Closed Bug 134308 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Closing 'Check Spelling' does not honor previous command Send


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: olgam, Assigned: sspitzer)



(Keywords: regression)

Build: 03-28-02 trunk, Win2K, Linux.

Overview: 'Check Spelling' dialog changed its behavior on Close. I used to close
it by pressing Alt+F4 when wanted to Send the message without checking spelling.
It worked couple builds/days ago, now it closes the dialog but still shows my
not sent message. 

Steps to reproduce: First check Preferences setting in Mail&Newsgroup,
Composition: 'Check spelling before sending' should be marked. 
1. Compose message with expectation that 'Check Spelling' will suggest changes.
For instance, I know it usually suggests to change my name from Olga to Alga -
no need :-)   2. Click on Send (I do Ctrl+Enter).  3. When 'Check Spelling'
appears, close it.

Actual Results: compose window is shown again. 

Expected Results: My message is sent.
Keywords: regression
QA Contact: olgam → esther
Is this still a bug?  If so, should it be nominated for "nsbeta1"?
Blocks: 119232
I don't believe this is a bug.

Closing a window with Alt+F4 is equivalent to clicking on the cancel button.

Closing the window should not cause the spellcheckint to be ignored, it means
you meant "never mind"

What you should be doing is clicking on the Send button in the spellchecker
dialog to cause the mail to be sent regardless of the spelling errors.
This was opened long before Mozilla had a spellchecker.  So were many
spellchecker bugs.  Is this about a separately installable spellchecker
interface that early versions had?

But either:
- in that version, there was only Close button and no Send button, in which case
this is (indirectly) fixed
- the reporter just didn't see the Send button, in which case this is invalid.
stewart: the spellchecker ui was available to netscape users and testers because
netscape licensed and used a spellchecker backend.

Personally I agree w/ mkaply
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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