Closed Bug 1450016 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

[Shield] Opt-out Study: Cloud Storage Phase 2


(Shield :: Shield Study, enhancement)

Not set


(firefox60+ fixed, firefox61+ fixed)

Tracking Status
firefox60 + fixed
firefox61 + fixed


(Reporter: pdahiya, Assigned: pdahiya)


(Depends on 1 open bug, Blocks 1 open bug, )



(1 file)

In this study existing users of cloud storage providers such as Dropbox, Google Drive will be prompted inside download panel to use cloud storage for various features, primarily saving files. 

- From download panel via context menu, existing users of cloud storage providers can select and move downloaded file to their preferred cloud storage.

- Downloads in ‘Download Panel’ will be annotated with provider icon for user to easily differentiate cloud saved files from local downloads.

- User selecting cloud storage as download option can view/update setting under Downloads in about:preferences.

- Supports multiple storage providers Dropbox and Google Drive.

- Easy accessible option to educate users from notification in download panel  to turn off or update settings from about:preferences.
Blocks: 1357160
Shield Study is Web Extension Experiment WIP here
Depends on: 1441949
Hi Ilana

NI you for science review approval of attached PHD. Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(isegall)
Punam: Caught up with Teon and I'll provide an R+ when I've seen success metrics documented. Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(isegall)
Punam, where are we from your side? What's still outstanding?
Flags: needinfo?(pdahiya)
Hi Marnie

Cloud Storage extension (Bug 1441949) is dev complete, peer reviewed and tested by QA ( 

Waiting to resolve one last dependency on v5 shield utils, so that we can merge and request final QA review

A second thread requesting data review should be initiated once we have science review from Ilana.

Flags: needinfo?(pdahiya)
Science review: R+
Attachment #8982381 - Flags: review?(rrayborn)
Comment on attachment 8982381 [details]
Data Steward Review doc

1) Is there or will there be **documentation** that describes the schema for the ultimate data set available publicly, complete and accurate?
Yes, Github:

2) Is there a control mechanism that allows the user to turn the data collection on and off?
Yes, Telemetry or Shield Study prefs

3) If the request is for permanent data collection, is there someone who will monitor the data over time?
Temporary collection for study, re:dash charts in place

4) Using the **[category system of data types](** on the Mozilla wiki, what collection type of data do the requested measurements fall under?
Low-risk side of Category 3.  Activity such as down occurrences and cloud storage provider usage.

5) Is the data collection request for default-on or default-off?
default-on for users with Telemetry and Shield studies enabled.

6) Does the instrumentation include the addition of **any *new* identifiers** (whether anonymous or otherwise; e.g., username, random IDs, etc.  See the appendix for more details)?

7) Is the data collection covered by the existing Firefox privacy notice?
Yes, Telemetry/Shield being standard pathways

8) Does there need to be a check-in in the future to determine whether to renew the data?
Attachment #8982381 - Flags: review?(rrayborn) → review+
Julian, sounds like this is planned for next Monday for 60, en-US only.
Flags: needinfo?(jcristau)
Extension is in QA right now. Peer review + tracked in bug here
Study has QA + tracked here for en-US 60 launch. 

Julien, Need your go ahead to launch it in 60 channel. Thanks!
This is good to go from relman perspective.
Flags: needinfo?(jcristau)
Updating bug with feedback from Shield team. Shield study will enroll user in Firefox 60 but will continue on 61 if user updates to 61. We have requested QA approval for 60 an 61 and targeting launch date of June 27.

NI RyanVM to share this updated plan. Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(ryanvm)
What percentage of the en-US release population is this study being deployed to?
Flags: needinfo?(ryanvm) → needinfo?(pdahiya)
Nevermind, I was able to confirm our ability to target based on number of users rather than by percentage. And per the PHD, we're aiming for ~10k users per branch, which seems pretty low-risk. Signed off for RelMan.
Flags: needinfo?(pdahiya)
RyanVM this looks like it might slip to tomorrow for release due to testing for 61 finding an issue. Are you comfortable with us launching a study Thursday, June 28, or would you prefer to wait until Monday, July 2?
Flags: needinfo?(ryanvm)
Given that this is only targeting ~30k people or so and will run on both 60 and 61, I don't see much reason to delay the rollout.
Flags: needinfo?(ryanvm)
AIUI this is expiring now/soon, so dropping it off the radar for 60.
What's the current status of this study?
Flags: needinfo?(pdahiya)
Hi Ryan

Study has ended and is with Teon Brooks for analysis and final report. Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(pdahiya)
Hi Teon, is there an update on the final report for this?
Flags: needinfo?(teon)
here's a link to the final report:

Punam and I working on a blog post next week and will include the link to it here.
Flags: needinfo?(teon)
Looking forward to the blog post. Closing this bug.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Link in #comment 22 is moved, here is updated link to final report
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