Closed Bug 142233 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

English text inverted in RTL text-box and Hebrew text Inverted in LTR text box


(Core :: Layout: Text and Fonts, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: ronen_7391, Assigned: smontagu)




(4 keywords, Whiteboard: [adt2 rtm])


(2 files, 5 obsolete files)

From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.0rc1) Gecko/20020417 BuildID: 2002041711 while I'm writing in english in the "name" text box in the attached site and others, Ther text is inverted: while I write "untitled" it come out "deltitnu"... The same thing happan when I'm tring to write hebrew in English Text boxses (like the one in the Bugzilla Form...) Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: writing english in hebrew text box Actual Results: The text is inverted Expected Results: the text shuld be normal, not inverted.
to BiDi.... This looks very odd, but I can't shake the feeling that this is what the spec says for textboxes with dir specified..
Assignee: alexsavulov → mkaply
Component: Form Submission → BiDi Hebrew & Arabic
Keywords: qawanted
OS: Windows 98 → All
QA Contact: vladimire → zach
Hardware: PC → All
*** Bug 142455 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
If the charset of a page is visual (ISO-8859-8), as it is on the URL listed here and the URL in bug 142455, this is indeed what the spec says for <dir=rtl>. However, Hebrew text should not be inverted in a Bugzilla form, unless the charset has been reset to ISO-8859-8. Have you set that as your default charset? On the other hand, because this behaviour is annoying and unexpected, we have a pref to always treat form fields as logical, whatever the charset, and this should be the default. In other words, this looks like a regression of bug 82849. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 82849 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Further testing shows that the regression is only in text input fields (either <input type="text"> or <textarea>, so I am un-duping this bug and will work on it here.
Keywords: regression
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
Assignee: mkaply → smontagu
Keywords: nsbeta1
Ever confirmed: true
If it helps any, I have seen this bug re-appear on Mac OS nightly builds around 2002-04-21 (see my comment #23 from bug #82849 )
Thanks for the hint, Shoshannah. This regression is caused by the checkin from bug 135146: if I unset the NS_FRAME_REFLOW_ROOT frame state bit in nsGfxTextControlFrame2.cpp as a quick and dirty way of backing that out, the text fields are correctly ordered. Why? Because the truncation of the reflow path means that we no longer pass through the IBMBIDI code in nsLineLayout::ReflowFrame that unsets visual mode in the presContext if we are in a form control. So... I guess we need either to clone or move that code somewhere else which will catch all cases.
looks like important issue. add nsbeta1+ for the regression .
Keywords: nsbeta1intl, nsbeta1+
Blocks: 141008
Whiteboard: [adt2 rtm]
Any progress here? This is THE most common complaint I am hearing about moz 1.0 here in Israel (closely followed by bug 119881 ). Please please do something here...
If this is an important issue, and the top issue for 1.0 in Israel, than it needs to be resolved asap. pls provide an eta, or mark this one as nsbeta1-. thanks!
Whiteboard: [adt2 rtm] → [adt2 rtm] [eta needed]
I am working on a solution for this. eta this week.
Attached patch Patch v.1 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This moves the test for being in a form control from nsLineLayout.cpp to nsBidiPresUtils.cpp, and tests for specific controls by atom rather than QIing the frame to nsIFormControlFrame. This looks like a more stable approach than the original, i.e. it doesn't just fix this regression but should be less likely to regress again in future. First of all, we are now testing the thing that we really care about, not something else related to it, and secondly we are testing in the part of the code which wants to know, rather than setting a flag in the prescontext in one place and using it in another.
I tested the patch today on Windows and Linux, and it works well.
Comment on attachment 87240 [details] [diff] [review] Patch v.1 You can test whether the content is a form control much easier using content->IsContentOfType(nsIContent::eHTML_FORM_CONTROL). Also, it seems like there ought to be some way to avoid recursing to the root of the tree every time you check for this ... I'd ask kin, but I'd bet form control children never go more than 3 deep (and it may just be 2 deep). Other than that, it seems good to me, though I shudder at the necessity for it.
Attachment #87240 - Flags: needs-work+
Comment on attachment 87240 [details] [diff] [review] Patch v.1 Yes, this patch sucks performance-wise. The worst part is that standards compliant pages are going to take the same hit.
Attached patch Patch v.2 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #87240 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 87441 [details] [diff] [review] Patch v.2 Patch looks good. Any chance you could add the notation [OUT] to that @param aIsInFormControl comment? Just a personal request, I'm trying to homogenize our API documentation a little. You *rock* for adding comments without anyone asking! :) Could you please get sr= from kin or at least get him to tell you for sure how deep the anonymous content under the textarea can go? Also, please note that in the future we may actually make the textarea an HTML editor, in which case all bets are unfortunately off. r=jkeiser
Attachment #87441 - Flags: review+
I talked to kin on IRC last night, and he isn't happy with *any* assumption about the depth between the form control and the text node.
