Closed Bug 126862 Opened 23 years ago Closed 20 years ago

middle click on javascript links should act like normal click


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bruppel1, Assigned: jag+mozilla)




From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:0.9.8+)
BuildID:    20020220

I am not well hearsed in how javascript works, but I see a large number of
javascript links which are supposed to open up a new window with content in it.
 These links don't work when one middle-click's on them (instead, one gets an
empty window with the javascript command line in the urlbar).  Interestingly
enough mozilla already realizes that these javascript links aren't normal ("open
in new window" and "open in new tab " do not appear in their context menus).  

If it is possible to make such a generalization, mozilla should detect that a
link is actually javascript intended to launch a new window and send the
javascript command through as if the user had left-clicked on the link.  This
would save some frustration and make mozilla a better, smarter browser.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce: example url
2.middle click on an image thumbnail

Actual Results:  a new browser window opens with the javascript command in the

Expected Results:  the javascript command should be executed without opening a
useless window
Reproducible reliably on Linux with BuildID 2002022108.
Reproducible reliably on Win2k with BuildID 2002022103.
OS field should probably be changed to All.

I don't see this as a dup.  Bug 70135 is about adding a feature for redirecting
middle-clicks so some sites can't disable them.

Strange this isn't already in the system, because it bugs the heck out of me and
it's been around for a long time.

Oh, and with middle-clicks opening Tabs instead of new windows, it should also
be redirected and handled appropriately.  The only user-apparent difference
between the two modes is that with tabs, the javascript command does not appear
in the URL bar.

I think that this is an important flaw (real nuisance), though admittedly minor
in the grand scheme of things.  Still, I'd like to see it fixed by 1.0.
Changing OS to all.  
OS: Windows XP → All
Assignee: asa → trudelle
Component: Browser-General → XP Apps
QA Contact: doronr → sairuh
 I don't think Netscape can afford to spend time on this for 1.0. ->jag/future
Assignee: trudelle → jaggernaut
Target Milestone: --- → Future
I was going to add this as a feature request myself.  It would be very cool.
Considering you can't open a new window by using the right click menu on a
javascript link, middle click shouldn't open a window either...
The way I see it, after the "URL doesn't persist when page times out", this is
the last glitch in the tabbing system. Once this is solved, I won't fear the
middle button again...
Flags: blocking1.4?
mozilla1.4 shipped. unsetting blocking1.4 request.
Flags: blocking1.4?
Considering the more, uhm, progressive nature of Firebird, would it make sense
for me to re-target this bug as a Firebird bug?  Or should I file a separate
bug?  Comments?
*** Bug 181210 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This should be duped to bug 138198 as that bug has some extra dependencies and
is more complete IMO.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 138198 ***
No longer blocks: 181210
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
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