Closed Bug 139473 Opened 23 years ago Closed 21 years ago

mozilla does not to generate SPKAC (KEYGEN) when using KEYTYPE="RSA"


(Core Graveyard :: Security: UI, defect)

1.0 Branch
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: hurtta+mozilla, Assigned: jgmyers)





(3 files)

I seems to unable to get Mozilla 1.0 RC1 (BuilID 2002041711) to submit SPKAC to server. Server indicates that SPKAC is not given (or is empty). From works with Netscape® Communicator 4.79 There of course can be something wrong of form. Form is following: <form METHOD="POST" ENCTYPE="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"> <input TYPE="hidden" NAME="serial" VALUE="T045"> <li><b>Nimi: </b> <input TYPE="text" NAME="CN" VALUE="Etunimi Sukunimi (wwwtunnus T045)" SIZE=50><br> Säilytä nimen lopussa teksti <tt>(wwwtunnus T045)</tt>. Käytetty mekanismi ei mahdollista useamman varmenteen myöntämistä samalla nimellä, joten jos poistat tämän, et voi saada uutta varmennetta tämän vanhettua. <li><b>Yksikkö: </b><ol> <li><input TYPE="radio" NAME="OU" VALUE="Tietohallinto">Tietohallinto </li> <li><input TYPE="radio" NAME="OU" VALUE="Peruspalvelu">Peruspalvelu </li> <li><input TYPE="radio" NAME="OU" VALUE="Havaintotoiminta">Havaintotoiminta </li> <li><input TYPE="radio" NAME="OU" VALUE="Meteorologia">Meteorologia </li> <li><input TYPE="radio" NAME="OU" VALUE="Ilmanlaatu">Ilmanlaatu </li> <li><input TYPE="radio" NAME="OU" VALUE="Geofysiikka">Geofysiikka </li> <li><input TYPE="radio" NAME="OU" VALUE="Asiakaspalvelu">Asiakaspalvelu </li> <li><input TYPE="radio" NAME="OU" VALUE="Hallinto">Hallinto </li> <li><input TYPE="radio" NAME="OU" VALUE="Muu" CHECKED><input TYPE="text" NAME="OU_TEXT" VALUE="" SIZE=40> </li> </ol> Laitos: <input TYPE="text" NAME="O" VALUE="Ilmatieteen laitos" SIZE=40><br> Maakoodi: <input TYPE="text" NAME="C" VALUE="FI" SIZE=2> <li><b>Sähköposti: </b> <input TYPE="text" NAME="emailAddress" VALUE="" SIZE=40> <li>Avainkoko: <keygen NAME="SPKAC" CHALLENGE="" KEYTYPE="RSA"><br> Jos yllä ei ole mahdollisuutta valita avainkokoa, selaimesi ei generoi sinulle julkista ja salaista avainta. Näin ollen tämä lomake ei toimi. </ul> <input TYPE="submit" NAME="Generoi avaimet" VALUE="Generoi avaimet"><input TYPE="reset" VALUE="(reset)"><input TYPE="hidden" NAME=".cgifields" VALUE="OU"></form><hr><tt>$Id:,v 1.6 2002/04/23 13:20:08 hurtta Exp $ </tt> ( Or is product "PSM" instead of "Browser" on this case? )
Attached file Testcase
wfm on Linux build 2002-04-19-10-trunk... it does the same thing as on netscape 4.x
No, no. Display is not the issue here, what is sent to the server is. Kari, does this work with _any_ mozilla build? I'm not completely sure KEYGEN is even implemented in Mozilla (it _is_ in the commercial tree). Also, see bug 94690...
Does not work with Build ID 2002031312 I think that does not work with any mozilla build. My debug log says same thing with Build ID 2002031312: Apr 24 16:21:14 wwwtunnus[193361508]: create_spkac: 400 SPKAC Missing I asked someone to test Netscape 6.2. Result was same Apr 24 16:30:15 wwwtunnus[196618175]: create_spkac: 400 SPKAC Missing
Assignee: alexsavulov → ssaux
Component: Form Submission → Client Library
Ever confirmed: true
Product: Browser → PSM
QA Contact: vladimire → junruh
Version: other → 2.0
John, can you test. I suspect that the utf8 issues are biting us here. the fix to bug 90956 may help.
Mozilla does not anyway indicate that it will be generate public key / secret key pair (as Netscape does). It either does not ask master password for certificate store. So it definately looks like key generation is not triggered although <keygen -tag is regognized.
Just a example what Netscape responses when pressing "Generoi avaimet" on testcase. That is for comparision. On mozilla 1.0 RC1 there anything like that, and security manager definately need password for Certificate DB. Otherwise it can not store generated private key to Certificate DB. (Mozilla calls that as "master password for Software Security Device".)
John can you run your KEYGEN tests to see if anything is broken on our test suite?
Version: 2.0 → 2.2
I have no problem with Keygen getting a Verisign cert. See the above URL
Reporter, if you will remove KEYTYPE="RSA", this works, even though it then doesn't appear to match the specs.
Ok. Form works with mozilla (Build ID 2002051009) when I remove KEYTYPE="RSA". RCS file: /cvs/adm/www/,v retrieving revision 1.6 diff -u -r1.6 --- 2002/04/23 13:20:08 1.6 +++ 2002/05/17 07:31:58 @@ -436,9 +436,13 @@ -default=>$email_default, -size=>40); + + # On Mozilla there is bug that this does not work if + # there is KEYTYPE="RSA" (althoug specs says there there + # should be that) print <<EOT -<li>Avainkoko: <KEYGEN NAME="SPKAC" CHALLENGE="" KEYTYPE="RSA"><br> +<li>Avainkoko: <KEYGEN NAME="SPKAC" CHALLENGE=""><br> Jos yllä ei ole mahdollisuutta valita avainkokoa, selaimesi ei generoi sinulle julkista ja salaista avainta. Näin ollen tämä lomake ei toimi. (Or at least mozilla seems generate valid data.) However because mozilla does not work when doing form according of the specs, I think that this bug is still valid. Changing subject.
Summary: Unable to get mozilla 1.0 RC1 to generate SPKAC (KEYGEN) → mozilla does not to generate SPKAC (KEYGEN) when using KEYTYPE="RSA"
I can get Mozilla to generate keys without the KEYTYPE flag set, but when I try to sign them with the CA key, whatever SPKAC Mozilla generates is not recognized by OpenSSL. Any ideas?
Mass reassign ssaux bugs to nobody
Assignee: ssaux → nobody
The code appears to be doing a case-sensitive comparison to "rsa".
Assignee: nobody → jgmyers
Attachment #142977 - Flags: review?(ddrinan0264)
Attachment #142977 - Flags: superreview?(jag)
Attachment #142977 - Flags: review?(ddrinan0264) → review+
Comment on attachment 142977 [details] [diff] [review] Treat KEYTYPE case insensitively sr=jag
Attachment #142977 - Flags: superreview?(jag) → superreview+
Fix checked in.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: PSM → Core
Version: psm2.2 → 1.0 Branch
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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