Closed Bug 135919 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Prefill form in context menu gone


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: moz, Assigned: mpt)



(Keywords: regression)

From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9+) Gecko/20020405
BuildID:    2002040510

Right click "Prefill Form" isn't in the context menus anymore. Is that by design?

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1.Have the contents of the bugzilla login form saved by the form manager.
2.Go to the bugzilla login form.
3.Try to prefill it with a right mouse button click.

Actual Results:  The entry has gone.

Expected Results:  I would like to have it back there, but if there's good
reasoning behind not having it there...
Blocks: 135841
Keywords: regression
it was removed as part of the large context menu landing ...
OS: Linux → All
The removal was part of a comprehensive context menu redesign.  See
3a.html for the full context menu spec that was implemented.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
The spec doesn't mention form prefill at all. I think, this renders the Form
Manager pretty useless. Why don't we remove that as well if there's no obvious
way of using it? (Submenues and shortcuts aren't obvious.)

Changing summary to "No obvious way to prefill form", reopening and cc'ing
Marlon Bishop (author of the spec).
Resolution: INVALID → ---
Summary: Prefill Form in context menu gone → No obvious way to prefill form
Depends on: 136037
As per Asa in MozillaZine - just double-click on the form field.  We don't need
it in the context menu or in a keyboard shortcut.  Suggest closing this bug as
there now is an "easy way to prefill form" - granted, it wasn't "obvious"...
Wow, double-click is cool. But this bug is now about an _obvious_ way to prefill
a form. I'll leave this bug open. Like this, people can find it with quick
search (and suggest improvements).
Okay, you're right.  Just because *WE* know how to do this doesn't mean that
anybody else would.  There's nothing in the UI indicating this as a possibility.

How about changing the text for Tools -> Manager -> Fill In Form to read:

Fill In Form          Double-Click On Field

That way, once they go to the menus, they'll see the alternative "quick" method?
Form manager isn't hidden in a submenu.  "Fill in Form" and "Save Form Info" are
on the Edit menu.
Hm, true, I've only seen the entry under Tools/Form Manager. Got to get used to
the new structure...
Suggesting summary: "[RFE] Add 'prefill form' to context menu"

That would be more or less the old summary. For me, it's important, that the
user has a chance to learn about that feature and about how to use it.
Double clicking the form field does nothing for me on OS X build 2002040903

From what I understand, this should enable me to prefill the form (or is it just
for the field that I double click on?).  However, this does not give the user
access to Save Form Data.

I am in a hurry to go meet someone, so I am not going to take the time to post a
comment to bug 136037 but perhaps Jason can make a call as to whether or ot it
should be reopened for a keyboard shortcut for Save Form Data; personally I
still think there should be a keyboard shortcut for Prefill Form too - keyboard
shortcuts never hurt anyone AFAIK.
No longer depends on: 136037
Mark: I've done several things.

Reopened bug 136037 since double-click does not prefill the entire form, just
the form field clicked, so it is not a complete fix for the lost prefill form
command.      Removed the dependency of this bug to that one - having a keyboard
shortcut is not the *only* method of having an obvious way of prefilling the
form; closing out that bug should not have closed out this one.  Also modifed
Summary of bug 136037 to include keyboard shortcut to Save Form Data.
Note: If double-clicking to prefill the form field does not work on OSX, perhaps
bug 48982 should be reopened.
*** Bug 139498 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
readd this feature in the context menue !!!!

I don't like the new Contex menue ! The old one was very easy to handle and got
a good amount of features...

PLEASE !!! bring back the "Prefill Form" optin into the Conitext menue !!!!

I need these two options:

1. Prefill Form
2. Remember Form data

the Form manager seems to be completly useless after removing this options ;(
This Is/was one of those great Mozilla features i'm really liked.

Please don't remove this ;(
I don't think it likely it will go back into the context menus - despite your
plea.  <grin> More likely it will become a keyboard shortcut, or double-click
might be expanded to prefill the whole form rather than just the form field. 
(Although I certainly wouldn't object if it went back into the context menus, I
just don't think that we're going to change people's minds on that one.
Why ?
This options in the context menue are pretty good... Damn !
Why remove them ?


While not really wanted to get into a discussion of why the Context menu was 
changed (although I prefered the old way!), I would like to point out that the
Front-End tests for Form Manager have not been changed to reflect this. The 
second "active" test in:

says I'm suppose to be able to right-click and save form data, which is no
longer available. 

Added Terri to the CC list.

One more comment that makes need for right-click form menu more important - how
to manage forms in pop up windows, that open with no menu??
This bug has morphed.  The original summary talks about the form-manager items 
not appearing in the context menu, and the description does so as well.  As 
such, this is a dup of bug 135750.

If there is another bug to be considered, that should be opened as a separate 
bug report.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 135750 ***
Closed: 23 years ago22 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Read comment 3, comment 5, and comment 6.  These all mention what this bug is
about.  The "original" summary?  It was changed to better reflect the intent of
this bug (as per comment 3).  It is not a duplicate of bug 135750 at all. 
Please re-open and remove duplication status.
I'd prefer to read the original summary and the description to know what this 
bug was originally about.  And that indicates that it is indeed a dup of bug 

Comments 3, 4, and 6 are a morphing the bug.  The correct thing to do is to open 
a new bug report about the new issue, and leave this bug with its original 
request closed as a dup.
Filed bug 143881.

Note: I do not agree in any way that bugs should never "morph".  Nor do I think
that anybody should be so inflexible as to insist that they can only deal with a
bug by having to read just the original summary and description.  Bugs are
dynamic, not static, and to gain an appreciation of what's going on the history
of the bug needs to be understood in context.
Changing summary from 

     No obvious way to prefill form

to its original wording

     Prefill Form in context menu gone

so there is no confusion as to what was marked as a dup of what and why.  The 
report for "No obvious way to prefill form" is still alive and well and living 
in bug 143881.
Summary: No obvious way to prefill form → Prefill form in context menu gone
Component: User Interface Design → Browser-General
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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