Closed Bug 136986 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

context menu at image URL should always be image's context menu


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: bugzilla)




(Keywords: access)

if the mouse pointer isn't over the image itself (when the URL for an image
file), then the resulting context menu is just for the regular content area.

this might initially seem trivial, but not so if someone is surfing without a
mouse. using the keyboard (shift+F10 for win32/unix, control+space for mac) to
bring up the context menu will only bring up the one for the content area, not
the image as URL.
is it possible to apply the context menu for image as url for the entire page
content in this case?
Blocks: 135841
Keywords: access
QA Contact: paw → sairuh
See also bug 67544, "Save As.. should be removed from context menu for image URLs".

I don't think this is an accessibility issue.  Most of the things you would want
to do with the image (save image, copy image address) are already on the main
menus, which are easier to get to using the keyboard than the context menu.
Summary: context menu for image as URL should persist regardless of pointer position → context menu at image URL should always be image's context menu
This should be easily doable by just checking document.contentType and if it's
"image/something" doing the image context menu everywhere.
gah, realized this bug is invalid --since the menu for "image as url" hasn't
really been implemented. the current menu (when pointer is over the image
itself) is the same as the one for "inline image".

anyhow, filed bug 138074 for the "image as url" issue.
No longer blocks: 135841
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
Component: XP Apps: GUI Features → UI Design
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