Closed Bug 168553 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Need to fork rules.dat


(MailNews Core :: Filters, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mscott, Assigned: naving)



(Whiteboard: [adt2])


(2 files, 2 obsolete files)

With all the improvements we are making to filters, we are going to need to fork rules.dat since the new attributes are not backwards compatible. Some notes: Navin and I were just talking about this in my cube when David made his post. We also think the only solution is to fork rules.dat. What about the following: 1) The next time we write out the filter rules, we write them to a new file: "rules1.dat" (is there a better name we should use?) 2) When reading in the filters, we first look for rules1.dat, if we don't find it we fall back to rules.dat. In short, the first time you edit your filters with this new build we will fork rules.dat and from that point forward trunk builds would look at the new filter file.
My approach to fork it right away when we are getting filter list. So copy rules.dat to rules1.dat and rules1.dat is now the default filter file. This is much simpler assuming scott's whitelisting stuff is going to be used heavily as soon as it lands. All other changes are to rename rules.dat to rules1.dat in alert wordings and const(s).
David, Scott, Can you review ? thx.
Can I get reviews ? thx.
Cavin, Can I get r=? thx.
Comment on attachment 99168 [details] [diff] [review] patch to fork rules.dat r=cavin.
Attachment #99168 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 99168 [details] [diff] [review] patch to fork rules.dat I'm unclear why the comm4x change is needed - we're not writing out rules1.dat into directories that we're going to import 4.x files from, are we? Or do we somehow run the import code on Mach V directories?
yes, if we are importing that change is not needed. I will not check that change in.
Ok, thx. +#define FILTER_FILE_NAME "rules1.dat" /* this is XP in 5.x */ could you fix this comment? I'd just say "this uses a cross-platform file format" or something like that. other than that, sr=bienvenu.
fix checked in.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Just a thought: This solution seems like it could present a problem moving back and forth between Mozilla versions while using the same profile. Suppose I update filters in a recent build, then return to v1.1 for daily operation. I won't see those new filters while using 1.1, and any filters I later add using 1.1 won't show up when I use more recent builds (because rules1.dat will have previously been created).
Might it be better to use a more descriptive filename, something that conveys more information on what's different between "rules.dat" and "rules1.dat"? Something like "rules-improved.dat"? Is this a permanent change, or will things be rolled back into plain old rules.dat at some point in the future?
I'm a little confused - did we also checkin the changes that require that we fork rules.dat (mscott's changes)? If not, then we're still going to have an incompatibility going back and forth between current trunk builds that have mscott's changes, and the builds that don't have his changes. I thought the plan was to check in the forking when we checked in the changes that made rules.dat incompatibile. Also, did we address the versioning issues so that we wouldn't have to fork again?
yes, moving back and forth will not work, in terms of having the same filters. We did this because of a problem in the filter criteria filing code that we ran into when we started adding new kinds of filters. The only solution we could come up with was to fork the rules.dat file at the time when we checked in the code that created the new kinds of filters. We were also going to change the filing code so that it could handle problems like this in the future, so that this would be a one-time only fork.
yes, you are right. I backed out this checkin. This needs to go with mscott's filter changes.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
How about having a better name for the file, say moz-rules.dat:)
great, thx for backing this out. I might also need to coordinate my changes for a couple new filter actions, and Seth might as well for his new action. We could make the name something like msgFilterRules.dat - then people will really know what it's for!
any chance for a better filename that rules1.dat? why not just "mailrules.dat" or "mozrules.dat". we now have the chance! please...:)
I don't know if it is related to patch backup, but I have some strange "rules1.dat" folder in every account in mailnews ?!
> any chance for a better filename that rules1.dat? Someone in n.p.m.mail-news suggested filters.dat, which I like.
Could it be mixed case? Filters.dat?
Yeah we should probably use a name like: filters.dat or mailFilters.dat instead of rules1.dat (which I'm guilty of initially suggesting). Please don't spam the bug with all the possibile names, we'll come up with something reasonable before we check in and will post it here.
