we can establish that we're near baseline again over the next couple days, at least to the extent possible.

Thanks again for the heads-up on this.
(In reply to Jeromie Clark from comment #7)
> We're pretty close to cutting GM, so hopefully we can establish that we're
> near baseline again over the next couple days, at least to the extent
> possible.

Thanks, we'll be watching the data, great to hear that you believe you have found the issue.
it doesn't look like has improved the situation.
Yes, we arrived at that conclusion yesterday.  We're pretty sure that we know what's going on at this point, and I believe folks will be reaching out to Johnny later this afternoon.
Jeromie, any news here?
Flags: needinfo?(jeclark)
Yeah, this is resolved in our daily builds.  We'll be temporarily disabling tab muting in Flash outside of Safari while we get the deadlock in Firefox resolved.  

I don't know off the top of my head whether or not we're going to push another beta before our GM goes live.  If we did, it would be sometime early next week.  I'll check with the team and find out, but this issue won't be hitting the release audience.

As usual, I'm grateful for the beta program and for the great crash telemetry coming in from Firefox.  :)
Flags: needinfo?(jeclark)
Adding tracking flag for 43.
So as I understand it, once 43 is in the release channel, this won't show up. Jorge does that sound right?
Flags: needinfo?(jorge)
Or do we still need to block this (either on beta or release) to prevent the hangs or crashes?
The next update to Flash Player will resolve this.  No change required in Firefox.
As I understand this bug, this only applies for people who have a beta version of Flash installed, and this should be fixed once the next Flash update is pushed.

We've never blocked a beta version of the plugin before. It should be possible, but it sounds like Adobe will fix this on their side and there's no action required for us.
Flags: needinfo?(jorge)
Yes, that is correct.  The beta is intended to surface issues like this before they make it to the release channel, so it would be surprising to see it blocked over a functional issue.  

If this is causing a huge support headache for Mozilla or there are other pain-points that are causing significant problems for Mozilla at the moment, please let me know and we'll see what we can do to expedite a remediation for impacted Flash beta users.
FYI, we pushed Flash Player to our beta audience today, which should have this fix.
Blocks: 1231244
The hangs have gone down earlier, but crashes spiked about the same amount. That said, starting this Monday, Dec 14, we are back to normal levels again with both crashes and hangs, so I'm calling this fixed.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
See Also: → 1105700
See Also: → 1105549
See Also: → 1125922
See Also: → 1018662
Product: External Software Affecting Firefox → External Software Affecting Firefox Graveyard
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