Closed Bug 159958 Opened 23 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Trunk M17rc1 crashes [@ nsImageWin::DrawToImage]


(Core Graveyard :: GFX, defect, P1)

Windows 2000


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: greer, Assigned: tor)


(4 keywords)

Crash Data


(3 files)

This unique stack is occuring enough to make it to the top 20 of the current Trunk crashes. It looks like a dupe of bug 153815 (see comment #9 in that bug) and the timer issues that we are seeing there. Stack trace(Frame) nsImageWin::DrawToImage [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/gfx/src/windows/nsImageWin.cpp line 1609] gfxImageFrame::DrawTo [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/gfx2/src/gfxImageFrame.cpp line 420] imgContainer::DoComposite [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/modules/libpr0n/src/imgContainer.cpp line 647] imgContainer::Notify [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/modules/libpr0n/src/imgContainer.cpp line 459] nsTimerImpl::Fire [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpcom/threads/nsTimerImpl.cpp line 352] nsTimerManager::FireNextIdleTimer [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpcom/threads/nsTimerImpl.cpp line 588] nsAppShell::Run [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/widget/src/windows/nsAppShell.cpp line 134] nsAppShellService::Run [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/appshell/src/nsAppShellService.cpp line 452] main1 [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1527] main [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1874] WinMain [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1892] WinMainCRTStartup() kernel32.dll + 0x1eb69 (0x77e7eb69) (8748687) URL: (8748687) Comments: opening sites in tabs (8747587) URL: (8737879) URL: (8737879) Comments: Browser crashed while page was loading. (8732841) URL: (8723888) Comments: loading (8701156) URL: (8685049) Comments: opened several tabs of comicpages not sure which one (if any) caused the crash (8652378) URL:
Duping to bug 153815, adding the topcrash- keyword so that Talkback sees this bug. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 153815 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Keywords: crash, topcrash-
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
I'm going to reopen this instead of logging a new bug. This was duped to bug 153815, but while all the other stack signatures in that bug have disappeared from Talkback data since the fix, this particular crash is still happening on the Trunk and with Mozilla 1.2 Beta: 12 nsImageWin::DrawToImage 49 153815 RESO FIXE mozilla1.2alpha 2002-10-21 159958 RESO DUPL --- 2002-07-29 Source File : c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/gfx/src/windows/nsImageWin.cpp line : 1617 ==================================================================================================== Count Offset Real Signature [ 9 nsImageWin::DrawToImage 12db4892 - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 8 nsImageWin::DrawToImage 5f1eb26f - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 7 nsImageWin::DrawToImage c8046ae0 - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 7 nsImageWin::DrawToImage b55e5142 - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 4 nsImageWin::DrawToImage 14ad0b50 - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 1 nsImageWin::DrawToImage e82fe21d - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 1 nsImageWin::DrawToImage dfeec3c0 - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 1 nsImageWin::DrawToImage c4c6ceb8 - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 1 nsImageWin::DrawToImage c41f7e1e - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 1 nsImageWin::DrawToImage a4a45f00 - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 1 nsImageWin::DrawToImage 8a43013a - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 1 nsImageWin::DrawToImage 76b9919f - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 1 nsImageWin::DrawToImage 65e89780 - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] Crash date range: 2002-11-03 to 2002-11-13 Min/Max Seconds since last crash: 2285 - 1313867 Min/Max Runtime: 21296 - 2590320 Keyword List : back(4), link(4), load(6), Count Platform List 22 Windows NT 5.0 build 2195 12 Windows NT 4.0 build 1381 9 Windows NT 5.1 build 2600 Count Build Id List 43 2002101612 No of Unique Users 40 Stack trace(Frame) nsImageWin::DrawToImage [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/gfx/src/windows/nsImageWin.cpp line 1617] gfxImageFrame::DrawTo [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/gfx/src/shared/gfxImageFrame.cpp line 425] imgContainerGIF::DoComposite [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/modules/libpr0n/decoders/gif/imgContainerGIF.cpp line 697] imgContainerGIF::Notify [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/modules/libpr0n/decoders/gif/imgContainerGIF.cpp