Closed Bug 127514 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

document width of 100% not filling iframe


(Core :: Layout: Images, Video, and HTML Frames, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: chris, Assigned: john)





(2 files)

When comparing 

View the following document in 2 ways
Stand Alone:
In an Iframe:

When the document is inside of an iframe it behaves incorrectly. The results
lead me to believe that either the html or body elements with widths of 100% are
being set to something much smaller then the full width of the iframe element.

1) When first visiting the page in the iframe the background image is not
displayed throughout the full width of the iframe. As the script runs and text
overflows the body width the background gets painted progressively towards the
right of the ifrmae.
2) Elements positioned with percentage values of "left" via javascript are
schrunched to the left side of the iframe. (this is not the case when the page
is viewed standalone)

Perhaps if I get some time I'll make a simplified (and more clear cut) test
case, but this has been bugging me for quite some time and I didn't want to put
off filing the bug any longer.

I've seen this behavior in 0.9.7 & 09.8 on both OS X and win2k (possibly older
behavior), but the page isn't that old) & just confirmemd it was still an issue
with the following nightly:

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en-US; rv:0.9.8+) Gecko/20020223
Assignee: asa → jkeiser
Component: Browser-General → HTMLFrames
Ever confirmed: true
QA Contact: doronr → amar
I see both issues.  The background color not filling the full width (#1) is a
dupe of bug 124090.  The left alignment (#2) goes away if "px" specification of
the style.left is used instead of "%", so this probably a side-effect of #1.
Well, I don't believe #2 is a result of #1, I think its more that they are both
side effects of the width of the document not being the full width of the frame.

From what I saw of that demonstration of bug 124090 (which i didn't run into
before filing this bug) I'm inclined to think these aren't dupes in the true
sense. In particular it seems that in the other is more a case of reflow after
some interaction then this one is - this one seems broken from the start. But
since neither of these are (or have) simple test cases by any means I wouldn't
put money on on it.

For those reasons I'd be more inclined to mark this as blocking bug 124431 along
side of bug 124090, but you folks do whatever you'd think might get all of this
scrolling=no stuff fixed.
The background is screwed up *after* the first "name" is displayed.  To see
this, disable Javascript and reload the page.  Essentially, this page
"interacts" with itself.  Both bugs occur after Javascript changes the attributes.
scrolling=no -> 1.2 (this could still be a dup)
Depends on: 124431
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.2
Looking at it more closely I was inclined to agree that it was a dupe of bug
124090 after all. BUT, after jumping around some of my favorite dhtml sites with
0.9.9 found a page where this is happening with items placed in pixels
measurements. So either the problem is different then this or 124090 states, or
I've run across an altogether different bug with similar symptoms.

The site in question:

Once you sit though the nav animation (dreadfully slow in 0.9.9... but I guess
that's something to take up elsewhere) click on the lower left nav item (OE).
You'll find yourself with this page in the upper frame:

It shows similar behavior as the page at - The background
(black) shrinks to the area only consumed by the page elements. In fact,
something I didn't notice due to lack of a chance on other page, is that I can't
 get a contextual menu when I right click on the empty areas of the frame
(trying to get to View Frame Source).

No longer depends on: 124431
Blocks: 124431
fixed with bug 119849
Depends on: 119849
Hope this attachment works.
Anyways, from what I was able to determine, the bug occurs only after changing
the "style.fontSize" to something else.

In addition, the page atually begins by showin the entire background before it
is finished loaded, then once the page is done loaded and has processed the
onLoad then the background messes up.
fixed with bug 119849
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
WFM 2002041603/Trunk Build on OS/X
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
Component: Layout: HTML Frames → Layout: Images
Product: Core Graveyard → Core
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