Closed Bug 125006 Opened 23 years ago Closed 18 years ago

[ps] Cyrillic characters not printing


(Core :: Printing: Output, defect, P2)






(Reporter: oleg, Unassigned)




(Keywords: intl)


(5 files)

From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.8) Gecko/20020204 BuildID: While pages with cyrillic characters (koi8-r codepage) displayed correctly (even in print preview), they are does notprinted correctly, i.e. only spaces and squares printed instead of cyrillic characters (latin - OK). When 'printed' to file I saw "% MozillaCharsetName: iso-8859-1" near the top of the file and a number of "/Encoding isolatin1encoding def". Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: Open and print this page.
confirmed on that page, current linux CVS build.
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: intl
Don has a fix for this in another bug
Assignee: rods → dcone
Summary: Cyrillic characters does not printing → Cyrillic characters not printing
fixed by the fix to bug 100324
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Oleg, please verify in latest build and mark verified-fixed...thanks.
Stop, stop, stop!!! I tried 2002022808 build and got same result! StarOffice 5.2 prints some Cyrillic characters in wrong codepage at this URL. Hotjava 3.0 prints all Cyrillic characters in wrong codepage at this URL. But both 0.9.8 and 2002022808 prints none Cyrillic characters at all but only spaces. At this URL as well as all others.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Confirmed that this bug still exists. I should note that the build I initially confirmed with already had the patch to bug 100324 in it. I can print cyrillic fine on other pages, just not on this one....
Reporter: Is the attached PostScript output OK for you ?
Yes, it is. Cyrillic printed well.
Still doesn't work in 0.9.9
2 : Please, define Target and Priority for this bug. I think this bug major or may be critical, so it must be resolved before 1.0!!!
I created a small "Quick guide how to setup Xprint to print with KOI8-R fonts", see (attachment 72840 [details] was created using Xprint module) - maybe this helps a little bit... Unfortunately I am not every good in writing documentation - any suggestion/help/contribution/correction is very welcome... :)
This does not work for me as well (2002042321, RH 7.2), I use postscript printing. All non latin characters disappear. Your how-to set up Xprt might be helpful, but it is not quite a solution. Rather a workaround.
andrzej wrote: > Your how-to set up Xprt might be helpful, but it is not quite a solution. > Rather a workaround. Why ? The Xprint module can replace the PostScript module in all it's functionality - and it offers far more functionality than the PostScript module can ever do...
I am not a linux printing expert (a heavy user though) and it seems to me that switching to Xprt demands a printing policy change in you site (or at least at your station), because Xprt is not (yet?) a standard solution. Many users basically do not have any influence on what printing software is installed on their station or in house. Those users will not have cyrillic characters printed correctly with your solution. That's why I wrote: it's a workaround (a workaround I am going to implement soon on my station anyway:).
Summary: Cyrillic characters not printing → [ps] Cyrillic characters not printing
andrzej wrote: > I am not a linux printing expert (a heavy user though) and it seems to me that > switching to Xprt demands a printing policy change in you site (or at least at > your station), because Xprt is not (yet?) a standard solution. Well, Xprt is part of the standard X11 source tree (available since X11R6.4) and most X11R6.x(x>=4)-compilant platforms ship with Xprt (including Solaris, HP-UX and Xfree86). Unfortunately the Xprt in Xfree86 is broken and will not work (Xprt on Solaris+HP-UX is working perfectly). That's why I created my own binary release for Linux x86 to work around the issue for Linux users. And I am doing further development (fix bugs, add features, write docs, add application support etc.) - see ... :)
*** Bug 146955 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
As of 1.0RC2, it's bad for me also. Print preview is fine, but the Postscript is buggered. Attached are pictures.
Bryce Mozilla Nesbitt wrote: > As of 1.0RC2, it's bad for me also. Print preview is fine, but the Postscript > is buggered. Solution is listed in comment #12 ... :)
Printing of Hebrew characters is broken too.
Ilya Tsindlekht wrote: > Printing of Hebrew characters is broken too. AFAIK the PostScript module cannot print Hebrew or any other BiDi language (see, but the Xprint module can do that. has some resources and a quickguide which describes how to set up Xprint for printing Hebrew...
Priority: -- → P2
Target Milestone: --- → Future
sad, but 1.3 has the same problem with postscript printing
WFM / mozilla-1.3-1mdk (Gecko/20030313) All russian pages (even tried print fine now.
Nope. Mozilla-1.4 (builded with gtk2) prints all Russuan pages (that tried by me) incorrectly. Sympthoms are the same: * no cyrrillic letters, only ascii letters + punctuation exists. * `% MozillaCharsetName: iso-8859-1' (why iso-8859-1 ???) As example, PS output from Mozilla and JPEG rendered by ghostscript will be attached. URL of original page:
Attachment #129666 - Attachment description: Example of broken PS output, mozilla-1.4 → Example of broken PS output, mozilla-1.4 (postscript compressed by bzip2 for save size)
This works fine for me with a current tip build, using gtk1. Is this a gtk2-only problem? In any case, dcone is long gone, so someone else needs to look at this.
Andrew writes "I don't use "vanilla" mozilla ... Under Galeon-2.0.1, which builded around firefox-, all seems OK."
Assignee: dcone → printing
QA Contact: sujay
All this code is going away with cairo. This bug needs to be reevaluated once cairo printing on Linux works (which it might already).
Mass-resolving some bugs related to the old unix printing system. The old code has been removed from the tree, and the bugs don't occur with the cairo-based printing code.
Closed: 23 years ago18 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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