Closed Bug 126602 Opened 23 years ago Closed 18 years ago

[ps] Mozilla PS printing for UTF-8 mail and SJIS attachment does not work


(Core :: Printing: Output, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: u32858, Assigned: masaki.katakai)


(Keywords: intl, regression)


(1 file)

From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.8) Gecko/20020205 BuildID: 2002020511 I have been trying to get japanese printouts but it never works The following emails do not print on my system, (the print but the japaense comes out as [] [] square boxes) Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-2022-JP" EUC UTF-8 Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.try and print a japanese email in the 3 formats above 2. 3. Actual Results: [][] square boxes for each char Expected Results: Nice japanese print out
QA Contact: esther → ji
Does it happen when you print out a japanese web page, like
Keywords: intl
I'm able to print but not on UTF-8 pages. See comment on bug 126604.
Please ignore my prviours comment, it works for me on utf-8 page also.
For email printing, it's not working for a iso-2022-jp mail with a sjis attachment, and it's also not working for a utf-8 mail. For example, in the smoketest folder, it works for the 2nd mail, but not working for 3rd and 4th one. Confirmed bug. Nominated for nsbeta1.
Keywords: nsbeta1
It's a regression from 6.2.1.
Keywords: regression
Ever confirmed: true that prints fine for me <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; CHARSET=x-sjis"> it has some variation on Shift_JIS then JG
Found a problem, preferences have been changed, but argument has not been changed. if (strstr(aName, "print.postscript.nativefont.")) { - lang.Cut(0, 19); + lang.Cut(0, 28); } else if (strstr(aName, "print.postscript.unicodefont.")) { - lang.Cut(0, 20); + lang.Cut(0, 29); } Is it better to use strlen() to determine the length?
Please change the Summary to "Japanese printing does not work at all" because I believe this is not specific to mail.
Additional Comments From 2002-02-20 19:02 ------- > Please change the Summary to > > "Japanese printing does not work at all" > > because I believe this is not specific to mail. Please See the other Mozilla bug report at
I'll file new bug that "Mozilla Japanese Printing does not work at all" for generic problem. Current nightly does not work at all.
OK, I've filed a bug 126920 for generic problem. Currently, Mozilla PS printing for CJK is broken. With the patch of bug 126920, it works fine for mail priting. However, yes, as ji mentioned, UTF-8 encoded mail and SJIS attachment can not be printed out properly. I think it's new problem. Jg and Ji, Can you correct the summary?
Summary: Japanese printing that does not work in messenger → Mozilla PS printing for CJK is broken in messenger
cc to shanjian
JG, Thank you... but summary is not still good. Generally printing works fine with the path of bug 126920. Problem is that - UTF-8 mail can not be printed out - SJIS attachment can not be printed out So, it should be "Mozilla PS printing for UTF-8 mail and SJIS attachment does not work"
Regression from 0.9.8. It works on 0.9.8. It seems that language group is not "ja" in UTF-8 encoded mail and attachment field pane. In 0.9.8, actually the lang group is set to "ja" when I start Mozilla in japanese locale. Hotta-san, Jshin, do you know about this change?
Why am I the only one with authorisation to change the summary?
Summary: Mozilla PS printing for CJK is broken in messenger → Mozilla PS printing for UTF-8 mail and SJIS attachment does not work
Thank you, JG. I understand only bug owner and submitter can change such fields.
Regression from 0.9.8. It works on 0.9.8. > It seems that language group is not "ja" in UTF-8 encoded mail > and attachment field pane. > In 0.9.8, actually the lang group is set to "ja" when I start > Mozilla in japanese locale. > Hotta-san, Jshin, do you know about this change? How does PS printing module determine langgroup? The change I made in mailnews/mime/src results in (see bug 102623) the html doc output of the following <div class="moz-text-plain" wrap=true graphical-quote=true style="font-family: -moz-fixed; font-size: 16px;" lang="x-unicode"> for UTF-8 encoded emails, I believe. In the past, it used to be something like the following: <div class="moz-text-plain" wrap=true graphical-quote=true style="font-family: -moz-fixed; font-size: 16px;"> Could explicitly specifying "lang=x-unicode" be a problem for PS printing module? BTW, I don't understand why it affects SJIS encoded messages as well.
Thanks for the info, Jshin, Yes, it seems that lang="x-unicode" changes causes this problem. But putting lang="x-unicode" itself should be correct change. PS printing gets langgroup of gfx layer, which should be same with gfx/gtk layer and there is no special codes for that. It seems that when we set lang="x-unicode", "x-western" lang group is passing to gfx layer... so there is no PS font for "x-western". This is the same behavior gfx/gtk layer. <span lang="x-unicode"> ... </span> throws "x-western" to gfx... When only charset=UTF-8 setting in html header, "ja" is passed to gfx which is the default lang on Mozilla. Not sure how to fix... Can anyone have suggestion?
