Closed Bug 127418 Opened 23 years ago Closed 21 years ago

[FIXr]Adding XBL binding with method to HTML BODY element breaks DOM


(Core :: XBL, defect, P1)






(Reporter: matthew, Assigned: bzbarsky)




(3 files, 6 obsolete files)

From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:0.9.8) Gecko/20020204 BuildID: 2002020406 If I add an XBL binding to the BODY of an HTML document using ('-moz-binding', ...), and if that XBL binding has a <method> in its <implementation>, then many (all?) other DOM operations on nodes in the HTML document fail with an error Exception: Illegal operation on WrappedNative prototype object nsresult: 0x8057000c (NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_OP_ON_WN_PROTO) Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: Load the test case (I will attach this shortly). It tries to attach the binding to a BODY, H1, H2 and H3 element in turn. Actual Results: Operations on the BODY succeed. The binding is successfully set on the H1 element, but afterwards, retrieving the nodetype fails with the above error. Expected Results: Mozilla should successfully set bindings and report the node type for each element in turn. If the attempt to change the body is removed from the test case, then all operations succeed.
Attached file Test case: XBL bindings (obsolete) —
Attached file Test case: HTML file (obsolete) —
For the test case, you'll need to download both files into the same directory and rename the bindings file to a .xml extension, then adjust the HTML file so that the pathnames point to the XML file. Just discovered that it looks as though the problem goes away if the HTML file uses a relative URL to refer to the bindings file.
It seems that referring to the XBL bindings document via an http:// URL also works. So http:// succeeds, relative URLs succeed, file:// fails, and chrome:// fails.
Do we need to fix this for mozilla1.0/xbl1.0? DOM and XPConnect gurus cc'd -- I hope something obvious leaps out at you guys and there's an easy fix. /be
Looks like there's nothing special about the HTML BODY - the test fails in the same way if you add a DIV and manipulate that instead. Also you can remove the <content> from the XBL bindings without changing the behaviour - it's the <implementation> with a <method> that causes the problem.
The testcase worksforme from both HTTP and local disk. Is this still an issue?
In Mozilla 1.5 and Firebird 0.7 I still see failure in the following case: 1. save attachments 71072 and 71073 to local disk 2. edit the HTML file to specify the location of the XBL file as an absolute file:// URL 3. load the HTML file In this case the last non-error alert I see is [after] h1 is [object HTMLHeadingElement] followed by [Exception... "Illegal operation on WrappedNative prototype object" <etc.> ]
This should even work (as in, demonstrate the bug) directly from bugzilla, I hope... if not, just save it to your hard drive.
Attachment #71072 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #71073 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #71075 - Attachment is obsolete: true
So this is a longstanding (ever since the original "make inheritance work" code landed) bug in nsXBLBinding::DoInitJSClass (which wasn't called that at the time). The problematic code in that function looks like this: 1092 if ((!::JS_LookupProperty(cx, global, aClassName.get(), &val)) || 1093 JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(val)) { // initialize proto here, using the current proto of "obj" as the // parent proto. This sets the aClassName property of the global to // the proto we create 1166 } 1167 else { 1168 proto = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(val); 1169 } 1170 1171 // Set the prototype of our object to be the new class. 1172 if (!::JS_SetPrototype(cx, obj, proto)) { 1173 return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; 1174 } In the attached testcase, the same exact binding is attached to two different types of objects -- an <h1> and a <div>. The aClassName is a property of the _binding_. So the first time through this code, we will create a new class with the <h1>'s proto as it's proto and set the proto of the <h1> to that new class. The second time through, we will find the aClassName property of the window object set (as the testcase shows) and will just get the value of that property and use it as the proto for the <div>. So now the proto chains look like h1 -> XBL proto -> PrototypeHeaderElement (or whatever) div -> XBL proto -> PrototypeHeaderElement (!) In other words, we've screwed up the proto chain for the div. This bug follows (since XPConnect gets all unhappy). As things stand, you simply can't have two different node types with the same binding attached to them in the same document and have things work. Hasn't come up as a problem in XUL, since in XUL there is only one node type...
