Closed Bug 132756 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

fast-update doesn't handle cvs removed subdirs


(SeaMonkey :: Build Config, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bbaetz, Assigned: john)



(Keywords: helpwanted)


(1 file)

fast-update has two problems I've discovered. Firstly, it uses the return value of system to check for sucess, and then does exit $status. The problem with this is that the return value of system is not the exit code - you need $? >> 8. As a result, the shell seems to take $status % 256, (which is 0 unless cvs core dumped or was killed by a signal) and so make carries on normally, but the .fast-update stamp file isn't updated. The fix for this is to just change the system calls to return $? >> 8, and I have this fixed in my local tree. I don't want to apply it, though, because of another problem. The reason I noticed this is that sometimes .fast-update stamp files aren't updated. I looked at logs, and it seems that we fail if the following happens: consider a directoraty structure, extentions/xmlextras/docs/soap/html (no, this isn't a hypothetical example) Then cvs remove extentions/xmlextras/docs/soap/html and extentions/xmlextras/docs/soap. Now try to update "extentions/xmlextras/docs/soap/html" The result: cvs [update aborted]: no such directory `extensions/xmlextras/docs/soap' Oops. So cvs exits with code 1, and we don't update the stamp file, but make keeps going because of the above problem. Now, I'm not entirely certain why this happens, since I don't keep logs on my machine, and brad-fast was pulling checkouts since Mar 9, which is past what tbox keeps. My guess is that the cvs update process was interrupted for some reason, or there was a local conflict, so the stamp wasn't updated and the update was run again. The other option (more likely with brad-fast than my machine) is that if you pull twice within an hour, the directories will still be considered, so the first time everything works correctly, then subsequently it fails, and from then on the timestamp never gets updated unless you fix it manually (which Brad did on the machine this afternoon) I don't know how to solve this. We could reverse the sort, but then we'd fail on adding new directories, when trying to add the subdir before the main directory. We could detect additions by checking to see if the directories' parent exists locally (if not, update the base, and only update the subdir if the base still exists), but I don't know if that works in all cases - what if a subdir really has no files in it, only other subdirectories?. Anyone got some better suggestions?
Priority: -- → P5
Target Milestone: --- → Future
-> bbaetz
Assignee: seawood → bbaetz
Priority: P5 → --
Target Milestone: Future → ---
Keywords: helpwanted
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.1beta
Target Milestone: mozilla1.1beta → Future
Blocks: 88461
Attached patch PatchSplinter Review
OK, I tracked this problem down. What's happening is, you (as do most people) have update -dP in your .cvsrc. Now when we try to update the directory, we first check to see if it exists--if it doesn't, we update the parent. At this stage we do an update -dP and get the children directories. But if -P is in the .cvsrc, we simply don't grab the children directories, and thus the subsequent attempt to update in the child directories is doomed. My solution was to not grab options from .cvsrc (the -f option), which turns off pruning; another possibility is to check if the directory was actually created before updating and pretending we succeeded, but it seems like that could break if the process legitimately failed to grab the subdirectories. If we combined that check with breaking early if there is an error, that would probably fix that. Finally, I think even in that case we still need to do -f and explicitly set -P if we really want it. My fast-update now succeeds happily through the last 950 hours of checkins (that was how long ago it got stuck).
Attachment #117733 - Flags: review?(bbaetz)
However is decided to be best, I'll take this.
Assignee: bbaetz → jkeiser
Either tinderbox or is adding those options. I don't have a .cvsrc file.
Comment on attachment 117733 [details] [diff] [review] Patch BRad: Err, you do, cause I added one the other day. I didn't think of this Why isn't the -l sufficient, though?
I suspect -P always prunes a directory if it's empty, period. -l just means don't recurse AFAICT; if there is nothing to check out in the directory it probably prunes it.
Attachment #117733 - Flags: review?(bbaetz) → review+
Attachment #117733 - Flags: superreview?(alecf)
Comment on attachment 117733 [details] [diff] [review] Patch sr=alecf make me wonder if we should be consolidating the calls to cvs.
Attachment #117733 - Flags: superreview?(alecf) → superreview+
oh, and if we're not going to use ~/.cvsrc, can we at least add -z3 and -q?
Wow, I forgot about this one. Fix checked in.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
BTW, Alec, I added -z3 and -q to the options as requested.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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