Closed Bug 135120 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Browser freezes while listening to music


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: maxie_ro, Assigned: Matti)


From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9) Gecko/20020313
BuildID:    2002031312

I started Mozilla. I browsed some websites for some time. Then i started
Xmms and i played a mp3 from a cd. I realised that mozilla wasn't responding any
more. I could scroll the pages that were already loaded, but if i pressed a
link, it said "Sending request to..." and it freezed. The progress bar was also
frozen at about 1/3. If i minimize it and try to maximize it back, the window
wont't show up. It works again while XMMS goes to the next mp3, but only for a
very short period, while the cd is beeing accesed for the next file. Then,
again, it freezes. The only way to unfreeze it is to stop playing the songs. If
i only pause xmms, it doesn't work. I thought it may be a problem with XMMS, and
i tried Kde media player. The same thing happened. I thought it is a hardware
conflict (sound board-network card) but every other programs that use the
network works just fine.(eg konqueror)

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1.Open mozilla and start browsing.
2.Open a mp3 player (XMMS, KDE Media Player).
3.Play a song from a CD

Actual Results:  it freezes

Expected Results:  not freezing
were you by any chance visiting a page that has a flash movie?

(do you have flash plugin installed?)
Yes, i looked now and there is a flash animation on that page, but without sounds.
Yes, i have the latest flash from macromedia installed a few days ago.

 Another thing i observed right now, while recreating the conditions of the
problem: while i was looking at the page, which is a forum, i saw that the
picture of an emoticon (smiley) was suddenly replaced by the icon found on the
adress bar. This is very strange. I scrolled down and up the page and the icon
was again different... and i didn't saw the last icon around here (mozilla or
another program). And it just kept on changing. I must say that the page is a
standard forum with standard smileys, not animated gifs. I know very well that
forum. All other smileys are fine.
yes, flash is the problem; i've also tried, and it freezes either,
while others don't
himm... Konqueror works with the same sites while listening music, and i can see
the flash animations... again mozilla freezes...
anyway, i want mozilla, not konqueror x-(, cause the last one is too... you know...
sounds like bug 58339, but that one occurs with flash trying to play audio ...
no, it's the same bug for sure...
1.i have ac'97 onboard
2.if i run "artsdsp /[..]/mozilla" it works just fine
seems like the flash plugin is trying to open the sound device no matter if
there is sound to be played or not in the flash animation
thanks Vadim :)
ok. marking as dupe

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 58339 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
nope, my mistake... it works sometimes... sometimes it doesn't work... but IT IS
the same bug for sure... i have installed flash 5, so this shouldn't be working
with artdsp or without it... puah... and it doesn't work... uhhhhhhhh... 
-> vrfy
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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