Closed Bug 141350 Opened 23 years ago Closed 18 years ago

Gecko Embedding Basics tracking bug


(Developer Documentation Graveyard :: General, defect)

Windows 98
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jeev13, Assigned: jeev13)




Please file any questions, additions, errors, etc re: this document here.
QA Contact: imajes → rudman
Moz wrapper .css added unexpected bold to two pages. Will do workaround.
Looks great! Here are some humble suggestions: * Add the TOC to the start page, as an overview of what the guide is about. * Is this guide linked from and If not, hook it up for public usage. Perhaps even post a note to the front page of so people will notice this new document. * From the XUL/XBL page, link to ; their documentation is by far better (and better up-to-date) than ours.
The TOC is easily available from the opening page, and this is traditionally how we've done the docs. It's certainly changeable, though, if there is a strong feeling about it. The only link in for the moment is from the embedding project page, which is where most folks who might need this will probably be looking. The doc stuff is in the process of being reorganized and will probably link to this as well. The XUL Planet suggestion is a good one. I'll put it on my update to do list. Thanks.
Excellent job Ellen! "Netscape and Mozilla both use XUL for their interfaces, but not all embedders chose to use it." I think you want to say "choose" not "chose" On page 12 - What Gecko Provides - most of the page is bold. Is that intentional? If you want to include any information about our support for accessibility, or our future plans, let me know. Most of the info is at
Couple more spelling errors on Page 16: - View Manger - things like platform specific event [ missing an s in events ]
The bold on "What You Provide" and "What Gecko Provides" are the result of the .css file on the wrapper. I'm trying to work it out.
Bold problem fixed.
Ellen One other thing I'd like to have is a list of interfaces that are frozen as of Mozilla 1.0. Not before, or not after. In other words, a version of the doc at that is frozen as of the 1.0 release. James is willing to create this doc, but we don't want to duplicate effort if you are working on this. I apologize if you've had this discussion with James, but can you let us know if you're working on this, or if there's any reason James shouldn't plow ahead? thanks mitchell
Mitchell - There is the document at which is a pretty good first cut at documenting the frozen interfaces as of 1.0. Some things haven't yet made it - the network stuff being the biggest chunk - but they will be there in fairly short order. It would be fairly simple to add some sort of "frozen by <milestone>" to each of the interfaces if that would be useful information. James and I have exchanged emails about this - I was dismayed to hear he had already put some time in on the work. But it does seem as if it would be a duplication of effort to have him develop his own cut at the APIs. Thanks. Ellen
I think James will be OK, I'm glad we learned of your work before he got too far. Your suggestion of adding a "frozen@milestone" info might be helpful. Or is there some easier way for a reader to tell if the referenced API has been frozen? It doesn't sound like this suggestion would actually generate a list of APIs frozen as of 1.0. We've talked a great deal about Mozilla 1.0 being important because of a set of APIs that are frozen and can be relied on. I'd like to have a list that says "and here is that set of APIs." An LXR query won't do it once additional APIs are frozen after 1.0 (or even frozen on the trunk before 1.0 is released). Am I missing some simple technique? mitchell
I can just version a copy of the APIs I'm doing at 1.0 - that would be simple enough. But there are other APIs I'm not documenting - for example the DOM stuff, which lives in a document Ian did. Or any of the XUL/XBL stuff. Creating some sort of super-index of all of them would be one way to go to get a _Frozen at 1.0_ set. Would James be interested in doing that? Another thing this whole experience brings up is the woeful state of communication re: docs between mozilla and Netscape. We probably need to come up with a better way of trying to keep potential reduplication (and thus waste of precious resources) at a minimum. Ideas?
Well, we have the newsgroup netscape.public.mozilla.documentation ... that's a good starting point for communication across boundaries. :-)
Ditto what Hakan said. We did have the Mozilla Documentation Project page, which was an attempt to provide an infrastructure for establishing who was doing what. It didn't get very far. And though the page still exists, it doesn't appear to be accessible from any of the new Moz doc pages.
so now i know why i wasn't getting mail about this, *no-one* cc'ed me! :) -- james
