Closed Bug 160635 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

CRL lookup consumes too much memory, and leaks some


(NSS :: Libraries, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: julien.pierre, Assigned: julien.pierre)



(Whiteboard: [3.4.3] [3.5.1])


(3 files)

Test case is a cert7.db containing a single 26 MB CRL. Run crlutil -d . -L to list CRLs. On the current NSS tip, debug build, the process grows to 260 MB of memory before even attempting to decode the CRL. This is the memory usage observed in top at the following stack, upon entry of the CRL decode function : =>[1] CERT_DecodeDERCrlEx(narena = 0x62010, derSignedCrl = 0xffbef5e0, type = 1, options = 0), line 367 in "crl.c" [2] CERT_DecodeDERCrl(narena = 0x62010, derSignedCrl = 0xffbef5e0, type = 1), line 458 in "crl.c" [3] pk11_CollectCrls(slot = 0x5de50, crlID = 3497291292U, arg = 0x623f0), line 854 in "pk11cert.c" [4] PK11_TraverseSlot(slot = 0x5de50, arg = 0xffbef76c), line 951 in "pk11cert.c" [5] pk11_TraverseAllSlots(callback = 0xff1b1b18 = &PK11_TraverseSlot(struct PK11SlotInfoStr *slot, void *arg), arg = 0xffbef76c, wincx = (nil)), line 983 in "pk11cert.c" [6] PK11_LookupCrls(nodes = 0x623f0, type = 1, wincx = (nil)), line 1067 in "pk11cert.c" [7] SEC_LookupCrls(handle = 0x556f8, nodes = 0xffbef86c, type = 1), line 668 in "crl.c" [8] ListCRLNames(certHandle = 0x556f8, crlType = 1), line 111 in "crlutil.c" [9] ListCRL(certHandle = 0x556f8, nickName = (nil), crlType = 1), line 147 in "crlutil.c" [10] main(argc = 4, argv = 0xffbef9fc), line 383 in "crlutil.c" (dbx) p derSignedCrl derSignedCrl = 0xffbef5e0 Something in the lookup of objects is causing a huge amount of memory to be allocated just to look for that one 26 MB object. This is *wrong* ! We shouldn't consume 10x as much RAM as the entire database size to look up one object ... I'm not sure what the problem is here as I haven't had time to investigate it and my other CRL tasks will not leave me any time to do so. My best guesses would be some inefficiencies in pk11wrap and softoken. Third would be berkeley DB - maybe it really wasn't meant to handle such large objects.
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: --- → 3.6
Julien, I have a easily testible hypothesis as to the cause of this problem. I think it has to do with the way that NSPR's arena free list works. To teste this, simply disable NSS's use of the arena free list entirely. That is done by setting an environment variable: NSS_DISABLE_ARENA_FREE_LIST Please try that and see if it solves the memory bloat, and report it here. Also, see what effect if has on performance. If disabling the free list solves the problem, then there is a pretty simple change we can make to nsprpub/lib/ds/plarena.c, or perhaps to PORT_FreeArena in security/nss/lib/util/secport.c. I won't explain my hypothesis unless testing confirms it.
I'd also like to see this test done with a modification to the CRL parsing code that uses a larger "chucksize" for the arena. I'd be interested in a run that uses 256K (or more) as the argument to PORT_NewArena. This should probably be combined with Nelson's suggestion to disable the free list, since the large pools won't be useful in too many other places.
Nelson, I set the environment variable. The process memory usage was reduced to 182 MB upon entry of the CRL decode function, as measured by top. Also, it is worth noting that no further process memory growth was observed during the decode afterwards, even though it does need about 30 MB of memory to allocate the array of CRLEntry structure and the CRLEntry structures themselves. I think what this probably means is that there were a lot of temporary objects created during the lookup, enough to total 182 MB at the peak (or 260 MB with the free list enabled). But some of the objects were freed , which allowed for the decode to reuse the memory already allocated in the process. Still, the problem remains that we are using 182 MB of RAM for temporary objects to lookup a 26 MB object in a 26 MB database.
Terry, this bug is about things that happen before CRL decoding - in other words, the memory being allocated while reading the CRL from cert7.db , before CRL decoding function is called. I measured it by setting a breakpoint upon entry of the CRL decode function, and looking at the process memory usage when that breakpoint was hit. I am not sure where the arena is being created in the lookup case. This would need to be investigated before I could change the chunk size.
