Closed Bug 135793 Opened 23 years ago Closed 21 years ago

In <win046.html> JavaScript Testcase: 'window.frames' value should be checked for 'Window' instead of 'WindowCollection'


(Developer Documentation Graveyard :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mrt300, Assigned: stefanh)





(2 files)

From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:0.9.9) Gecko/20020311 BuildID: 2002031104 window.frames returns Window object instead of WindowCollection object on the Client-Side JavaScript Test page. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.Open the page. Actual Results: The test failed because the wrong type of Object is return. Expected Results: A WindowCollection object should be returned instead of a Window object.
Confirming reported behavior with Mozilla trunk build 20020330xx WinNT. The following javascript: URL may be used to test this: javascript: alert(window.frames) For me, this is returning "[object Window]" in Mozilla, and not "[object WindowCollection]" Reassigning to DOM Level 0, since this is a DOM property.
Assignee: rogerl → jst
Component: JavaScript Engine → DOM Level 0
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Windows XP → All
QA Contact: pschwartau → desale
Who says a WindowCollection object should be returned? That testcase seems flawed to me.
At least until recently we were returning '[object WindowCollection]'; see:
This was changed something like a year ago, it's an intentional change for backwards compatibility, we need window.frames === window since real sites out there rely on window.frames to have properties like name and location. Don't ask why. Over to desale, the testcase needs to be updated.
Assignee: jst → desale
*** Bug 142479 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 168865 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 177033 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** needs to be updated with reference to this bug so others (like me ;-) don't attempt to report it. This change should be made irrespective of whether the test needs to be changed.
Same issue here. Please fix or remove the test.
Blocks: 142649
[Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win95; en-US; rv:1.4a) Gecko/20030401] Bug still there. In the meantime, who can do comment 8 to avoid more duplicates ? Based on <> source, it seems straight forward: In <> source, replace "Bug report required" by "Bug# 135793".
Summary: window.frames returns wrong object → In <win046.html> JavaScript Testcase: 'window.frames' value should be checked for 'Window' instead of 'WindowCollection'
Attached file Revised win046.html
I changed the [object WindowCollection] lines to [object Window]. I'm not totally sure about what, if anything, that should be added to the top comment of the file. Anyone care to help me out?
As of version 1.5a, the test: still fails; the results still report it received [object Window] when expecting [object WindowCollection]; this bug ID is not displayed in the "Bug Number" column. Either of two things is happening: The test case has not been fixed/updated; or the fixes are not getting into the build for some reason.
RE: Comment #12: It's the testcase that has not been fixed/updated...
Taking bug...
Assignee: desale → stefan_h
Comment on attachment 131113 [details] [diff] [review] Simple fix, same as in comment #11. Seeking "r" for simple fix of DOM 0 testcase.
Attachment #131113 - Flags: review?(caillon)
Comment on attachment 131113 [details] [diff] [review] Simple fix, same as in comment #11. We really should make these testcases check what type of object they are instanceof rather than compares .toString() outputs....
Re comment 4 Is the change supposed to apply to standards-compliant mode as well?
Comment on attachment 131113 [details] [diff] [review] Simple fix, same as in comment #11. Let's fix the testcase to not check the .toString() value, but rather to check instanceof instead.
Attachment #131113 - Flags: review?(caillon)
I checked in stefan's patch in the mean time so that people stop wondering about this "bug". I filed bug 226711 for the instanceof issue. Marking this fixed.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: DOM: Level 0 → Mozilla Developer
Product: Browser → Documentation
Version: Trunk → unspecified
Component: Mozilla Developer → Documentation Requests
Product: Documentation → Mozilla Developer Center
Component: Documentation Requests → Documentation
Component: Documentation → General
Product: Mozilla Developer Network → Developer Documentation
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