Closed Bug 16498 Opened 25 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Finished Downloading sounds


(SeaMonkey :: Download & File Handling, enhancement, P3)

Windows 95


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: slschroe, Assigned: csthomas)




(3 files, 5 obsolete files)

In Navigator, I would love to have the computer make some sort of sound when a file is finished downloading. Often I am doing something else at the time, and am not at my computer. After a certain period of time, my screen goes blank and I have no way of knowing it's finished, other than going to my computer and reactivating the screen. This would be handy for sending e-mail messages, too. If I have large files to send, it can take a while, and I run into the same situation.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → LATER
Summary: Finished Downloading sounds → SilentDownload: Finished Downloading sounds
Good idea. SilentDL will not be in 1.0 release. Latering.
Component: Silent Download → Installer
Moving from Silent Download (this component being deleted) to Installer.
LATER is deprecated per bug 35839.
Resolution: LATER → ---
Assignee: dougt → dveditz
QA Contact: gbush → bugzilla
Summary: SilentDownload: Finished Downloading sounds → Finished Downloading sounds
not installer. Sound like download manager to me
Assignee: dveditz → blaker
Component: Installer → Download Manager
QA Contact: bugzilla → sairuh
Target Milestone: --- → Future
QA Contact: sairuh → petersen
The pop-up blocking sound?
I'm working on this now.
Attached patch Patch v 0.0001a (obsolete) — Splinter Review
If you don't have both of the 2 prefs set, you get no sound, and an error in your JS console. I suspect I should do a try{}catch() around the pref accesses, but I don't know for sure. Maybe someone will enlighten me. As far as I can tell, this works whether or not the specified finished_sound_url exists (if it doesn't, you just get a beep). Also, I don't know how to detect the difference between a cancelled download and a completed one, so with this patch, cancelling a download will also result in the sound playing. It seems to me that playing sound on cancel could be annoying, since the user already knows they're cancelling the download. This might only work for the download manager. I don't know if separate download dialogs use the same code or not.
Attached patch Patch v 0.0001b (obsolete) — Splinter Review
-Doesn't cause any JS errors now. -Now detects the difference between a cancelled download and a completed one. -Definitely only work for the download manager. Progress dialogs don't use this code. I'll take a look at making the change in C++ instead of JS (I'm told that both download methods should share code there).
Attached patch New patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This patch applies to 2 different files. It works for progress dialogs and download manager. The only real issue I see is the need to maintain the same code in 2 locations. I have some somewhat-ugly C++ code that only needs to be applied to one file which I could clean up if this patch isn't acceptable.
Attachment #133495 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #133507 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #133813 - Flags: review?(
Comment on attachment 133813 [details] [diff] [review] New patch >+ if (aStatus<0x80000000) //is there a better way to detect this? Components.isSuccessCode(aStatus) perhaps. See > >+ var sound = Components.classes[";1"] >+ .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISound); What if this fails?
Comment on attachment 133813 [details] [diff] [review] New patch As discussed on IRC.
Attachment #133813 - Flags: review?( → review-
Attached patch Revised patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Personally, I find these sounds somewhat annoying. How about a pref for minimum file size before playing a sound? For a big download, notification is good. When I save a bunch of small pages, notification is annoying. It looks like I could just check mMaxBytes and compare that to such a pref. Maybe that should be a separate bug (?).
Attachment #133813 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #134069 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #134069 - Flags: review?(
Attachment #134069 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #134069 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #134069 - Flags: review?(
Attached patch Re-revised patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Fixed indentation, getting of null branch, and used null checks instead of NS_SUCCEEDED(rv). Sorry for the bugspam ;).
Attachment #134075 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #134075 - Flags: review?(varga)
Comment on attachment 134075 [details] [diff] [review] Re-revised patch looks good r=varga
Attachment #134075 - Flags: review?(varga) → review+
This needs module owner approval from a UI owner before I'll even look at it...
Attachment #134076 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #134076 - Flags: review?(varga)
Attachment #134076 - Flags: review?(varga) → review+
Marking blocker as ideally we only want finish sounds for true downloads rather than when opening helper apps. (But feel free to check this in first ;-)
Depends on: 132456
Attachment #134076 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky) → superreview+
Comment on attachment 134075 [details] [diff] [review] Re-revised patch >Index: xpfe/components/download-manager/src/nsDownloadManager.cpp >+ if (!StringBeginsWith(soundStr, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("file://"))) What if it's a jar:// url? Or a chrome:// one? Or resource:// ? For that matter, is there a reason this can't work with http:// ? Or data: ?
Re comment #19: Since there doesn't seem to be a reliable way to detect system sounds, this always uses a URL now. I tested it with file:// and http:// URLs.
Attachment #134075 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #134186 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #134186 - Flags: review?(varga)
Comment on attachment 134186 [details] [diff] [review] Ditch support for system sounds. looks good
Attachment #134186 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky) → superreview+
Attachment #134186 - Flags: review?(varga) → review+
Attachment #134075 - Flags: superreview?(bz-vacation)
Attachment #134560 - Flags: superreview?(bz-vacation)
Attachment #134560 - Flags: review?(varga)
Comment on attachment 134560 [details] [diff] [review] Do we need to patch all.js too? I suppose we could do that.. though I'd prefer that we just put the try/catch around the pref get in the JS (which I forgot when I reviewed... :( )
Attachment #134560 - Flags: superreview?(bz-vacation) → superreview+
Er, this is not JS. What am I smoking? In any case, we should find a better way of documenting prefs than bloating the pref hashtables.
Regarding comment #13, I agree this is a very good Idea, as I would want a sound for a download that is very quick. However, checking for filesize will to determine of we play a sound or not will have different effects depending of the type of connection. As an example, with my cable connection, sometimes I download files of a few megs in seconds only. I wouldn't like the sound for a download that only lasts a few seconds. Perhaps the threshold could be set at 5 seconds, or something similar.
Just a quick question: what's the status of this bug? I see some conflicting info: - According to this feature should work now. - But I can't seem to get it to work on my WinXP box and i see no comments here about "patched checked in". Furthermore, this bug is also still marked as NEW. Thanks
Patrick, the code to support this feature is present, but you'll need to apply the all.js patch to add the pref "" and give it a value before a sound will actually be played. You'd probably want to set it to something like "file:///c:/Windows/Media/notify.wav". Someone still needs to review the all.js patch, and then I guess the next step is making this user-visible through one of the pref dialogs (if the UI people approve). I suppose that could be done in a separate bug if we wanted to resolve this one.
Chris: thanks for your reply. This was my bad :-\ I added the pref to user.js, thinking it would end up in all.js that way...sorry for the spam.
FWIW: one other thing, which perhaps is of use to others trying this. Initially i used the same syntax as for instance is used for the New Mail sound: user_pref("mail.biff.play_sound.url","c:\\NewMail.wav"); however it seems this pref requires the syntax as given by Chris in comment 27 "file:///c:/FileDownloaded.wav"
It's because I gave up on figuring out how to support the other format of sounds, and since then my free time has been reduced a lot. I don't think it would require more than 3 lines of code if someone wanted to try. Varga still needs to review+ the all.js patch too.
Another thing: could it be that the sound doesn't play while there's a SAVE AS dialog open?
Interesting... I guess the save dialog blocks download manager status changes.
Attachment #134560 - Flags: review?(varga) → review+
Checked in.
Closed: 25 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Resolution: FIXED → ---
assigning bugs I fixed to myself
Assignee: firefox → cst
Closed: 21 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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