I found where the arena was allocated, it is in SEC_LookupCrls . The default chunk size was 2 KB. I increased it to 256 KB. It didn't reduce the memory usage upon entry of the CRL function, on the contrary, it slightly increased it to 183 MB (this was with the freelist disabled). I wouldn't expect the arena chunk size to make a difference in the amount of memory used, since it is up to the caller to decide what it wants to allocate / deallocate. So I stand by my initial comments that this is a more fundamental problem in NSS that we make too many temporary copies of objects when looking them up. In this case, it looks like we make about 7 copies of this 26 MB CRL in memory before it gets decoded.
Actually, I was looking for a change in the processing time due to this change. Did you see any change? You are right, this discussion should be moved to the correct bug for further discussion.
I recently made several changes to the softoken which reduced the number of memory copies and memory allocations used in the certificate case (In this case to improve the performance of allocating a single cert). Some of these changes may have and effect on CRL's but I did not touch most of the CRL processing code. The underlying database primitives from pcertdb does a lot of copying of data. That would be a good first place to look. bob
Terry, yes, I saw a difference in performance when I increased the arena chunk size. See bug # 160640 .
The result reported in comment 3 above, that memory usage was reduced by ~80 MB when NSS does not use NSPR's arena free list, suggests that we need to change the way we use that arena free list. IIRC, NSPR's arena free list is more or less a LIFO. When an arena or chain of arenas is freed, it is put on the head of the free list. Allocation of arenas from the freelist uses a first-fit algorithm. Starting at the head of the list, the first arena that is large enough to hold the requested amount of memory is taken. This means that a 25 MB arena can be freed to the free list, and then that huge arena can be allocated to an arenapool that needs only 2KB. Then if another 25 MB arena is needed, a new one must be created. I can think of several possible solutions to this problem. These are not mutually exclusive. They can be implemented either in NSPR or in NSS. They include: 1. When freeing an arena that is larger than some limit, free it back to the heap, rather than to the free arena list. 2. When the zone allocator is in use, make sure that arenas are allocated using that allocator, and then disable the arena free list alltogether, and let the zone allocator act as the arena free list. This will prevent the problem of allocating very large arenas when a small one would suffice. 3. Change NSPR's arena free list to keep the list sorted in ascending order by size of the arena. When a very large arena is freed, it will go to the end of the list (or near the end). Then the first fit allocation algorithm will take the smallest arena from the free list that is large enough to satisfy the allocation request. This solution may have the undesirable effect of increasing the time that the free list lock is held for a typical deallocation.
Another option would be to have size buckets. Storing an arena is such a free list is only one more test on the size. retrieving is one test, then if there's nothing in the correct bucket, go to the next bigger one.
"Size buckets" are exactly what the zone allocator implements. I think that, when the zone allocator is enabled, it should replace all other NSS and NSPR free lists.
I believe there is a significant memory leak in the lookup of the CRL. Yesterday I added a loop in certutil to do the verification of a single certificate more than once, with a cert database containing a 26 MB CRL and a revoked certificate. The process memory measured by top kept growing from about 300 MB at the first iteration to about 700 MB when I stopped it. The machine was swapping heavily. I used the dbx checkleaks functionality which showed a confirmed few small leaks, as well as potential very large leaks that seemed to comprise the entire CRL.
Confirmed the leak when using Mozilla. Mozilla does a large number of (unnecessary, repeated) cert verifications for each cert in PSM. With my cert database contained about 12 user certs and the AOL CRL (30 KB) and Thawte CRL (300 KB), I was able to eat up 120 MB of RAM and make my OS/2 system start to swap in about 5 clicks back and forth between tabs in PSM. When I removed the CRLs, I could click on tabs as many times as I wanted without any more memory being used. I'd like to point out that this was a very realistic real-world test, with my production database, not a huge 26 MB CRL, with a real application, and the leak was so significant that it made Mozilla unusable.
Summary: CRL lookup is too memory consuming → CRL lookup consumes too much memory, and leaks some
I also tried the same test as in comment #13 with NSS 3.5 . The same leak was observed. So this isn't a regression. It has probably been around in NSS since at least 3.4 , since there isn't much difference between 3.4 and 3.5. It may have been in there for much longer. I will try to create a small database with just a thawte cert and CRL so the leak can be reproduced quickly with certutil on all versions of NSS back to 3.2.
