Closed Bug 138084 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

NSC_Initialize leaves a slot list even if it fails


(NSS :: Libraries, defect, P1)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: julien.pierre, Assigned: julien.pierre)



(1 file)

Consider the following test program : #include "nss.h" int main(int argc, char** argv) { SECStatus rv = NSS_Initialize("1", "2", "3", "secmod.db", NSS_INIT_READONLY); if (SECSuccess != rv) { rv = NSS_NoDB_Init("."); } NSS_Shutdown(); } In this case, the program attempts to initialize NSS with NSS_Initialize(). If it doesn't find its cert/key/secmod databases, it will revert to using NSS_NoDB_Init(). The problem occurs during shutdown. There is an assertion in NSC_Finalize in softoken. Debugging shows that there are 4 slots in the slot list instead of 2 as there should be. Further investigation shows that - NSC_Initialize got called twice during NSS_Initialize. SECMOD_LoadPKCS11Module does 2 attempts to load a module, one with thread safety and one without. 213 if (PK11_GETTAB(mod)->C_Initialize(&secmodLockFunctions) != CKR_OK) { 214 mod->isThreadSafe = PR_FALSE; 215 if (PK11_GETTAB(mod)->C_Initialize(NULL) != CKR_OK) goto fail; 216 } Both times, the crypto slot was added to the slot list, and the internal db slot failed to be added - NSC_Initialize got called a third time from NSS_NoDB_Init . At that point, both slots were added properly (the db slot is an empty slot), filling slots 3 and 4. The fix is to destroy the entire softoken slot list if any slot fails to be added within NSC_Initialize.
Reassigning to self
Assignee: wtc → jpierre
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: --- → 3.4.1
Bob, I looked at the other possible error cases related to that list. I didn't see anything else that could cause the shutdown code to go bad. I did find a potential memory leak in an error case though, due to a realloc(). This is a diff of my fix for it. I'd like to check it in at the same time as the patch I attached, which hasn't changed. *** 2076,2085 **** } } if (nscSlotCount >= nscSlotListSize) { nscSlotListSize += NSC_SLOT_LIST_BLOCK_SIZE; ! nscSlotList = (CK_SLOT_ID *) PORT_Realloc(nscSlotList, nscSlotListSize*sizeof(CK_SLOT_ID)); if (nscSlotList == NULL) { return NULL; } } --- 2076,2089 ---- } } if (nscSlotCount >= nscSlotListSize) { + CK_SLOT_ID* oldNscSlotList = nscSlotList; + CK_ULONG oldNscSlotListSize = nscSlotListSize; nscSlotListSize += NSC_SLOT_LIST_BLOCK_SIZE; ! nscSlotList = (CK_SLOT_ID *) PORT_Realloc(oldNscSlotList, nscSlotListSize*sizeof(CK_SLOT_ID)); if (nscSlotList == NULL) { + nscSlotList = oldNscSlotList; + nscSlotListSize = oldNscSlotListSize; return NULL; } }
I checked in the fix to both NSS_3_4_BRANCH and the tip.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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