Closed Bug 152104 Opened 22 years ago Closed 20 years ago

Add markup styles to persistent-style.css


( :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: fantasai.bugs, Assigned: fantasai.bugs)





(1 file, 4 obsolete files)

Add style rules to persistent-style.css so that the classes defined 
in's Markup Guide become useful on This will allow us 
to check documents with cleaned-up markup into without losing any 
*** Bug 152103 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Attached file new persistent-style.css (obsolete) —
I can't access cvs-mirror's docs, so I could get a cvs diff.
Tested in NS4, Mozilla, and IE5. The rules are simple, so I don't anticipate a
Gerv-- what do I need to do to get this checked in?
Are you certain this isn't going to adversely affect the look of current content? 

Does every page need the entire style sheet - is there any way of only having it
for the pages which need it?

I'm not certain I have permissions to change that file...

> Are you certain this isn't going to adversely affect the look of current
> content?

I didn't drop anything, and other than the <p> and header stuff (which you can
delete, if you wish) everything that's added uses a class selector--this means
the rules won't be applied unless the author explicitly assigns the class. I'm
quite sure this won't adversely affect current content.
If you want, you can ask Hixie to look it over.

> Does every page need the entire style sheet - is there any way of only having
> it for the pages which need it?

You /could/ separate the Markup Styles into a separate file and ask authors to 
explicitly link that... (Does the wrapper keep <link>s?)
Why would you want to? The stylesheet's not included in the page; it's linked, 
so it will only be downloaded once anyway.

If the styles are included by default, then authors are more likely to use them 
instead of creating their own. We want this; it ensures consistency, it 
encourages semantic markup, and it gathers style expertise so we have higher 
quality in our styling.*

* Example: In <pre class="programlisting">, the use of a border works around an 
NS4 bug on block backgrounds, and the "display: table" suggested by Bernd 
ensures that the background stretches with the content instead of letting only 
the text overflow.
Just checked - I don't have permission to alter this file. CCing endico.

Attached patch patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #87995 - Attachment is obsolete: true
where's the guide for using these styles? lets add a link to it as a comment to
the patch. or add short comments to the patch itself if it doesn't bloat the 
css file too much. (for some value of 'too much')
Attached patch new patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Added Markup Guide's URI and made also a few other slight changes.
Ready for review/checkin.
Attachment #91107 - Attachment is obsolete: true
maybe we should add
  td p:first-child { margin-top: 0 }
  td img { display: block; }
  td p img, td li img, td div img { display: inline }

not required now, but would come in handy should we switch to HTML-strict in the

I am not a fan of the .important class. It does not fit well with the current
I think it should have border-width = border-width of the left navigation pane. The
background-color should be dropped. The border color should be either orange or
to be consistant with the banner theme. If we change the banner, the color
should also
be changed accordingly. Also, "font-size: larger;" should be dropped from the patch.

for alternative working examples

Fantasai, before we go with this, can you browse around and find
pages with
custom styles? We need to know what's causing authors grief so we can minimize
CSS hacking.
Attached file persistent-style.css (obsolete) —
New version.
Attachment #110358 - Attachment is obsolete: true
The .important class is for things like the box at the top of
The coloring is meant to catch one's attention.

Anyway, I'll file a separate bug for making it pretty. This one's just for the

What's the process for getting changes to persistent-style.css?
I've posted to n.p.m.documentation for review. Bob Clary looked at it; his
comments have been accounted for. It validates. Anything else?
Blocks: 44741
> What's the process for getting changes to persistent-style.css?

Contact me :-) But things have changed somewhat with the new front page (which
is going to be converted into a wrapper.)

Gerv, I like the new front page, but please get someone to change the orange
footer. The wraper should be neutral (white, black, & gray)

And it is possible to preview the wrapper before it goes live? and possibility
of customisable nav bar (to have something like that of
> But things have changed somewhat with the new front page (which
> is going to be converted into a wrapper.)