There are 3 leaks for this case, two minor ones and a big one. With NSS 3.3 it leaks as follows between two verifications - these ar the small leaks : (dbx) showleaks Checking for memory leaks... Actual leaks report (actual leaks: 2 total size: 60 bytes) Total Num of Leaked Allocation call stack Size Blocks Block Address ====== ====== ========== ======================================= 34 1 0x2068c0 PR_Malloc < PORT_Alloc < SECITEM_CopyItem < cert_FindExtensionByOID < cert_FindExtension < CERT_FindCertExtension < CERT_GetCertificateNames < CERT_VerifyCertChain < CERT_VerifyCert < ValidateCert < main 26 1 0x220c40 PR_Malloc < PORT_Alloc < SECITEM_CopyItem < cert_FindExtensionByOID < cert_FindExtension < CERT_FindCertExtension < CERT_GetCertificateNames < CERT_VerifyCertChain < CERT_VerifyCert < ValidateCert < main Possible leaks report (possible leaks: 0 total size: 0 bytes) That's a leak of 60 bytes, which was observed when verifying my Thawte cert against the Thawte CRL. Here is the result of the same test in NSS 3.4 - which is the same , plus a big leak of the entire CRL : (dbx) showleaks Checking for memory leaks... Actual leaks report (actual leaks: 3 total size: 228 bytes) Total Num of Leaked Allocation call stack Size Blocks Block Address ====== ====== ========== ======================================= 108 1 0x2a4f98 PL_strdup < nsslowcert_FindCrlByKey < pk11_getUrl < pk11_FindCrlAttribute < pk11_FindTokenAttribute < pk11_FindAttribute < NSC_GetAttributeValue < PK11_GetAttributes < PK11_FindCrlByName < SEC_FindCrlByKeyOnSlot < SEC_FindCrlByName < SEC_CheckCRL < CERT_VerifyCertChain < CERT_VerifyCert < ValidateCert < main 108 1 0x2a3410 PL_strdup < nsslowcert_FindCrlByKey < pk11_getUrl < pk11_FindCrlAttribute < pk11_FindTokenAttribute < pk11_FindAttribute < NSC_GetAttributeValue < PK11_GetAttributes < PK11_FindCrlByName < SEC_FindCrlByKeyOnSlot < SEC_FindCrlByName < SEC_CheckCRL < CERT_VerifyCertChain < CERT_VerifyCert < ValidateCert < main 12 1 0x2a0a10 PR_Malloc < PORT_Alloc < SECITEM_DupItem < nsslowcert_FindCrlByKey < pk11_searchCrls < pk11_searchTokenList < NSC_FindObjectsInit < pk11_FindObjectByTemplate < PK11_FindCrlByName < SEC_FindCrlByKeyOnSlot < SEC_FindCrlByName < SEC_CheckCRL < CERT_VerifyCertChain < CERT_VerifyCert < ValidateCert < main Possible leaks report (possible leaks: 1 total size: 294518 bytes) Total Num of Leaked Allocation call stack Size Blocks Block Address ====== ====== ========== ======================================= 294518 1 0x4afe80 PR_Malloc < PORT_Alloc < SECITEM_DupItem < nsslowcert_FindCrlByKey < pk11_searchCrls < pk11_searchTokenList < NSC_FindObjectsInit < pk11_FindObjectByTemplate < PK11_FindCrlByName < SEC_FindCrlByKeyOnSlot < SEC_FindCrlByName < SEC_CheckCRL < CERT_VerifyCertChain < CERT_VerifyCert < ValidateCert < main (dbx) I have confirmed that the last "possible leak" is real. Ie. the CRL object returned through PKCS#11 is not being freed. I tested this again on NSS 3.6, and got the same results as with NSS 3.4 .