line 509] nsTimerImpl::Fire [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpcom/threads/nsTimerImpl.cpp line 380] nsTimerManager::FireNextIdleTimer [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpcom/threads/nsTimerImpl.cpp line 591] nsAppShell::Run [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/widget/src/windows/nsAppShell.cpp line 173] nsAppShellService::Run [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/appshell/src/nsAppShellService.cpp line 472] main1 [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1538] main [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1886] WinMain [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1906] WinMainCRTStartup() KERNEL32.DLL + 0x1ca90 (0x77e9ca90) (13874600) URL: (13832138) URL: (13832138) Comments: I was hitting 'back' from the homepage. It would of still linked to another page at kemiko. Probably to the one that shows a "Preview of Stains" (13812351) URL: (13724855) URL: (13722916) URL: + another url (13682557) URL: (13682557) Comments: Just started loading site. I assume one of the ad delivery mechanisms caused the problem. Other than this Mozilla 1.2b has been remarkedly stable in daily use. (13680563) URL: (13680563) Comments: browsing palm website 3rd tab open. 1st tab 2nd tab yahoo.mail clicked on products and booommm (13672202) URL: (13672202) Comments: loading the fool index page (13621425) URL: (13621425) Comments: Moving from to there is something about the Java that that Mozilla does not like as it often crashes or freezes on that page (13617921) URL: (13617921) Comments: I opened a bookmark with about 14 tabs (comics urls dilbert keenspot etc..) when mozilla crashed. Happened midway from closing the tabs (13531810) URL: (13531810) Comments: loading up the home page of the motley fool UK (13522394) URL: (13522394) Comments: selecting from the web space drop down list (13455030) URL: (13455030) Comments: reading ==================================================================================================== Count Offset Real Signature [ 1 nsImageWin::DrawToImage c3f19be6 - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] Crash date range: 2002-11-06 to 2002-11-06 Min/Max Seconds since last crash: 939321 - 939321 Min/Max Runtime: 1384631 - 1384631 Keyword List : Count Platform List 1 Windows NT 5.1 build 2600 Count Build Id List 1 2002101612 No of Unique Users 1 Stack trace(Frame) nsImageWin::DrawToImage [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/gfx/src/windows/nsImageWin.cpp line 1617] gfxImageFrame::DrawTo [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/gfx/src/shared/gfxImageFrame.cpp line 425] imgContainerGIF::DoComposite [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/modules/libpr0n/decoders/gif/imgContainerGIF.cpp line 677] imgContainerGIF::Notify [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/modules/libpr0n/decoders/gif/imgContainerGIF.cpp line 487] nsTimerManager::`scalar deleting destructor' PL_DestroyEventQueue [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpcom/threads/plevent.c line 293] nsAppShell::Run [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/widget/src/windows/nsAppShell.cpp line 173] nsAppShellService::Run [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/appshell/src/nsAppShellService.cpp line 472] main1 [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1538] main [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1886] WinMain [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1906] nsNativeAppSupportBase::GetIsServerMode [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsNativeAppSupportBase.cpp line 117] kernel32.dll + 0x214c7 (0x77e814c7) ==================================================================================================== Count Offset Real Signature [ 1 nsImageWin::DrawToImage ab41c462 - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] Crash date range: 2002-11-05 to 2002-11-05 Min/Max Seconds since last crash: 198 - 198 Min/Max Runtime: 2438 - 2438 Keyword List : Count Platform List 1 Windows NT 5.0 build 2195 Count Build Id List 1 2002101612 No of Unique Users 1 Stack trace(Frame) nsImageWin::DrawToImage [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/gfx/src/windows/nsImageWin.cpp line 1590] gfxImageFrame::DrawTo [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/gfx/src/shared/gfxImageFrame.cpp line 425] 0x00010000 Please set this to the proper component and reassign as necessary. Adding qawanted keyword to see if anyone can reproduce this with recent builds.
Keywords: topcrash-qawanted, topcrash
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
Summary: Timer related Trunk crashes [@ nsImageWin::DrawToImage] → Timer related Trunk M120B crashes [@ nsImageWin::DrawToImage]
cc'ing a few people from the old duped bug to see if there is anything that can be done to deal with this remaining crash.