Okey dokey then. I guess we have no choice but to have absolutely godawful performance. I can't figure out any way to determine if nodes are under a form control--unless there is some quick way to tell if a node is either anonymous itself or under some anonymous content? We really ought to try and solve this problem one way or another. Is there a way we can sidestep it by having some sort of special direction style applied to elements under a form control, perhaps?
The more I think about it, the more I think a -moz-bidi-reverse-ltr style is a good idea. However, don't let this stop you from checking this in unless you already know how to make styles and can do it quickly; we can open a new bug.
Indeed I don't know how to make styles, so I'll go back to the version without SEARCHDEPTH, and twiddle the logic a bit so that we only take the perfomance hit on visual pages.
Attached patch Patch v.3 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
I have made the search through the tree only happen on visual pages and simplified the logic that toggles visual mode when we discover a form control. This makes the pref setting to have visual form controls on logical pages unsupported, but I can't imagine anyone ever needing it anyway, and I have added a note to that effect to all.js
Attachment #87441 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 87744 [details] [diff] [review] Patch v.3 r=jkeiser
Attachment #87744 - Flags: review+
simon- did you follow up the sr=? please send mail, aim, phone call to follow up asap .thanks
I spoke to kin today and am following up in parallel two ideas which he suggested: a) get some figures on the performance impact b) try going back to another approach (which I couldn't get to work earlier) of doing this by setting a bit in the nsHTMLReflowState.
Attached patch Patch v.4 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This is a totally new approach which kin suggested to me: leaving the current code more or less in place and, on reflow roots in visual pages only, looking up the frame tree for a form control.
Attachment #87744 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 88574 [details] [diff] [review] Patch v.4 Yeah this is exactly the approach I had in mind when we were talking! :-) Thanks for looking into it and doing the perf measurements. I'm just wondering if this should be encapsulated in some sort of bidi utility function ... it's probably not worth it if this is the only place that will ever use it though.
Attachment #88574 - Flags: superreview+
Comment on attachment 88574 [details] [diff] [review] Patch v.4 Need to check content rather than frame to see if it is a form control--otherwise XBL Form Controls won't work. Additionally, I am concerned about the nsLineLayout change being able to catch all reflows of form controls--but we're working that out with dbaron in IRC right now.
Attached patch Patch v.5 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Changed tests of frame type to test of content type to catch XBL form controls. Also moved the original test from nsLineLayout to nsBlockFrame to catch controls with {display: block} and added a few conditions there to catch cases that were getting missed, as explained in comments in source.
Attachment #88574 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached patch Patch v.5Splinter Review
Responding to comments from jkeiser in IRC, I have moved all the tests to a method called from the constructor of nsHTMLReflowState and set a bit in the reflow state's flags which then gets inherited by the child reflow states, and eventually passed to nsBidiPresUtils::Resolve, rather than resetting the state in the presContext.
Attachment #89178 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 89607 [details] [diff] [review] Patch v.5 r=jkeiser, but could you change the comment for IsBidiFormControl() to a JavaDoc comment? It would look like this: /** * Test whether the frame is a form control in a visual Bidi page. * This is necessary for backwards-compatibility, because most visual * pages use logical order for form controls so that they will * display correctly on native widgets in OSs with Bidi support * @param aPresContext the pres context * @return whether the frame is a BIDI form control */
Attachment #89607 - Flags: review+
Attachment #89607 - Flags: superreview+
checked in to trunk. Setting adt1.0.1 per comment 9 and 10
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Keywords: adt1.0.1
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: [adt2 rtm] [eta needed] → [adt2 rtm]
Adding adt1.0.1- per the adt. Let's try to get this fix into the next release.
Keywords: adt1.0.1adt1.0.1-
Blocks: 159973
Attached file testcase
Testcase, per BZ's request (via e-mail). I verified that this testcase is broken in Mozilla 1.0.
Checked in the test to the reftests test suite. Thanks for the test, Uri!
Flags: in-testsuite+
Mass-assigning the new rtl keyword to RTL-related (see bug 349193).
Keywords: rtl
Component: Layout: BiDi Hebrew & Arabic → Layout: Text
QA Contact: zach → layout.fonts-and-text
Actually the problem persist. I have a Galaxy S Advance with Android 2.3.6 and Firefox V18.0 and when i write in Spanish websites the text is writed inverted... for example eht txet si detrevni :(
(In reply to Javier Pintos from comment #38) > Actually the problem persist. I have a Galaxy S Advance with Android 2.3.6 > and Firefox V18.0 and when i write in Spanish websites the text is writed > inverted... for example eht txet si detrevni :( The original issue here was fixed; I think you must be seeing a new issue, perhaps related to a particular configuration somehow. Please file a separate bug report about this, with details of your system and a specific example of a site or sites where you experience this problem.
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