Version: 3.5 → 3.4
Just for the record, this is the leak report for NSS 3.6. It looks like function names changed, so this is useful to make the patch. Unfortunately this means that the fix won't be as easy to backport to 3.4 or 3.5 if we need to. (dbx) showleaks Checking for memory leaks... Actual leaks report (actual leaks: 3 total size: 228 bytes) Total Num of Leaked Allocation call stack Size Blocks Block Address ====== ====== ========== ======================================= 108 1 0xa37b0 PR_Malloc < PORT_Alloc < PORT_Strdup < nsslowcert_FindCrlByKey < pk11_getUrl < pk11_FindCrlAttribute < pk11_FindTokenAttribute < pk11_FindAttribute < NSC_GetAttributeValue < nssCKObject_GetAttributes < nssCryptokiCRL_GetAttributes < nssCRL_Create < crl_createObject < nssPKIObjectCollection_GetObjects < nssPKIObjectCollection_GetCRLs < nssTrustDomain_FindCRLsBySubject 108 1 0x9ff68 PR_Malloc < PORT_Alloc < PORT_Strdup < nsslowcert_FindCrlByKey < pk11_getUrl < pk11_FindCrlAttribute < pk11_FindTokenAttribute < pk11_FindAttribute < NSC_GetAttributeValue < nssCKObject_GetAttributes < nssCryptokiCRL_GetAttributes < nssCRL_Create < crl_createObject < nssPKIObjectCollection_GetObjects < nssPKIObjectCollection_GetCRLs < nssTrustDomain_FindCRLsBySubject 12 1 0xb0200 PR_Malloc < PORT_Alloc < SECITEM_DupItem < nsslowcert_FindCrlByKey < pk11_searchCrls < pk11_searchTokenList < NSC_FindObjectsInit < find_objects < find_objects_by_template < nssToken_FindCRLsBySubject < nssTrustDomain_FindCRLsBySubject < PK11_FindCrlByName < SEC_FindCrlByKeyOnSlot < SEC_FindCrlByName < SEC_CheckCRL < cert_VerifyCertChain Possible leaks report (possible leaks: 1 total size: 294518 bytes) Total Num of Leaked Allocation call stack Size Blocks Block Address ====== ====== ========== ======================================= 294518 1 0x4093d0 PR_Malloc < PORT_Alloc < SECITEM_DupItem < nsslowcert_FindCrlByKey < pk11_searchCrls < pk11_searchTokenList < NSC_FindObjectsInit < find_objects < find_objects_by_template < nssToken_FindCRLsBySubject < nssTrustDomain_FindCRLsBySubject < PK11_FindCrlByName < SEC_FindCrlByKeyOnSlot < SEC_FindCrlByName < SEC_CheckCRL < cert_VerifyCertChain (dbx)
All the leaks were isolated in softoken. The url and the entire DER CRL were leaked.
I just created a patch for NSS 3.6 to plug the leaks. While doing so, I noticed an incredible number of copies. In particular, the biggest leak in this case was a leak of a complete copy of the DER CRL, which was only used as a boolean to see if we have the CRL ! This is a waste and increases the memory footprint unnecessarily. The patch I have attached only plugs the leak but does not decrease the footprint, which was the original subject of this bug. I will attempt to produce another patch that fixes both at the same time, but it will be a more extensive patch. Note that this leak and inefficient use of memory was only in softoken. Still, I have seen a high memory usage occur when searching for CRLs in other tokens. So there is probably yet another part in this problem, in the PKCS#11 wrapper, which could use memory optimization.
Assigned the bug to Julien. Thanks for writing the bug report and proposing fixes!
Assignee: wtc → jpierre
Actually, these patches apply successfully to all of NSS 3.4, NSS 3.5 and NSS 3.6 trees, and I have verified that they fix the leak in all cases.
Comment on attachment 95026 [details] [diff] [review] patch for NSS 3.6 to fix CRL memory leaks r=wtc.