Still seeing lots of crashes in Mozilla 1.3 Alpha and MozillaTrunk builds. We need to get this reassigned if necessary so it gets looked at. Here are a set of crashes from M130A: 16 nsImageWin::DrawToImage 36 159958 REOP --- 2003-01-20 153815 RESO FIXE mozilla1.2alpha 2002-11-29 Source File : c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/gfx/src/windows/nsImageWin.cpp line : 1617 ==================================================================================================== Count Offset Real Signature [ 9 nsImageWin::DrawToImage 59dc6115 - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 6 nsImageWin::DrawToImage 5f1eb26f - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 4 nsImageWin::DrawToImage e82fe21d - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 3 nsImageWin::DrawToImage 6b9fa6cd - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 2 nsImageWin::DrawToImage c8046ae0 - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 2 nsImageWin::DrawToImage b55e5142 - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 1 nsImageWin::DrawToImage dfeec3c0 - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 1 nsImageWin::DrawToImage a4a45f00 - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 1 nsImageWin::DrawToImage 5dcfbc3d - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 1 nsImageWin::DrawToImage 5c5e8710 - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 1 nsImageWin::DrawToImage 2dc618ea - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 1 nsImageWin::DrawToImage 14ad0b50 - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 1 nsImageWin::DrawToImage 12db4892 - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] Crash date range: 2003-01-17 to 2003-01-25 Min/Max Seconds since last crash: 5461 - 954992 Min/Max Runtime: 7261 - 1866142 Keyword List : Count Platform List 15 Windows NT 5.0 build 2195 11 Windows NT 5.1 build 2600 7 Windows NT 4.0 build 1381 Count Build Id List 33 2002121215 No of Unique Users 28 Stack trace(Frame) nsImageWin::DrawToImage [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/gfx/src/windows/nsImageWin.cpp line 1617] gfxImageFrame::DrawTo [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/gfx/src/shared/gfxImageFrame.cpp line 425] imgContainerGIF::DoComposite [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/modules/libpr0n/decoders/gif/imgContainerGIF.cpp line 683] imgContainerGIF::Notify [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/modules/libpr0n/decoders/gif/imgContainerGIF.cpp line 493] nsTimerImpl::Fire [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpcom/threads/nsTimerImpl.cpp line 396] nsTimerManager::FireNextIdleTimer [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpcom/threads/nsTimerImpl.cpp line 618] nsAppShell::Run [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/widget/src/windows/nsAppShell.cpp line 177] nsAppShellService::Run [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/appshell/src/nsAppShellService.cpp line 472] main1 [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1560] main [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1908] WinMain [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1928] WinMainCRTStartup() KERNEL32.dll + 0x2847c (0x77ea847c) (16605291) URL: (16599317) Comments: browsing tomshardware and (16554448) URL: (16522692) URL: (16522692) Comments: Attempting to visit using a bookmark just after visiting (16474903) URL: 3973 799164 00.asp (16456488) Comments: visited the site for Computer Music magazine (UK) (16438447) URL: (16379179) Comments: Moving non-mozilla window mozilla was already unfocused. (16378995) Comments: Moving non-mozilla window mozilla was already unfocused. (16300553) URL: (16293669) URL: Anyone have an idea of what's going wrong here? I'll try to reproduce this if I can so we can get this topcrash+'d.
Summary: Timer related Trunk M120B crashes [@ nsImageWin::DrawToImage] → Timer related Trunk M130A crashes [@ nsImageWin::DrawToImage]
On 10/23/02 dcone made a change in the file gfxImageFrame.cpp involving image depth: 'API change so we can create different depth nsImages'. That comes just before the call to nsImageWin::DrawToImage in the file nsImageWin.cpp which crashes at line 1617: 1616 1617 (*aBHead)->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); 1618 (*aBHead)->biWidth = aWidth; 1619 (*aBHead)->biHeight = aHeight; 1620 (*aBHead)->biPlanes = 1; 1621 (*aBHead)->biBitCount = (WORD)aDepth; 1622 (*aBHead)->biCompression = BI_RGB; 1623 (*aBHead)->biSizeImage = 0; // not compressed, so we dont need this to be set 1624 (*aBHead)->biXPelsPerMeter = 0; 1625 (*aBHead)->biYPelsPerMeter = 0; 1626 (*aBHead)->biClrUsed = numPaletteColors; 1627 (*aBHead)->biClrImportant = numPaletteColors; 1628 Is it possible there's a relationship between that fix and this crash?