*** Bug 176897 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
bringing over comments from bienvenu from another bug: "I think we need a plan for this. I guess Scott has already checked his stuff in, though not turned on in Mozilla, so maybe the horse is out of the barn already. But, it seems to me that what should happen is that we should turn on all the changes that require a fork at the same time that we check in the code that does the fork. If we check in code that will change the format of the filters file w/o checking in the forking code, we might break the ability to go back and forth between 7.0 and the tip of the trunk bits. And if we break people's filters, we will make a lot of people unhappy. It's one thing for an old version of mozilla to be unable to read a newer filter format, but another for it it to read the newer filter format, but lose information when it writes it back out. One simple approach going forward would be to change the filing code to read newer format filter files, but refuse to write out the file, on the theory that it might not have read the filter file correctly. I realize this sounds like an enormous pain since everything would need to be turned on at once, and some of the work hasn't started yet. In theory, we could do just the filing code for the features that aren't done yet (I'm thinking of the new filter actions, forward and reply), but I'm not sure exactly what file format wil be for the data of these actions. I guess would could just say it's a string and leave it at that."
blocks the complete landing of the view code. (see #176850)
Blocks: 176850
"I guess Scott has already checked his stuff in, though not turned on in Mozilla, so maybe the horse is out of the barn already." dmose currently owns bringing over mscott's view code (bug 176850) and turning on the spam feature (bug 169638). Those are two features that can be landed (but not competely turned on) until we have a fix for this, and we have a fix for the other changes. I agree with david and mscott: we should fork only once. is is possible that the new format can be done in a way that will prevent future forks? If so, it would allow us to fork before all our changes are ready. Otherwise, we'd have to wait to turn on these features, or fork again. Here are some comments from mscott: sspitzer: how much more until we fork rules.dat? mscott: i don't know who else is doing filters work, anyone? mscott: i don't have anything left sspitzer: I have sound filters sspitzer: let me ask david / navin what they have left sspitzer: sorry to ask you again and again sspitzer: but what requires us to fork? sspitzer: I mean we could just make the minimal changes and fork, sspitzer: and then finish the rest of filters features later? mscott: then you might have to fork again if you make more changes mscott: later that cause another change to how a filter gets written out mscott: just do one fork and not a fork today, another one next week sspitzer: I mean can we do this: sspitzer: right, one fork, but say I need to add sound filter stuff sspitzer: so add the changes we need to avoid a second fork sspitzer: but don't implement the whole thing. sspitzer: does that make sense? mscott: sure you can do that if you know what you need to add... mscott: we don't know what that is. mscott: at least i didn't for my stuff sspitzer: good point.
Blocks: spamfe
other way around, this can't land until 169638, 176850 lands (or we figure out how to fork, and avoid future forks.)
No longer blocks: spamfe, 176850
Depends on: spamfe, 176850
adding bug 118952, adding support for sound filter actions. a list of features that might block this bug: 1) Multiple Filter actions 2) Reply/Forward/Stop Filter Execution filter actions 3) Play Sound filter action 4) filter by addressbook UI (might be addressed by the view bug) 5) filter by charset (or filter by non-ascii)
Depends on: 118952
Is there anything we can do to make it so we don't have to fork again the next time we make changes to filters? Can we make it so that the trunk can handle backwards compatibility?
Keywords: nsbeta1+
Whiteboard: [adt2]
I suggested the following in a previous comment: "One simple approach going forward would be to change the filing code to read newer format filter files, but refuse to write out the file, on the theory that it might not have read the filter file correctly." What tends to happen is that we add new filter attributes, and it doesn't tend to need to break the filing input code, which could just ignore stuff it doesn't understand. So the way it would work is as follows: 1. Change the filing code to ignore attributes it doesn't recognize (and skip to the next line). 2. Make sure that we ignore filter actions and action values we don't understand (and probably disable the filter in memory). 3. Note that the file version is a newer version than we understand 4. If the user tries to bring up the filter editor, put up a message that says something like "this filter file was created by a newer version of Netscape/Mozilla. You can only edit the filter file with that version of the product". 5. Make sure that no other code (besides the filter editor) causes the filter file to get written out, in the case that we're editing a newer version than we understand. This isn't a fool proof approach. But I think it would allow us to add some new kinds of filters w/o forking rules.dat.
Is there anyway we could make it so that it disables filters it can't understand but still retains the filter so that filter changes could be made in both versions?
sure, we could switch over to using mork for the filter filing :-) I'm half serious. We'd need what mork provides, which is the ability to have the db/client code ignore but retain information it doesn't understand. The mork filing code is completely format agnostic - there are basically tables, rows, and cells, and it's up to the client code to interpret the rows and cells. The problem with the filter filing code (which I wrote), is that the filing format and the filter data structures are too tightly bound together. Given that we probably won't switch over to Mork, we'd need to extend the filter object so that it will read in and remember lines it doesn't understand, and file those lines out when asked to file itself out. This actually wouldn't be that hard.