Attachment #95026 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 95034 [details] [diff] [review] alternate patch that fixes the leak while also reducing memory overhead In pcertdb.c, you have: >@@ -4784,14 +4784,13 @@ > * Lookup a CRL in the databases. We mirror the same fast caching data base > * caching stuff used by certificates....? > */ >-SECItem * >+SECStatus > nsslowcert_FindCrlByKey(NSSLOWCERTCertDBHandle *handle, SECItem *crlKey, >- char **url, PRBool isKRL) >+ char **url, SECItem** crl, PRBool isKRL) > { > SECItem keyitem; > DBT key; > SECStatus rv; >- SECItem *crl = NULL; > PRArenaPool *arena = NULL; > certDBEntryRevocation *entry = NULL; > certDBEntryType crlType = isKRL ? certDBEntryTypeKeyRevocation >@@ -4814,13 +4813,16 @@ > entry = ReadDBCrlEntry(handle, crlKey, crlType); > > if ( entry == NULL ) { >+ rv = SECFailure; > goto loser; > } You also need to add 'rv = SECFailure;' to the body of 'if ( arena == NULL )'. I suggest that you initialize rv to SECFailure and set rv to SECSuccess right before the 'loser' label. In pkcs11u.c, you have: >@@ -358,8 +358,10 @@ > } > > isKrl = (PRBool) object->obj.handle == PK11_TOKEN_KRL_HANDLE; >- crl = nsslowcert_FindCrlByKey(object->obj.slot->certDB,&object->dbKey, >- NULL,isKrl); >+ if (SECSuccess != nsslowcert_FindCrlByKey(object->obj.slot->certDB,&object->dbKey, >+ NULL, &crl, isKrl)) { >+ return NULL; >+ } > object->obj.objectInfo = (void *)crl; > object->obj.infoFree = (PK11Free) pk11_FreeItem; > return crl; This does not seem to be equivalent to the original code. The original code sets object->obj.infoFree to pk11_FreeItem if nsslowcert_FindCrlByKey fails while object->obj.objectInfo remains NULL. Not sure if this matters. >@@ -377,13 +378,9 @@ > } > > isKrl = (PRBool) object->obj.handle == PK11_TOKEN_KRL_HANDLE; >- crl = nsslowcert_FindCrlByKey(object->obj.slot->certDB,&object->dbKey, >- &url,isKrl); >- if (object->obj.objectInfo == NULL) { >- object->obj.objectInfo = (void *)crl; >- object->obj.infoFree = (PK11Free) pk11_FreeItem; >- } else { >- if (crl) SECITEM_FreeItem(crl,PR_TRUE); >+ if (SECSuccess != nsslowcert_FindCrlByKey(object->obj.slot->certDB,&object->dbKey, >+ &url, NULL, isKrl)) { >+ return NULL; > } > return url; > } This is not equivalent to the original code. The original code sets object->obj.objectInfo if it is originally NULL. I am not sure if this side effect is necessary.
Wan-Teh, About the review : - pcertdb.c : I agree with your comments - pkcs11u.c : I agree with your first comment, I shouldn't return NULL there. I just want to PR_ASSERT(crl == NULL); and fall through - pkcs11u.c : I am not sure about your second comment. This is where the memory optimization is. By not passing a pointer to return a SECItem for the CRL, nsslowcert_FindCrlByKey does not make a temporary copy of the full CRL. I'm not exactly sure what the purpose of that copy was, since it appears it was going to get freed right away or soon after. I changed the prototype for nsslowcert_FindCrlByKey solely to do this. If we decide that we don't want to do it, then we can just go with the first simpler patch.
Comment on attachment 95034 [details] [diff] [review] alternate patch that fixes the leak while also reducing memory overhead Regarding my second comment about pkcs11u.c >@@ -377,13 +378,9 @@ > } > > isKrl = (PRBool) object->obj.handle == PK11_TOKEN_KRL_HANDLE; >- crl = nsslowcert_FindCrlByKey(object->obj.slot->certDB,&object->dbKey, >- &url,isKrl); >- if (object->obj.objectInfo == NULL) { >- object->obj.objectInfo = (void *)crl; >- object->obj.infoFree = (PK11Free) pk11_FreeItem; >- } else { >- if (crl) SECITEM_FreeItem(crl,PR_TRUE); >+ if (SECSuccess != nsslowcert_FindCrlByKey(object->obj.slot->certDB,&object->dbKey, >+ &url, NULL, isKrl)) { >+ return NULL; > } > return url; > } I meant that the new code doesn't have the equivalent of if (object->obj.objectInfo == NULL) { object->obj.objectInfo = (void *)crl; object->obj.infoFree = (PK11Free) pk11_FreeItem; but I am not sure if this piece of code is necessary. Bob, could you review Julien's patches?
