Closed Bug 167705 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Outdated source view after page refresh


(Core Graveyard :: View Source, defect)

Windows NT
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: avalon73, Assigned: doronr)


I don't know if this affects entire page refreshes as well, but I've seen it (and can easily replicate it) with single frames. If a page refresh happens, reloading a dynamic page at the same URL as the current page, the source viewer shows the source for the previous version of the page, not the new one.
Can you be a little more detailed, e.g. Mozilla version. It would be very good if you could publish a page that refreshes itself, and what exactly should be the steps to reproduce. This could help narrow down the problem. 10x I tried to reproduct this using (I refreshed the page, that clicked view-source, and the HTML source that I saw was the one corresponding to the page I see), so this works for me with build 2002090608 on Windows NT.
I'm using build 2002072204 (1.1b) under NT. I've just tried to create a page to demonstrate the problem (both with a page refresh and frame refresh, now that I've had time to test things further), and with apparently similar circumstances I can't replicate the problem. I can demonstrate it quite well using the server software I'm developing at work, but unfortunately I can't open that up on a public port to show the problem. There's obvious differences between that server and what I'm using for the test page (Apache), but the one common factor that I thought was key at first was the refresh. The problem doesn't occur with a manual refresh... only an automatic timed refresh (with the appropriate META tag).
reporter (Brian): can you reproduce this bug with a recent build of mozilla (for example, 1.2.1)? if so, please comment again with details. if not, please resolve this bug as WORKSFORME. thanks.
It's still happening, as of the official 1.2.1 build. I wasn't able to get it to happen with a normal page, but inside of a frame is where I see it (in this case, it's a single frame occupying the entire view, and the dynamic document is in it). Don't ask me why it's like that... I just inherited the server code, I didn't design it.
This feature has been in the Mozilla source tree for a number of weeks as of 01/13/2003. Marking FIXED.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I meant to say that it has been in the Mozilla source tree for a number of weeks as of 01/13/2004, forgot it was 2004 :).
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
Product: SeaMonkey → Core Graveyard
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