Closed Bug 136517 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Mozilla hangs at


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: csani, Assigned: Matti)




(Keywords: hang)

From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9+) Gecko/20020407
BuildID:    2002040706

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open the URL

This Mozilla has the Java 1.3.1-b24 and Shockwave Flash 5.0 r47 plugins installed.
On another Mozilla, where there are no pluings installed yet (and an earlier
Mozilla - 0.9.9), the URL displayes correctly (of course, without the parts in
need for a plugin)

So it has got to do something with how Mozilla handles the plugins...
WFM 2002040903/Win2K (Shockwave Flash 5.0 r41, Java Plug-in 1.4.0)
Keywords: hang
Dup of bug 58339 ? There's a flash animation on the page.

Is your /dev/dsp busy when the hang occures? (Playing music with xmms or other?)
There is also an es1371 sound-driver issue.
No, /dev/dsp is not busy when opening the page.
However, I _do_ have es1731 here, using the Free OSS kernel module es1371.
Hmm. And which sound daemon? Some comments in bug 58339 (es1371 users) tell they
managed to work around the problem by using the esd sound daemon.
No sound daemon here.
I am not using a sound daemon. I run applications which don't work with a sound
daemon (esd for example).
I find it strange that a plugin can hang Mozilla, destroying the open sessions
in other Mozilla windows and it really annoys me. ;)
It very counter-productive. I usually have several open web sessions (mail
compose, forums) which I don't want to re-eenter (or worse, lose data) each time
I bump into such a website which sends my Mozilla sessions to hell :)

But hey, thanks for the idea (dirty workaround :P)!
I am also in the middle of ->ALSA migration, maybe that also helps...
Macromedia have a new version of Flash for Linux out - you may want to try it:
It just states "minor bugfixes" but who knows..

Flash can be found via
(wversion 5.0r48 is the new one)

As for finding out whether your sound driver is holding on to /dev/dsp all on
it's own, you could try "/sbin/lsof /dev/dsp" and see if anything turns up.
(lsof, "list open files", utility included with most linux distros)
Thanks, but IMHO

fuser -av /dev/dsp

is the best choice for finding out if there are any processes holding that file ;)
I'm heading to Freshmeat for r48, thanks a lot! :)
So János is this still a problem for you or not ?
Yes, it is still a problem for me, but now its rather a general problem, not
closely related to the mentioned URL...
My problem is that Moz (or, rather, on of the plugins, eg: java_vm or flash)
quite often crashes when the sound device cannot be opened for the plugin, which
also crashes all of my other parallell open web sessions. That one is really

Should I open another bug for that, or stay here?
So it's a duplicate of bug 58339

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 58339 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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