Closed Bug 159377 Opened 23 years ago Closed 21 years ago

tab-group bookmark does nothing when no windows are open


(SeaMonkey :: Bookmarks & History, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: scc, Assigned: durbacher)



(1 file, 2 obsolete files)

If no window is open, and I select a (single page) bookmark from the bookmark menu, a new window opens and goes to the selected page. If no window is open and I select a bookmark representing a group of pages, nothing happens. No window opens. 100% reproducible on my MacOS X machine running 1.1b. I imagine this will not be reproducible on system where you cannot choose a bookmark unless a window is open.
I have found that in both Linux and Windows, and in both versions 1.2.1 and 1.3 a similar (if not tha same) problem occurring. I don't know much about clicking the bookmark (or group) without a window being open. However, if I have a Mozilla window open and right click on a group of tabs that is on my Personal Toolbar and then select "Open in New Window", then I actually get a new window that is like the Bookmark Manager but it only shows the bookmarks of the tab group that I wanted open in a new window. What I just said about where I have found this bug is more accurately represented by the following table: Windows Linux 1.2.1 yes yes 1.3 yes untested Normally, if I right click on a bookmark on my Personal Toolbar and select "Open in New Window", then a new window opens and the bookmark is loaded in that window. This is what I expected to happen for the tab group too. Also, if I right-click on the default action on a tab group, which is "Expand", nothing happens. This is odd because when I just left-click on the tab group it does "expand". All of what I have described in this message also applies to the context menu (right-click) when using the Bookmark Manager. Although "Expand" takes on a new meaning, that being of expand tree, and when expand-ed the item changes to "Collapse". It appears to me that the "group of tabs" have not gotten as much attension as regular bookmarks. Or perhaps there is some confusion between whether "group of tabs" is a folder or branch, OR whether it is actually a leaf. The problem is that is a hybrid of both. mac
Summary: (tab) grouped bookmarks don't open a new window → tab-group bookmark does nothing when no windows are open
This appears on all platforms and is because getTopWin() in does return null when no browser window is open and the script aborts there. Edward: what you say is clearly different from this bug and does not belong here.
OS: MacOS X → All
Hardware: Macintosh → All
The real patch has whitespace changes all over because indentation has to be changed. So the real patch looks much bigger than actual changes are. This one is easier to understand.
This patch prevents openGroupBookmark from failing when there is no browser window open by opening a new one with the tab group. Additionally, "Open Group in new window" was "not supported" before. It is actually just what I'm doing in this bug's special case, only always. So I implemented it along the way without having to change much. And I found three obviously unused variables, this patch removes them.
Comment on attachment 139140 [details] [diff] [review] Real patch: open tabgroup when no window available, plus some extras Requesting pch's opinion on this approach.
Attachment #139140 - Flags: review?(p_ch)
Comment on attachment 139140 [details] [diff] [review] Real patch: open tabgroup when no window available, plus some extras - var w = getTopWin(); indentation + var browser = w.document.getElementById("content"); use w.getBrowser() instead. r=me with these changes, you will be able to easily add a context menu to load a groupmark in a new window.
Attachment #139140 - Flags: review?(p_ch) → review+
Review comments addressed, adds a context menu entry for bookmarks groups to open them in a new window.
Attachment #139139 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #139140 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Assignee: bugs → durbacher
Comment on attachment 139408 [details] [diff] [review] revised patch plus open bookmarks group in new window Again requesting r= from pch because of two small changes. First one is the context menu entry, second: for making "Open in new Window" actually open in a _new_ window in all cases, I cannot use getTopWin() anymore, but have to use openDialog - just as the function openOneBookmark already does.
Attachment #139408 - Flags: review?(p_ch)
Comment on attachment 139408 [details] [diff] [review] revised patch plus open bookmarks group in new window It would be good to have that in Firebird, also.
Attachment #139408 - Flags: review?(p_ch) → review+
Comment on attachment 139408 [details] [diff] [review] revised patch plus open bookmarks group in new window Requesting sr= from alecf. pch: my tree does not include Firebird, so all I could possibly do is write the patch, but not test it.
Attachment #139408 - Flags: superreview?(alecf)
Comment on attachment 139408 [details] [diff] [review] revised patch plus open bookmarks group in new window sr=alecf
Attachment #139408 - Flags: superreview?(alecf) → superreview+
Checking in xpfe/components/bookmarks/resources/bookmarks.js; /cvsroot/mozilla/xpfe/components/bookmarks/resources/bookmarks.js,v <-- bookmarks.js new revision: 1.126; previous revision: 1.125 done
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.7alpha
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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