Closed Bug 168309 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

certutil fails with list everything in the hardware token


(NSS :: Libraries, defect, P1)

Windows 2000


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: thomask, Assigned: bugz)



(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

In pki3hack.c cache_token_cert(NSSCertificate *c, void *arg) { NSSToken *token = (NSSToken *)arg; NSSTrustDomain *td = STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain(); NSSCertificate *cp = nssCertificate_AddRef(c); if (nssList_Count(token->certList) > NSSTOKEN_MAX_LOCAL_CERTS) { nssToken_DestroyCertList(token, PR_TRUE); /* terminate the traversal */ return PR_FAILURE; } When NSS is used with certutil to list certificates in hardware token, certutil fails to list everything when there is more than NSSTOKEN_MAX_LOCAL_CERTS. it is because the local cert got destroyed.
Assigned the bug to Ian.
Assignee: wtc → ian.mcgreer
Ever confirmed: true
Attached patch patch for 3.4 branch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This cert cache code was replaced in NSS 3.5+, so this patch is only for the 3.4 branch.
Comment on attachment 99053 [details] [diff] [review] patch for 3.4 branch r=wtc. Bob, could you review this patch too?
Attachment #99053 - Flags: review+
Applied the patch to my tree, and it core dumped: (/tools/ns/workshop-6.2/bin/../WS6U2/bin/sparcv9/dbx) where current thread: t@1 =>[1] nssList_Count(list = (nil)), line 310 in "list.c" [2] cache_token_cert(c = 0x3436c0, arg = 0x2ceaa8), line 115 in "pki3hack.c" [3] retrieve_cert(t = 0x2ceaa8, session = 0x2ceaf0, h = 2181039210U, arg = 0xffbef7f8), line 573 in "devobject.c" [4] traverse_objects_by_template(tok = 0x2ceaa8, sessionOpt = (nil), obj_template = 0xffbef76c, otsize = 2U, callback = 0x179118 = &`certutil`devobject.c`retrieve_cert(struct NSSTokenStr *t, struct nssSessionStr *session, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE h, void *arg), arg = 0xffbef7f8), line 267 in "devobject.c" [5] nssToken_TraverseCertificates(token = 0x2ceaa8, sessionOpt = (nil), search = 0xffbef7f8), line 610 in "devobject.c" [6] nssToken_LoadCerts(token = 0x2ceaa8), line 269 in "pki3hack.c" [7] STAN_LoadDefaultNSS3TrustDomain(), line 378 in "pki3hack.c" [8] nss_Init(configdir = 0x2a7160 ".", certPrefix = 0x28d4a8 "", keyPrefix = 0x28d4a8 "", secmodName = 0x262210 "secmod.db", readOnly = 1, noCertDB = 0, noModDB = 0, forceOpen = 0, noRootInit = 0), line 454 in "nssinit.c" [9] NSS_Initialize(configdir = 0x2a7160 ".", certPrefix = 0x28d4a8 "", keyPrefix = 0x28d4a8 "", secmodName = 0x262210 "secmod.db", flags = 1U), line 512 in "nssinit.c" [10] main(argc = 6, argv = 0xffbefb44), line 2650 in "certutil.c" (/tools/ns/workshop-6.2/bin/../WS6U2/bin/sparcv9/dbx) Then, I put static PRStatus cache_token_cert(NSSCertificate *c, void *arg) { NSSToken *token = (NSSToken *)arg; NSSTrustDomain *td = STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain(); NSSCertificate *cp = nssCertificate_AddRef(c); + if (token->certList == 0) + return PR_FAILURE; if (nssList_Count(token->certList) > NSSTOKEN_MAX_LOCAL_CERTS) { nssToken_DestroyCertList(token, PR_TRUE); Then, it core dumped in (/tools/ns/workshop-6.2/bin/../WS6U2/bin/sparcv9/dbx) where current thread: t@1 =>[1] nssList_Clone(list = (nil)), line 337 in "list.c" [2] nssList_CreateIterator(list = (nil)), line 364 in "list.c" [3] nssToken_UpdateTrustForCerts(token = 0x2cead8), line 301 in "pki3hack.c" [4] pk11_CheckPassword(slot = 0x321828, pw = 0x2fdc08 "userpin"), line 681 in "pk11slot.c" [5] PK11_DoPassword(slot = 0x321828, loadCerts = 1, wincx = 0xffbefa8c), line 1158 in "pk11slot.c" [6] PK11_Authenticate(slot = 0x321828, loadCerts = 1, wincx = 0xffbefa8c), line 853 in "pk11slot.c" [7] listCerts(handle = 0x2ce820, name = (nil), slot = 0x321828, raw = 0, ascii = 0, outfile = 0x2abc70, pwarg = 0xffbefa8c), line 646 in "certutil.c" [8] ListCerts(handle = 0x2ce820, name = (nil), slot = 0x321828, raw = 0, ascii = 0, outfile = 0x2abc70, pwdata = 0xffbefa8c), line 703 in "certutil.c" [9] main(argc = 6, argv = 0xffbefb44), line 2680 in "certutil.c" (/tools/ns/workshop-6.2/bin/../WS6U2/bin/sparcv9/dbx)
Thomas- Did you do a clean rebuild? Dependencies don't work at all in NSS 3.4, and certutil is linked statically.
Nevermind, I see the problem now. The hardware token is not friendly, correct? (that is, you must login to see the certs)
The second crash you reported is due to the fact that some code is assuming that all hardware token certs are cached. I could fix that piece of code, but I'm worried about how many other parts of the code make similar assumptions. I believe it has not been a problem to date because we haven't tested with a device that has more than 10 certs (the current maximum). So, another less risky way to fix this bug is to remove the maximum, so that hardware certs are always cached. Provided we aren't faced with a hardware token that has millions of certs, that shouldn't be a problem.
This patch completely removes the limit of cached token certs.
Yes, I agree that removes the limit is a less risky fix. I did try to change the limit to 100, and it fixed the problem. Thanks for your help Ian!
Attachment #99053 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 99086 [details] [diff] [review] alternative patch - remove the maximum patch checked in, reviewed by wtc over IRC
Attachment #99086 - Flags: review+
marking fixed per comment #9 (leaving milestone open, should be 3.4.3)
Closed: 22 years ago
Priority: -- → P1
Resolution: --- → FIXED
The definition of the NSSTOKEN_MAX_LOCAL_CERTS macro should also be removed. Thanks, Ian!
Whiteboard: [3.4.3]
I've checked in this patch on the NSS_3_4_BRANCH.
Whiteboard: [3.4.3]
Target Milestone: --- → 3.4.3
We should test 3.6 with a token with more than 10 certs. I would rather fix the problems we find there than remove the limit. bob
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