Attached patch Possible fix (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This fixes the bug on at least these testcases by making the new protoclass name depend on the classname of obj. The extra string munging seems to be the only reasonable way to do that.... Luckily, we will still hit the cached proto all the time for XUL (since there is only one XULElement). Other options include not using the cached proto off the global at all (this may cause noticeable problems with Ts/Txul) and declaring this a "feature" instead of a bug... ;) Anyone have any other ideas on how to fix this?
Attachment #137037 - Flags: superreview?(brendan)
Attachment #137037 - Flags: review?(jst)
The first approach has one more drawback -- it breaks for cases when objects of the same class happen to have different prototypes (for example <applet> elements with different applets, since applets muck with the prototype chain). This patch enforces the invariant we _really_ care about, which is that the the proto of the cached val is the same as the proto of the incoming object. The drawback of this patch is that it will end up "trashing" (always missing out cached proto) if the same binding is attached to nodes of different types alternately, but I doubt that's a common scenario. A second (possible) drawback is that this will create different classes with identical classnames. Is that an issue?
This is actually a known issue with XBL and is closely related to the prototype forking problem (see the prototype forking bug). I think the class names should probably be unique, but perhaps just munged using integers, e.g., BindingClass1, BindingClass2, etc. I dislike including the name of a prototype, since the chain can be dynamically mucked with later anyway (as is the case when a chain of bindings is installed). If you really want to kick ass on this bug, a prototype forking system should be able to look up a cached class based on the desired prototype object for that class (which may or may not be the current immediate prototype of the bound element's js object). This system should share cached classes for any objects or classes that share the same prototype. This is all reasonably straightforward, but what makes the problem difficult is when the prototype chain gets mucked with dynamically at a later date, e.g., if/when we support the ability to add/ remove bindings using the DOM. That problem could be spun off into a separate bug though.
> This should even work (as in, demonstrate the bug) directly from bugzilla, I > hope... if not, just save it to your hard drive. Actually I get a crash either way (in Firebird 0.7/WinNT). Thanks for looking at this by the way.
> Actually I get a crash either way (in Firebird 0.7/WinNT). Time to upgrade? ;) A recent nightly does not crash, and I recall some sort of crash with that setup in 1.5. The forking bug hyatt refers to is bug 41428. hyatt, why would the desired prototype for the binding ever not be the current prototype of the element's JSObject? Note that right now, the element's prototype is used as the binding's prototype, so in fact my second patch covers what needs to happen as far as I can tell...
Depends on: 41428
bz: identical class names for differeng bindings means last class initialized wins, and defines the last binding's prototype under the given name. Still, patch 2 looks better to me. It makes progress, AFAICT -- does it make anything worse for a hard case? /be
> and defines the last binding's prototype under the given name Right. But all that means is that the corresponding property of the global will be set to whatever. As long as no one is depending on those properties on the global (except for this code, of course), that should be fine... I've been thinking some more about patch 2, and as far as I can tell its only drawback is that it will thrash the one-element cache. Comment 13 paragraph 3 is talking about a way to have a more-than-one-element cache here. As for what comment 13 paragraph 4, is saying... Adding bindings should be safe with the "patch 2" approach. Removing bindings, I've not fully thought through yet. I'm not sure when the Munging as suggested in comment 13 paragraph 2 makes it nontrivial to look up the cached class (how do you know what integer it got munged with?). Anyway, I'd like to know hyatt's answer to comment 15 before I say too many more foolish things. :)
What we need here (this will make prototype forking work too) is to mangle the class name somehow, possibly just with integers, e.g., classname1, classname2, etc. Then for some JSObject with a current prototype class of C and for a binding with a classname of B, we'd need to have a hash from B*C -> Bn, creating the class Bn as needed. This would avoid collisions, allow for caching still, and ensure that any unique prototypes end up forking their own copy of the class.