I think we may want to consider changing the lookup to return the entry instead. This will get rid of the memory copy, and deal with the URL case, and still be more efficient. The reason for the getURL call was the URL wasn't recorded because I was storing just the raw CRL, not a CRL structure. If we store the CRLEntry, it will have both the rawCRL and the URL. And it avoids the data copy. Right now if you do a getattributes call and pass both the URL and the VALUE, with Julian's code you get two fetches from the database (and two entry copies). In the old code you would also get this, but only if you VALUE proceeded URL in the call. bob
This will elliminate the offending CRL copy altogether. There is one more thing we can do and that is change the nsslowcert_FindCrlByKey() in pkcs11.c with a new function nsslowcert_VerifyCrlForKeyExists() call. This call would not even create an entry because all we want to know is does the CRL exist or not... we don't need to copy the full CRL. It may even be possible to make it even more effecient if we can see if there is a way to determine that the CRL exists in the database without fetching it through the berkeley DB structure.
Bob, I don't know enough about the softoken code structure at this time to be able to review your patch, which is more extensive than mine. I have other more urgent tasks that prevent me from looking into it more closely right now, but I have verified that it works and solves the memory leak problem.
FYI, Bob's latest patch also reduced the peak memory usage of the certutil process in my repeated cert verification test with the 26 MB large CRL to 157 MB from 182 MB . The savings corresponds to 1x the size of the CRL.
That follows expectations, since it removes one copy as well as removing the leaks.
Blocks: 164501
Blocks: 162983
Bob, The latest patch for this is causing crashes. See bug # 164373 .
Blocks: 164373
See patch attached to 164373. bob
The leak is fixed. The memory usage has also been reduced by Bob's new handling of large objects. With arena free lists disabled and these changes, the process peak size before entering the decode function is now 107 MB, which is roughly equal to 4 copies of the 26 MB CRL + other program memory.
Whiteboard: [3.4.3] [3.5.1]
Comment on attachment 95265 [details] [diff] [review] Better patch for dealing with excessive crl copies This patch requires some additional changes, which were already made on the tip. Remember to make these changes if you apply this patch to a branch. The changes are described below. In pkcs11u.c, >@@ -991,7 +968,7 @@ > static PK11Attribute * > pk11_FindCrlAttribute(PK11TokenObject *object, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type) > { >- SECItem *crl; >+ certDBEntryRevocation *crl; > char *url; The unused variable "char *url;" should be deleted. >+ crl = pk11_getCrl(object); >+ switch (type) { > case CKA_NETSCAPE_URL: >- url = pk11_getUrl(object); > if (url == NULL) { > return (PK11Attribute *) &pk11_StaticNullAttr; > } "url == NULL" should be "crl->url == NULL".
Attachment #95265 - Flags: needs-work+
Comment on attachment 95265 [details] [diff] [review] Better patch for dealing with excessive crl copies Bob, please merge this patch on the NSS_3_4_BRANCH. Thanks.
so merged;). bob
Bob, Could you also please merge it into NSS_3_5_BRANCH ? This is needed for testing the fix with the browser, which won't work with 3.4 due to some missing functions. My browser leaks badly within seconds of opening PSM. Given the number of CRLs I have and the fact that it does 40 cert verifications and therefore CRL checks for each cert, and does it again for each repaint, it's very bad. It quickly reaches a half GB of memory usage ... (I know 3.6 fixes it but I was trying to figure out something that looks like a regression in 3.6)
Julien, it's easy to merge Bob's CRL memory leak fix on NSS_3_5_BRANCH. Just apply attachment 95265 [details] [diff] [review] and then make the two changes described in comment #34.
By the way, the additional change is attachment 96728 [details] [diff] [review].
Checked in both fixes to NSS_3_5_BRANCH : Checking in pcert.h; /cvsroot/mozilla/security/nss/lib/softoken/pcert.h,v <-- pcert.h new revision:; previous revision: 1.4 done Checking in pcertdb.c; /cvsroot/mozilla/security/nss/lib/softoken/pcertdb.c,v <-- pcertdb.c new revision:; previous revision: 1.17 done Checking in pkcs11.c; /cvsroot/mozilla/security/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11.c,v <-- pkcs11.c new revision:; previous revision: done Checking in pkcs11u.c; /cvsroot/mozilla/security/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11u.c,v <-- pkcs11u.c new revision:; previous revision: 1.30 done
Marked the bug fixed.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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