Open Bug 1278370 Opened 8 years ago Updated 2 years ago

support https tests in .ini files and harnesses


(Testing :: General, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: jmaher, Unassigned)



right now all of our tests defined in .ini files are loaded via http://<path>/testname.html.

While this is fine, it doesn't give us the ability to test https with little effort.  Right now the solution is to load a frame/window/tab with https and let it work.

What we would like to do is add a field to the manifests, ideally using the tag keywork |https = true|, and when the harness is running the test it could determine if we need to load via http or https.

This doesn't mean we will easily be able to make this work- adding the tag is easy, modifying the different harnesses to support this is tricky and we most likely will run into issues while loading via https.  Doing this wholesale will be very tricky, we load pages from all types of domains and from relative and absolute locations, this will need to be defined per test.

One thing to watch out for is android.  We load all Android tests over a remote webserver, in this case we would have to ensure that webserver is ok serving pages outside of localhost via https- I honestly don't think that will work very well.

Harnesses we have:
* mochitest-plain
* mochitest-chrome
* mochitest-browser-chrome
* xpchsell
* web-platform-tests
* autophone
* talos
* reftest
* mochitest-jetpack
* marionette

while we do not have to support all harnesess, we should support a few of these.

I suspect we can prototype this out with a single unittest and then open it up for other use cases (such as bug 1269531)
Free beer for whoever lands this.
web-platform-tests already supports loading tests that have .https in the filename from an HTTP origin.
There's independently a bug on file for this with mochitest. It seems fixing this for mochitest is/will be a pretty high priority shortly. So we should start with that. I'll make it block and we can use this as a tracking bug.
Depends on: 1286312
No longer blocks: 1269531
Priority: -- → P3
Severity: normal → S3
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