Closed Bug 165653 Opened 23 years ago Closed 21 years ago

mozilla/dom depends on mozilla/xpfe/components/sidebar (nsISideBar)


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect, P3)






(Reporter: sspitzer, Assigned: caillon)



(1 file)

mozilla/dom depends on mozilla/xpfe/components/sidebar (nsISideBar) talking to alecf, embeddors shouldn't need pull or build mozilla/xpfe/components/sidebar.
Priority: -- → P3
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.2beta
mozilla 1.1alpha is more or less done, so I'm moving non-critical mozilla1.2beta bugs out to the next milestone to make room for the mozilla1.1alpha bugs that didn't make it.
Target Milestone: mozilla1.2beta → mozilla1.3alpha
moving non-critical 1.3alpha bugs to 1.4alpha
Target Milestone: mozilla1.3alpha → mozilla1.4alpha
mass moving lower risk 1.4alpha stuff to 1.4beta
Target Milestone: mozilla1.4alpha → mozilla1.4beta
Target Milestone: mozilla1.4beta → mozilla1.5alpha
Taking, I've got the fix.
Assignee: alecf → caillon
OS: Windows 2000 → All
Hardware: PC → All
Target Milestone: mozilla1.5alpha → mozilla1.6alpha
Attached patch PatchSplinter Review
So this patch makes the prompter get the active window instead of the calling window (since there really is no way for us to know what the calling window was otherwise), but that should not be that big of a deal, really.
Comment on attachment 130260 [details] [diff] [review] Patch jst should definitely review this for the dom changes, but I'm not sure who else to ping about this. bryner, perhaps?
Attachment #130260 - Flags: superreview?(jst)
Attachment #130260 - Flags: review?(bryner)
Comment on attachment 130260 [details] [diff] [review] Patch Looks good to me, assuming JAVASCRIPT_GLOBAL_PROPERTY_CATEGORY works the way I think it does. It's unfortunate that we can't get the calling window though... I wonder about maybe adding an nsIObserver notification after an instance is created from GLOBAL_PROPERTY_CATEGORY, which would pass in the DOM window. Might be a performance loss though, and as you say, it's not a huge deal. r=bryner.
Attachment #130260 - Flags: review?(bryner) → review+
Comment on attachment 130260 [details] [diff] [review] Patch sr=jst
Attachment #130260 - Flags: superreview?(jst) → superreview+
Fix checked in.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
This probably caused the regression in bug 219534.
Not probably, it did cause the regression. I have not enough knowledge about this bug, but I really cannot understand why this was removed. If the search engines should not be added to window.sidebar, then I'm fine, since the search box actually isn't the sidebar. But then we need a new way to add the search engines.
The regression is firebird only. Note that I did not remove sidebar at all. I just "moved" it. It used to be that gecko depended on it, meaning you could not have a mozilla without it. It got moved to seamonkey. Firebird just needs to have the last 2 files of the patch ported over. I can't do that since I don't have access to firebird.
Chris, when you said "I can't do that since I don't have access to firebird," did you really mean "Screw Firebird, I'm not interested in fixing my regression there" because "Firebird just needs to have the last 2 files of the patch ported over. I can't do that since I don't have access to firebird" isn't quite the truth. As far as I can tell, there's nothing about's system that prevents you from accessing the Firebird code, so you certainly could port those files over and offer a patch to the Firebird developers for check-in.
No, I meant that the patch is here and there really is not much more I can do. If someone grants me access to the firebird partition, I'd be more than happy to fix the regression myself. Or if someone who has access to it grabs the patch and applies it from browser/ with |patch -p1| ignoring the dom stuff (just keep tapping enter) that would work too. I'm not all that inclined to grab a firebird tree to produce a pretty much identical patch, especially since my build environment is hosed.
Note that the firebird partition is now open. Asa, chill out.
Oh, yeah the firebird thing was fixed a long time ago, and pch had a maintenance patch to it recently since there was one additional caller of nsISidebar.window that I didn't notice. viewing sidebar worked but adding them didn't. That should also be fixed now.
Hrm... so this patch makes window.sidebar always point to our sidebar... this breaks sites that have a frame named "sidebar". See bug 222191. That's not cool. :(
Component: DOM: Core → DOM: Core & HTML
QA Contact: stummala → general
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