Changing component in hopes that someone can take a look at this soon. It continues to be a topcrasher with Mozilla 1.3 Beta.
Component: ImageLib → GFX
Summary: Timer related Trunk M130A crashes [@ nsImageWin::DrawToImage] → Trunk M130B crashes [@ nsImageWin::DrawToImage]
Reassigning to owner of GFX.
Assignee: pavlov → kmcclusk
QA Contact: tpreston → ian
changing QA Contact to petersen
QA Contact: ian → petersen
Simon can you take a look when you get a chance?
Assignee: kmcclusk → smontagu
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.4alpha
Just updating summary with M140A since this continues to be a topcrash for Mozilla 1.4 Alpha. All the incidents are showing Windows 2K and XP. Here is the latest stack from M140A: Stack trace(Frame) nsImageWin::DrawToImage [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/gfx/src/windows/nsImageWin.cpp line 1827] gfxImageFrame::DrawTo [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/gfx/src/shared/gfxImageFrame.cpp line 415] imgContainerGIF::DoComposite [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/modules/libpr0n/decoders/gif/imgContainerGIF.cpp line 656] imgContainerGIF::Notify [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/modules/libpr0n/decoders/gif/imgContainerGIF.cpp line 439] nsTimerImpl::Fire [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpcom/threads/nsTimerImpl.cpp line 395] nsTimerManager::FireNextIdleTimer [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpcom/threads/nsTimerImpl.cpp line 616] nsAppShell::Run [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/widget/src/windows/nsAppShell.cpp line 176] nsAppShellService::Run [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/appshell/src/nsAppShellService.cpp line 480] main1 [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1287] main [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1645] WinMain [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1666] WinMainCRTStartup() kernel32.dll + 0x214c7 (0x77e814c7) (18803747) URL:
Summary: Trunk M130B crashes [@ nsImageWin::DrawToImage] → Trunk M140A crashes [@ nsImageWin::DrawToImage]
This has been around for a while and continues to crash Mozilla 1.7 beta (I think the last time we looked at this, it was crashing 1.4). Here is some talkback data: Count Offset Real Signature [ 14 nsImageWin::DrawToImage e82fe21d - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 5 nsImageWin::DrawToImage 6b9fa6cd - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 4 nsImageWin::DrawToImage cb37b45b - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 3 nsImageWin::DrawToImage c8046ae0 - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 1 nsImageWin::DrawToImage c3056de0 - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 1 nsImageWin::DrawToImage 95754046 - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 1 nsImageWin::DrawToImage 88c8bd9b - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 1 nsImageWin::DrawToImage 430393b8 - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] [ 1 nsImageWin::DrawToImage 12db4892 - nsImageWin::DrawToImage ] Crash date range: 04-APR-04 to 10-APR-04 Min/Max Seconds since last crash: 1097 - 1846680 Min/Max Runtime: 1097 - 1846680 Count Platform List 22 [Windows NT 5.1 build 2600] 9 [Windows NT 5.0 build 2195] Count Build Id List 31 2004031615 No of Unique Users 24 Stack trace(Frame) nsImageWin::DrawToImage [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/gfx/src/windows/nsImageWin.cpp line 1893] gfxImageFrame::DrawTo [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/gfx/src/shared/gfxImageFrame.cpp line 419] imgContainerGIF::DoComposite [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/modules/libpr0n/decoders/gif/imgContainerGIF.cpp line 646] imgContainerGIF::Notify [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/modules/libpr0n/decoders/gif/imgContainerGIF.cpp line 432] nsTimerImpl::Fire [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpcom/threads/nsTimerImpl.cpp line 395] nsTimerManager::FireNextIdleTimer [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpcom/threads/nsTimerImpl.cpp line 616] nsAppShell::Run [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/widget/src/windows/nsAppShell.cpp line 142] nsAppShellService::Run [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpfe/appshell/src/nsAppShellService.cpp line 524] main1 [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1308] main [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1712] WinMain [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1734] WinMainCRTStartup() kernel32.dll + 0x214c7 (0x77e814c7) (15179) URL:;foxnews com;; (15179) Comments: I was opening up mu browser (12865) URL: (12865) Comments: reload I will continue to try to's been tough.
