Closed Bug 123846 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Browser surface disappears


(Core Graveyard :: Skinability, defect)

Windows 98
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dr.evil-951, Assigned: asa)


From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; QXW0338c)
BuildID:    2001122106

Some times I have the problem, that the complete surface of Mozilla disappears. 
I mean the the surface of the navigation toolbar, the personal toolbar, short 
all items of the skins disappear. Only the content of the website and the 
scrollbar are visible.
If I point with the mouse on the correct regions, the mouse reacts like there 
where no problem. If I know where to click, I can use the Browser "normaly". If 
this problem apperars its very hard to handle the browser. Mostly a restart of 
the programm doesn't fix the problem... but with the time sometimes the skin 
appears again.

Reproducible: Couldn't Reproduce
I experienced something that sounds like this in a build from about a month ago.
 I called it Albino Moz, because it looked as though all the skins had been
removed, and Mozilla was just "white".  The browser was still usable, and
eventually it returned to normal.  I have no idea what triggered the changes.  I
didn't report it because I couldn't reproduce, but apparently it wasn't just me
that had this experience.

I am also on Windows 98.  I use a dual monitor setup, an ATI All-in-Wonder card,
and a Reveal VC800.  There are known issues with the ATI cards on Windows 98, so
that might be worth looking into.  I had open both a browser window and a
Chatzilla window at the time.  Maybe some of this info will help narrow the
problem down...

-> Skinnability
Component: Browser-General → Skinability
see bugs 118221 and 122044 who are duplicates of this one. You will notice that
the same problems happens with Nvidia card with the latest drivers, that tends
to indicate that it is not an ATI related problem.
Regarding comment #1:

I saw this the other day in another app, and got a screenshot.  Since it is
happened in another app, it's probably an OS or video card bug.  The problem
went away as I moved windows over the affected area.  Seems like it needed a
does seem to be a dupe of bug 118221.  Reporter: if you are still seeing this
problem, then you might want to try upgrading your video drivers.  If you can't
resolve it, go on over to 118221 and give details of the problem there.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 118221 ***
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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