Closed Bug 1520095 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Can not scroll sql schema in


(Core :: Layout, defect)

65 Branch
Not set



Tracking Status
firefox-esr60 --- unaffected
firefox64 --- unaffected
firefox65 --- unaffected
firefox66 --- fixed


(Reporter: bc, Assigned: rhunt)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: regression, Whiteboard: [qa-66b-p2])

  1. with layout.css.scroll-anchoring.enabled true

    visit and login

  2. click on the jobs table in the left panel

  3. attempt to scroll the fields in the jobs table.

  4. The scroll position of the fields is automatically reset to the top preventing you from scrolling to the bottom of the fields.

Repeat with layout.css.scroll-anchoring.enabled false and you can scroll the fields.

mozregression on Nightly/Linux showed bug 1305957 as the cause.

Sounds like bug 1519541?

See Also: → 1519541

(In reply to Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) from comment #1)

Sounds like bug 1519541?

Could also be fixed by bug 1519462. The situation seemed better with my local patches, but I haven't looked into which one is improving it.

See Also: → 1519462

I tested it on nightly which now includes bug 1519541 and the situation seemed better but not perfect. Testing locally with bug 1519462 also seemed to make the situation better.

There's still some glitchyness to the scrolling, but I get that with scroll-anchoring disabled as well.

Depends on: 1519541, 1519462

Bug 1519462 has landed in nightly and now I can scroll the sqlite schema.

I'm still see some 'glitchyness' in the scrolling, but it's hard to tell who's fault it is. I see the same behavior in Chrome, which make me thing we should mark this bug resolved.

We can take a look into fixing any possible remaining issues, but let's open a bug that's not blocking the initial release of scroll anchoring.

Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Assignee: nobody → rhunt
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla66
Whiteboard: [qa-66b-p2]
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