Closed Bug 13180 Opened 25 years ago Closed 22 years ago

[PI] Smart window positioning (multi-screen aware)


(Core Graveyard :: Tracking, defect, P3)

Mac System 8.5


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sdagley, Assigned: danm.moz)



Mac specific platform integration issues: Smart window positioning (multi-screen aware) - remember window positions and sizes across launch and handle placment when not on the main monitor.
Blocks: 4252
Target Milestone: M14
Tagging M14 Assigned for now so Bugzilla won't send me nastygrams
QA Contact: leger → claudius
Summary: [PI] Smart window positioning (multi-screen aware) → [PI] Smart window positioning (multi-screen aware)
This is also an issue for Windows 98 users... leaving it up to sdagley to futz with platform, OS, [PP] if so desired... Changing QA contact to claudius, who has a multiple monitor Mac OS computer, and adding self to cc: list to verify functionality on Windows 98.
Target Milestone: M14 → M15
Moving to M18 to sync with #4252 and assigning to damn as I believe he owns all things window positioning related (or knows who does)
Assignee: sdagley → danm
Target Milestone: M15 → M18
mass-moving all bugs to m21 that are not dofood+, or nsbeta2+
Target Milestone: M18 → M21
Target Milestone: M21 → Future
Probably related to this, with M18, the first time I start the browser everything works fine except for the badly positioned windows. On the second start the main browser window is openened at the combined size of the both screens, positioned in the place where the last browser window was, displaying only white and then the browser hangs. This essentially renders M18 totally useless on my machine. I don't remember older milestones exhibiting the problem and the final version of Netscape 6 works just fine. I'd up the severity.
Jussi: the symptoms you're describing generally imply damaged UI files -- usually a missing CSS file. I don't know why this happens only after your second launch. Big blank windows are a crummy way to inform the user of a problem like that, but that's how it works.
I'm having trouble with un-smart window positioning, too. When I use my PowerBook with an external display, I put Mozilla windows over there. When I disconnect, even after restarting, it doesn't bother to put windows on my (only) display. With browser windows, they're staggered, so if I create enough of them (usually 10-15), one will appear that I can grab the title bar of, and close the rest, and I'm ok. The right-click on image -> Properties window is almost completely off-screen, though, and I can't think of any way to get it back now, or even close it (it won't respond to cmd-W). (Bug 141204 might be related, but it's specifically for re-detecting screens while Mozilla is running; this one doesn't correct itself after restarting Mozilla.)
Old bug, is this a problem on OS X?
Ha! Yeah, this one's been fixed forever. See for example bug 162090, which specifically addresses the issue in comment 7. Note there is still bug 98830 with placement of popup windows (like menus) on multiple monitor Windows systems.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: Future → mozilla1.3alpha
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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