Closed Bug 164025 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

8 Bit Color Remote Display - Mozilla Locks on Post


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: drichard, Assigned: asa)


(Keywords: hang)

When Mozilla is run on a remote display in 8 bit color, some web pages cause it
to lock when you do a post.  The same terminals in 16 bit color work fine.  

One example that locks everytime is to go to:

Put in something into the single line text area to search for and then attempt
to search.  It will lock.

The same bug occurs when running Mozilla in Metaframe for Unix in 8 bit color
mode, it locks in the same place.

You do the post, and the indicator status bar on the bottom goes about 3/4 of
the way accross and then the whole process just becomes non-responsive.  It does
not crash however.

Sorry about the French component, none existed for English and it wouldn't let
me proceed until one was picked.
Wrong category
Component: French/fr-FR → X-remote
Product: Mozilla Localizations → Browser
Version: unspecified → other
Severity: normal → critical
Keywords: hang
are you perhaps hitting a page with embedded flash?  Flash plugin does not work
on a remote display.  Does it use CPU while it is stuck?

what build are you using?

==> B/G
Assignee: bellot → asa
Component: X-remote → Browser-General
QA Contact: bellot → asa
Good guess.  It was Shockwave.  I ran it again with Shockwave out and that works
fine.  The wierd thing (and maybe this will help you find why this is not
working) is that our 16bit remote terminals work fine with Shockwave.  No
problems at all.   The remote terminals are RISC based and the Linux server is
Intel based.  Endian orders are different between the two.

Hope this helps!  I see people have been messing with this one for a while now.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 58937 ***
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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