The styles here are as unthemed as it gets. Basic colors, if any.
I want to get the style guide in (bug 44741), and it relies on the existance of
these classes, in some form or another. We can theme it to match the new design
CCing ben, who is looking after the new front page. Ben: comment 14 might be of

All right, Gerv. I'm formally requesting a review. For *this* bug. From *you*.
If you're the wrong person, then tell me who to ask. If you're the right person
but won't grant approval, then tell me why.
Doesn't look like there's any impact here on the front page. Is the orange left
bar to be used as part of the site-wide wrapper, or is its use here in the left
menu a one-off?
oh, you were talking about my design (took me a while to figure out what you
were talking about). What I'm suggesting is allowing for custom navigation bar.
The aim is to convert the entire site into a how-to-contribute tutorial (the
current site design is just too confusing for new contributors).
Asa says:

"I'll gladly check it in if it doesn't break anything. Has someone tested this
to see that there's no adverse affect on all of our most important pages? I'd
like to see a statement from someone that says "I've checked and this doesn't
break/alter any of the top 100 or so pages at" or something like that."

test result w/ Mozilla 1.5 nightly and MSIE 5.0/win98:

pass community.html
pass quality/beginning-duplicate-finding.html
pass quality/bug-writing-guidelines.html
pass quality/
FAIL quality/help/
pass MPL/boilerplate-1.1.html
pass MPL/
pass cvs.html
pass projects/firebird/why/
pass projects/camino/
pass get-involved.html
pass build.html
pass catalog/
pass roadmap.html
pass source.html
pass start/
pass hacking/win32.html

quality/help/ fails on MSIE 5.0

also, no MSIE 5.0, all visited colours are red (purple in Mozilla)
QA Contact: imajes → stolenclover
Attached file persistent-style.css
Thanks very much for the testing, Daniel. I fixed the visited link color
problem. (It was a mistyped selector.) I tested /quality/help in IE5.5, but
didn't see any problem. Could you attach a screenshot or something?

Gerv -- is there a list of these 100 files somewhere? Or should I just check
through the first two levels of's hierarchy?

Also, I was wondering if I should change .incorrect-example to .wrong-example
anyone have a preference?
Attachment #127843 - Attachment is obsolete: true
fantasai: I don't think Asa had a literal 100 files in mind. Just checking the
top two levels and key pages would be more than enough, I'm sure.

pass hacking/reviewers.html
pass hacking/mozilla-style-guide.html *
pass hacking/portable-cpp.html
pass hacking/code-review-faq.html 
pass hacking/
pass unix/customizing.html
pass build/distribution.html
pass build/faq.html
pass build/mac.html
pass build/unix.html
pass releases/
pass releases/mozilla1.4/
pass releases/mozilla1.4/known-issues.html
pass releases/mozilla1.4/installation.html **

I checked again, quality/help/ now works in MSIE5.0
That's 29 files of what I think are the important ones

* The stylesheet has <code> on light background. On this page, the style works
well because code stands out in normal text. One slight problem: the page uses a
(custom) heavier gray bg color for code block.

** Color distortion. When you have two class="important" together, the red
border appear to be pink.

<code> has light gray bg and no-line-break, 
<kbd> has light gray bg
<samp> has no background color.

Pages on don't use <code>, <tt>, <pre>, etc. consistently. will this
be a problem?
> Pages on don't use <code>, <tt>, <pre>, etc. consistently. will this
> be a problem?

It's already a problem. :) We're trying to create a solution.
<tt> is discouraged.

Having <code>, <kbd>, etc. look different will (I hope) encourage authors to use
them more consistently because the differences will become more evident. And
right now, the pages are coded with custom styles, so it all looks haphazard anyway.
note: Need to redo this to fit with the redesign.
yesterday my sis asked me what me-tsu-say means. I said I have no idea. Then she
spelled "m i s u s e" ... ;-D

Anyway, can we have .alt1 and .alt2 classes, to make reading of some words
easier, e.g. <alt1>multi</alt1>media, <alt1>mis</alt1>use ? Of course that
doesn't help with "kon-science", except maybe con<alt1>si</alt1>ence?
Still need to make it pretty, but it's officially /done/.
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Websites
Component: → General
Product: Websites →
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