Closed Bug 16696 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Selected text shouldn't display/reverse background


(Core :: DOM: Selection, defect, P4)

Windows 98





(Reporter: mrgus, Assigned: mjudge)




Selected text should not display the background of
the page at all, especially
not in reverse color.

When you come upon a page that has a background
with a
"bar" on the left side of the screen, but
the creator of the image didn't put
enough space
on the right of the bar for higher resolutions
(open up the link in
 1152x864 or higher and you'll
see what I mean), the image will unintentionally

wrap. This makes the text displayed over the wrapped
"bar" portion difficult
(sometimes impossible) to see.

Although *that* is the author's fault, the
when you come upon a page such as that is to select
the text, which
normally would display the text in
reverse and a special flat-color box around
the text
that is the non-reversed color of the text. By allowing
the background
to be seen when selecting the text, and
then reversing the background color,
that produces the
same problem in seeing the text, eliminating that
solution to the problem.
Assignee: don → mjudge
Component: Browser-General → Selection
QA Contact: leger → elig
[QA Assigning to self.], could you please provide a few more details --- I can't
reproduce this using the 1999101908 build.

* What build date are you using? Have you reproduced this on a recent build?
* Could you please attach a screen shot displaying the behavior that you consider
to be undesirable?

Mr. Gus provided e-mail with a link to ; I've
updated the URL to reflect it.

This URL contains an exceptionally clear page to display the bug. (His e-mail
contained additional information, but I only post e-mail to public forum with
permission of sender.)
Broke a Mac OS-only side issue raised by Mr. Gus's shrine-page into bug #17077.
Target Milestone: M15
setting to M15
Priority: P3 → P4
Summary: Selected text shouldnt display/reverse background → Selected text shouldn't display/reverse background
We are not using XOR anymore until the CSS3 specs talk more about selection 
style and using XOR. we are hooking up this week selection color to the style 
system. Right now its an awful green color.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
*SPAM*: Changing the QA contact of all open/resolved Selection bugs from to  After the many great years of service 
Eli has given to Mozilla, it's time for him to move on; he has accepted a 
position at Eazel.  We'll be sad to see him go, and I'll do my best to fill his 
QA Contact: elig → BlakeR1234
verified fixed on 200208 (trunk) on win 98, selected text is in white with blue 
background on test url.
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