There is one problem that Searchattributes table is not fixed. If we don't find in the table, we think it is a custom header. We could make it so that if the custom header is not in the pref, then we should return not found.
yes, that's true, we should fix whatever's going on in the search attribute stuff too.
Extending the filter object as suggested by David in comment 31 sounds like the right thing to me. Another feature that is likely to want entries in the filter file is generic mail filtering plugins (ie when the code that has already landed for spam stuff gets made more generic, possibly in such a way that it can be used in regular filters, as suggested by alecf in the spam plugin bug).
OS: Windows 2000 → All
Hardware: PC → All
Just my 2 cents - I think using mork is a fantastic idea. I've always though having our own proprietary format (ok, so is mork in a lot of ways, but the format allows for extensiblity) was going to bite us, and here it has :) Mork provides the flexibility that dmose describes is needed - it could allow filters to store arbitrary pieces of data about a given filter. My suggestion though would be to add a small shim layer to the API to hide the fact that we're actually using mork for the db format - or maybe add a nsIProperties <-> mork shim so that the filter format could access metadata from the rules store via a well defined (and frozen!) interface... As much as people complain about mork, its really a nice little db and seems perfect for this purpose.
alecf: I don't get it; what does using mork buy us that can't easily be implemented directly in the filter object? Presumably it's not gonna help our memory footprint any.
Comment on attachment 99168 [details] [diff] [review] patch to fork rules.dat marking sr=bienvenu
Attachment #99168 - Attachment description: proposed fix → patch to fork rules.dat
Attachment #99168 - Flags: superreview+
Some of the diffs cannot be applied because it collides w/ multiple filter actions patch. This patch handles filters it doesn't recognizes and hold the content of such a filter in m_unparsedBuffer. We mark such a filter as "ignoreMe" and disable it when we read them in. When we write back, we just write this whole buffer. I have added UI checks so that we are not able to edit/enable such a filter. Also we are not adding custom headers when we read filters in, so that we know that this is something not recognized by this version of mozilla and we can just ignore the whole filter. tested patch for all cases where I have ignored filter. I also added new attributes and the patch does ignore such a filter. david, please review, thx.
The explanation remains the same. I edited part of diffs incorrectly.
Attachment #104667 - Attachment is obsolete: true
in general, it looks OK. However, the attribute "ignoreMe" is a kind of odd name. Perhaps something like "unparseable" would make the code read a little better and be more understandable. Or "couldNotBeParsed" - something that gives an idea why we're treating this filter special.
If I'm reading this correctly, whenever we see a new filter in the file (i.e., a line that starts "name="), then we take care of the previous filter, as far as setting the unparsed buffer, disabling, etc. What happens if the last filter in the file is one that we can't parse? Are we handling that case?
yes, we are handling that case outside that while loop in these lines + + if (m_curFilter) + { + PRBool unparseableFilter; + m_curFilter->GetUnparseable(&unparseableFilter); + if (unparseableFilter) + { + m_curFilter->SetUnparsedBuffer(m_unparsedFilterBuffer.get()); + m_curFilter->SetEnabled(PR_FALSE); //disable the filter because we don't know how to apply it + } + } +
ok, thx. that looks ok.
changed attribute name "ignoreMe" to "unparseable"
Attachment #104668 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 104696 [details] [diff] [review] patch for not forking in future thx, r=bienvenu
Attachment #104696 - Flags: review+
Cavin, Can I get r=? for last patch.
I was thinking of calling new file "filterRules.dat".
that would be OK, or msgFilterRules.dat.
Comment on attachment 104696 [details] [diff] [review] patch for not forking in future r=cavin if the following are addressed: 1) In nsresult nsMsgFilter::SaveToTextFile(), need to check argument 'aStream' since it's referenced when m_unparseable is true. 2) + //nsCString m_originalServerPath; //used for 4.x filters Should we remove this line instead? 3) + m_unparsedFilterBuffer = ""; Should we use m_unparsedFilterBuffer.Truncate() instead? 4) +nsMsgSearchTerm::ParseOperator(char *inStream, nsMsgSearchOpValue *value) Should check argument 'value' before referencing it.
both patches checked in. addressed cavin's last comment.
marking fixed
Closed: 22 years ago22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
No longer depends on: 181534
QA Contact: laurel → esther
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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