So... Is the pointer to a prototype a stable thing? That is, given binding B and an object with prototype C, can we just take the JSObject* that is C, cast to int, and append to the B URI? That would do exactly what we want as far as I can tell. I guess my current patch assumes that the prototype pointer is in fact a stable thing, huh? ;)
Attached patch So maybe like this (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #137037 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #137038 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #137037 - Flags: superreview?(brendan)
Attachment #137037 - Flags: review?(jst)
Comment on attachment 137069 [details] [diff] [review] So maybe like this Since hyatt is clearly reading this bug... ;)
Attachment #137069 - Flags: superreview?(brendan)
Attachment #137069 - Flags: review?(hyatt)
Comment on attachment 137069 [details] [diff] [review] So maybe like this If the JS GC becomes a copying GC, then the JSObject* will change. No worries for the foreseeable future, but something to comment. If you didn't have a class name identifying the prototype object, then the object might become garbage and be collected. The class-named property of the window object is a necessary strong reference. Does this really implement forking in the way that bug 41428 wants it? /be
I'd like to sit down with Brendan in person so we can work out whether or not this implements prototype forking.
I'd need a clear explanation of what bug 41428 is talking about to know whether this does it... I can certainly add a comment regarding garbage collection here. If that gets implemented, we may need some sort of other way to uniquely identify prototypes.
bz, can you use this for a little future proofing? If it fails, return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY. If it succeeds, use a |jsid objid| local whose address you pass as the |idp| formal as the cookie to sprintf at the end of the classname (using %lx format, I suppose). /be
Attachment #137171 - Flags: review?(shaver)
I rolled his patch into this diff, since I was testing it and all... This seems to work just dandy. sr=me on the JS part, as if that's needed.. ;)
Attachment #137069 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #137069 - Flags: superreview?(brendan)
Attachment #137069 - Flags: review?(hyatt)
Attachment #137172 - Flags: superreview?(brendan)
Attachment #137172 - Flags: review?(hyatt)
Comment on attachment 137171 [details] [diff] [review] proposed trivial jsapi extension: JS_GetObjectId Aye, cap'n.
Attachment #137171 - Flags: review?(shaver) → review+
Comment on attachment 137172 [details] [diff] [review] Patch using Brendan's suggestion Great work, bz. If hyatt likes it, and it tests ok, I say we get it in for 1.6. Small patch, low risk. Why wait? Nit: preexisting code overparenthesizes here: + if ((!::JS_LookupProperty(cx, global, className.get(), &val)) || + JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(val)) { Fix that if you care. /be
Attachment #137172 - Flags: superreview?(brendan) → superreview+
Taking, so I don't lose this....
Assignee: hyatt → bz-vacation
OS: Windows 98 → All
Priority: -- → P1
Hardware: PC → Macintosh
Summary: Adding XBL binding with method to HTML BODY element breaks DOM → [FIX]Adding XBL binding with method to HTML BODY element breaks DOM
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.6final
Flags: blocking1.6?
It's getting pretty late in the game for 1.6. Is this going to have necessary reviews and be of low enough risk that we should be evaluating it for inclusion in 1.6?
It's low-risk, yes. As for reviews, ask hyatt, not me. I've done what I could to get review, and hyatt is clearly reading the bug.... Then again, given the number of outstanding review requests he has, I doubt he'll ever actually review it. <shrug>
Hyatt told me on IRC that he'd get to this, but not by 1.6final ship date. I don't think we need to hold 1.6 for it, it was more of a safe fix to ship there (IMHO). So bz, how about punting to 1.7a? /be
OK. not a 1.6 blocker.
Flags: blocking1.6? → blocking1.6-
All good with me; I wouldn't have been the one checking this in for 1.6 anyway... ;)
Target Milestone: mozilla1.6final → mozilla1.7alpha
I checked the jsapi.[ch] changes reviewed by shaver (attachment 137171 [details] [diff] [review]) into the 1.7a trunk. /be
hyatt says r=hyatt via email.
Summary: [FIX]Adding XBL binding with method to HTML BODY element breaks DOM → [FIXr]Adding XBL binding with method to HTML BODY element breaks DOM
Comment on attachment 137172 [details] [diff] [review] Patch using Brendan's suggestion Marking the r=hyatt
Attachment #137172 - Flags: review?(hyatt) → review+
Checked in for 1.7a.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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