Summary: Trunk M140A crashes [@ nsImageWin::DrawToImage] → Trunk M17alpha crashes [@ nsImageWin::DrawToImage]
Updating summary with M17rc1. We should probably reassign this bug. Here is a recent crash with Mozilla 1.7 RC1: Incident ID: 28634 Stack Signature nsImageWin::DrawToImage e82fe21d Email Address Product ID Mozilla17 Build ID 2004042109 Trigger Time 2004-04-23 10:49:49.0 Platform Win32 Operating System Windows NT 5.1 build 2600 Module gkgfxwin.dll + (0000f675) URL visited User Comments Opened Mozilla and went to Mozilla crashed. I could see the opening page but then it bombed. Since Last Crash sec Total Uptime sec Trigger Reason Access violation Source File Name d:/BUILDS/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/gfx/src/windows/nsImageWin.cpp Trigger Line No. 1893 Stack Trace nsImageWin::DrawToImage [d:/BUILDS/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/gfx/src/windows/nsImageWin.cpp, line 1893] gfxImageFrame::DrawTo [d:/BUILDS/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/gfx/src/shared/gfxImageFrame.cpp, line 419] imgContainerGIF::DoComposite [d:/BUILDS/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/modules/libpr0n/decoders/gif/imgContainerGIF.cpp, line 646] imgContainerGIF::Notify [d:/BUILDS/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/modules/libpr0n/decoders/gif/imgContainerGIF.cpp, line 432] nsTimerImpl::Fire [d:/BUILDS/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpcom/threads/nsTimerImpl.cpp, line 395] nsTimerManager::FireNextIdleTimer [d:/BUILDS/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpcom/threads/nsTimerImpl.cpp, line 616] nsAppShell::Run [d:/BUILDS/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/widget/src/windows/nsAppShell.cpp, line 142] nsAppShellService::Run [d:/BUILDS/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpfe/appshell/src/nsAppShellService.cpp, line 524] main1 [d:/BUILDS/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp, line 1313] main [d:/BUILDS/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp, line 1783] WinMain [d:/BUILDS/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp, line 1809] WinMainCRTStartup() kernel32.dll + 0x214c7 (0x77e814c7)
Assignee: smontagu → general
QA Contact: chrispetersen → ian
Summary: Trunk M17alpha crashes [@ nsImageWin::DrawToImage] → Trunk M17rc1 crashes [@ nsImageWin::DrawToImage]
Assignee: general → tor
Attachment #148231 - Flags: review?(pedemont)
Attachment #148231 - Flags: review?(pedemont) → review+
Attached patch leave win as 8USplinter Review
Attachment #148233 - Flags: superreview?(brendan)
Comment on attachment 148233 [details] [diff] [review] leave win as 8U At this point, I'd favor explicit common subexpression elimination, using a PRUint8 alphaTemp or whatever local. with that change. /be
Attachment #148233 - Flags: superreview?(brendan) → superreview+
We want this for 1.7, right? /be
Flags: blocking1.7+
Attached patch final versionSplinter Review
Checked in on trunk.
Attachment #148238 - Flags: approval1.7?
Comment on attachment 148238 [details] [diff] [review] final version a=chofmann for 1.7
Attachment #148238 - Flags: approval1.7? → approval1.7+
Checked in on branch.
Closed: 23 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
because it was checked in on branch
Keywords: fixed1.7
Verified on the branch, Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.8a2) Gecko/20040701. no crashes on the urls cited in the bug (in primary windows, tabs, from bookmarks, or url series).
Keywords: fixed1.7verified1.7
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
Crash Signature: [@ nsImageWin::DrawToImage]
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