For attachment issue, it seems that Mozilla uses preference for "Message Display". When I set to "Western (ISO-8859-1)" (default setting if we don't have language pack), "x-western" is passed to gfx layer, so problem happens. When I set to "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)" on preference, "ja" language group is passed to gfx layer. Language pack should overwrite the value for printing. Also this should be desribed in release notes... SJIS problem can be resolved by the setting.
> Yes, it seems that lang="x-unicode" changes causes this problem. But > putting lang="x-unicode" itself should be correct change. ¤ÔI sorta confirmed that 'lang=x-unicode' is the cause of this problem by printing out Korean UTF-8 message (with Korean string in Subject: header as well as in body) under Korean locale. The Korean string in Subject: header gets printed fine while Korean strings in the message body didn't get printed. Subject: header (with =?B?UTF-8?.....?= style encoding) is printed with ko_ls while the message body is printed with default_ls. > It seems that when we set lang="x-unicode", "x-western" lang group > is passing to gfx layer... so there is no PS font for "x-western". IIRC, once in the past, 'x-unicode' was passed along if lang='x-unicode', but for some reason I forgot, it was changed back to 'x-western'. Even if the locale lang group(or x-unicode) is passed along, Mozilla launched under ja locale may not be able to print SC/TC/KO emails in UTF-8 (depending on fonts)..... Seems like yet another case for FT pringing ?
> Seems like yet another case for FT pringing ? Yes, I think FT2 printing can solve this issue. Actually this is a regression but do you think this problem is high priority? Because people usually don't use UTF-8 in mail. Also we have a workaround (not sure whether it's reasonable or not) that putting primary font e.g. Ryumin-Light for me, setting for "x-western".
Another work-around(or hack) might be not to 'lang=x-unicode' for charset=UTF-8 in my patch to 102623, but that's really a hack, isn't it? I agree with you that this is not a very high priority item although I don't feel good about breaking printing of mails in UTF-8 because I've been pushing for using UTF-8 everywhere. This problem would not exist if there were a higher-level label for 'lang' of email messages (esp. in UTF-8). What I'm thinking of is another _optional_ parameter to Content-Type header which indicates 'lang' so that C-T header looks like Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; lang=ja I searched for something like the above at IMC (internet mail consortium) web page, but nobody seems to have suggested it. (if it's text/html, there's a way to embed 'lang' info. Even in 'plain text UTF-8', Plan 14 lang. tag can be embedded 'in theory', but.....)
Removed nsbeta1 nomination since on Japanese build default charset for message display is set to Japanese (iso-2022-jp) and this solves sjis attachment printing problem. We still have no reasonable workaround for UTF-8 mail printing for CJK though.
Keywords: nsbeta1
So is there a problem in our printing code? What is FT printing?
Currently, in PostScript printing, if x-western language group is passed for UTF-8 page, there is no way to determine the exact language group to look up PostScript codes. We should have implemented the way to look up a glyph per code point based, like gfk/gtk layer. We now use only language group in printing. I understand FT (FreeType2) printing can consider UTF-8 (UCS?) code points and will put embedded glyphs into outputs, which can be solved hopefully.
> Currently, in PostScript printing, if x-western language group is > passed for UTF-8 page, there is no way to determine the exact > language group to look up PostScript codes. Is the code in Mozilla?
Yes. It's Mozilla codes.
Katakai san, are you working on PS printing for mozilla? If so, can we reassign to you? Can the code ignore the unknown lang like "x-western" then use the default font for Unicode?
yes, please assgin to me and change products to browsers.
Re-assign this to katakai... thanks for handling these kinds of issues.
Assignee: dcone → katakai
Product: MailNews → Browser
Is this issue now fixed ?
No. I believe this is still reproducible.
Summary: Mozilla PS printing for UTF-8 mail and SJIS attachment does not work → [ps] Mozilla PS printing for UTF-8 mail and SJIS attachment does not work
Yes, it's still happening.
The printing code that was in place when this bug was filed has been completely replaced by a new cairo-based printing implementation, which should be able to print anything the browser can display. Please open a new bug if you can reproduce this with a current (trunk) build.
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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