Two humble suggestions: * Replace graphic buttons with text. * The logo "Gecko Embedding Basics" takes up much space. You could replace it by a horizontal logo. This could sometimes prevent scrolling.
Added ref to XULPlanet
on old: Web browsing typically involves a large amount of string manipulation. Mozilla has developed a hierarchy of C++ classes to facilitate such manipulation and to render it efficient and quick. should be: Web browsing (snip typically) involves... ... render it quickLY and efficientLY.
Actually, no. "Quick and efficient" modifies "string manipulation" not "render". The word render here means "make" not "draw on the screen"
Under common browser tasks, I think you should show people the declaration for mWebBrowser, so they know what type it is. I haven't checked other areas of the docs for the same problem. //Create an instance of the Mozilla embeddable browser HRESULT CBrowserView::CreateBrowser() { // Create a web shell nsresult rv; mWebBrowser = do_CreateInstance(NS_WEBBROWSER_CONTRACTID, &rv); if(NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
Ok, maybe I'm being really really picky, but I'm trying to embed Gecko into a wxWindows-based application. (With any luck, it'll result in the class wxGecko :) ) My development environment is Mandrake Linux 9.0, with the mandrake supplied rpm's of mozilla 1.1. I'm having a real hard time grokking how to embed Gecko. In concept, it seems simple enough, right? Initialize XPCOM, make sure to terminate it. So you initialize it when the app starts, and you terminate it when the app terminates. Problem is, what include files do I use? How do I include the declarations for the functions to initialize and terminate XPCOM, and what files do I include for the nsWebBrowser interface (et al, it looks like that one will satisfy my needs)? I ask, because as I'm sure you're aware, typically you have the .h files somewhere in your include path, and you include the one you need. Then the linker sorts out where the functions/classes actually are. Dave
Embedding Gecko is a somewhat more complex task that just dropping nsWebBrowser into one's code. As the document says, the best place to get an idea of what an embedded browser might look like is, where an example from each of the platforms is available. Sample manifest files can be found in mozilla/embedding/config. update MRE link to
Updated to GRE link
At the end of the page there's an '"' (doublequote) missing that make the author's e-mail address look strange. Here is a patch generated by Index: mozilla-org/html/projects/embedding/embedoverview/EmbeddingBasics6.html =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla-org/html/projects/embedding/embedoverview/EmbeddingBasics6.html,v retrieving revision 1.8 diff -u -r1.8 EmbeddingBasics6.html --- mozilla-org/html/projects/embedding/embedoverview/EmbeddingBasics6.html 7 Jul 2003 20:03:36 -0000 1.8 +++ mozilla-org/html/projects/embedding/embedoverview/EmbeddingBasics6.html 29 Jul 2003 18:19:36 -0000 @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ <a name="1000474"> </a>For more information<br> </div> <p class="Body"> - <a name="1000479"> </a>More information on XPCOM in general can be found at <a href=""></a>. For an overview of creating XPCOM components, see Chapter 8 of O'Reilly's <i>Creating Applications with Mozilla</i>, an open source version of which is available at<a href=""></a>. There is also a new book completely devoted to this topic, <i>Creating XPCOM Components</i>, available at <a href="></a>. A fuller explanation of some of the underlying logic to COM systems can be found in the early chapters of <i>Essential COM</i> by Don Box. While it focusses on MSCOM in particular, the book does provide an excellent background on some of the core rationales for using such an object model. + <a name="1000479"> </a>More information on XPCOM in general can be found at <a href=""></a>. For an overview of creating XPCOM components, see Chapter 8 of O'Reilly's <i>Creating Applications with Mozilla</i>, an open source version of which is available at<a href=""></a>. There is also a new book completely devoted to this topic, <i>Creating XPCOM Components</i>, available at <a href=""></a>. A fuller explanation of some of the underlying logic to COM systems can be found in the early chapters of <i>Essential COM</i> by Don Box. While it focusses on MSCOM in particular, the book does provide an excellent background on some of the core rationales for using such an object model. </p> </blockquote>
Fixed. Thanks.
The doc was moved into MDC wiki, so people can update it directly if needed.
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Component: Mozilla Developer → Documentation Requests
Product: Documentation → Mozilla Developer Center
Component: Documentation Requests → Documentation
Component: Documentation → General
Product: Mozilla Developer Network → Developer Documentation
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