Closed Bug 149566 Opened 22 years ago Closed 15 years ago

MathML turns all math chars into Greek


(Core :: MathML, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: jsmith, Assigned: rbs)





(3 files)

From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020529
BuildID:    2002052918

When accessing any web page containing MathML, and running under RedHat 7.3,
Mozilla hangs for a long time (>30 sec). Just as I'm about to kill it, it
displays the web page, but all of the mathematics characters (including the ones
normally displayed in a roman font) are turned into Greek letters

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1.Just access the MathML Start Page, running under RedHat 7.3.

Actual Results:  I could show you a screenshot...
> I could show you a screenshot...

Please do.

Do you get a message about missing MathML fonts?
If not, did you install the *Type1* TeX fonts (not TrueType)?

I have installed all fonts recommended by the mathml page. I get a
dialog box the first time I open saying "this page will not
display correctly if you don't have these fonts: ..." and the math displays in
greek letters.

xlsfonts doesn't seem to list any of the fonts that I've installed, which is
odd. I have restarted the machine after font installation.

(I don't get the 30 second hang though)

Screenshot coming up...
Ever confirmed: true
> xlsfonts doesn't seem to list any of the fonts that I've installed, which is
> odd.

So it is a font installation problem, as evidenced by the weird look of the
radical symbol (bug 27860).

Also, if you are are using a TrueType Symbol, you will be running into troubles:

...And it has been reported that RH7.3 ships with a TrueType Symbol font by
default, and this may explain why you are running into troubles anyway.

I suggest you file a separate bug against the GFX Compositor component, and
provide a *non-MathML* document with a testcase containing:

  <font face="Symbol"> a b c </font>

According to bug 33127, this should render as "a b c", but from your
description, this is rendering as &alpha; &beta; &gamma; on RH7.3 because it has
a TrueType Symbol font by default.

It is important that you report such a bug with a HTML testcase (i.e., no MathML
at all to illustrate that the problem is non-MathML specific). This way, it will
get the proper attention of other module owners. Thanks.
Same behaviour on Mac OS 9.0.4 with
Mozilla 1.1 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC; de-AT; rv:1.1) Gecko/20020826: roman
characters inside <math> are displayed as greek characters. Time until the page
is displayed is normal. 

Although, in one special condition the characters are displayed properly: if the
math is inside a <div style="text-align: justify"> </div> and _not_ in display
mode the roman characters are displayed properly. I've added a testfile and a

Yes, the characters of the symbol font are displayed as Greek.
Yes, there is a message that CMEX10 fonts etc. are missing as there are no free
TeX fonts available for the mac. But stretchy characters are displayed properly
using Mathematica fonts. 

As a work-around _delete_ the math's font-family declaration in mathml.css. See:
Perhaps you will find that swapping over Symbol and Times in the mathml.css will

I dont know why this would work. But it does for me.
Depends on: 233114
I'm seeing this in a very recent build: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US;
rv:1.8b4) Gecko/20050917 Firefox/1.4

All chars are greek, MathML is unusable here... =( This is Debian system with
the latex-xft-fonts package installed. This package contains:


This package is currently suggested by the Debian mozilla packaging to get the
MathML fonts:

$ dpkg -s mozilla-firefox | grep latex
Suggests: mozilla-firefox-gnome-support (= 1.4.99+1.5beta1-2), latex-xft-fonts,

The problem is gone if I edit res/math.css to remove the "Symbol" font.

Is there anything I can do to help debug this?
Summary: MathML turns all math chars into Greek under RH7.3 → MathML turns all math chars into Greek
I had a truetype symbol font and I hadn't commented out the proper lines in
res/fonts/ Now it's working. (Having MathML working in
linux is pretty complex!)
nick, be sure to write something about it so that others who google can learn
from your own experience.
Same behaviour on Ubuntu Linux with Firefox
Errors reading mathml.css (line 65 and 432) : see javascript errors.
Those who still see Greek letters in Firefox are likely using a distro with a TrueType Symbol font (rather than Type1). If so, be sure to edit your $MOZILLA_HOME/res/fonts/ and UNCOMMENT these lines:

#encoding.symbol.ttf = Adobe-Symbol-Encoding
#encoding.symbol.ftcmap = mac_roman


encoding.symbol.ttf = Adobe-Symbol-Encoding
encoding.symbol.ftcmap = mac_roman

See also bug 128153 comment 81.
QA Contact: ian → mathml
Is this bug still present?
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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