Closed Bug 16916 Opened 25 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Space bar should scroll the message and then move to next unread message.


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: lchiang, Assigned: sspitzer)



(2 files)

Space bar should scroll the message and then move to next unread message 10/20/99 build Win32 1) Open Inbox 2) You have several unread messages 3) Select one of them which is causes the scroll bar to appear in the message pane and place focus in the message pane 4) Press space bar 5) The message scrolls until the end of the message is reached 6) Press space bar again Actual result: nothing happens Expected results: The next unread message gets selected in the thread pane and displayed in the message pane Add'l notes: This is a feature in 4.x which I greatly rely on to read through my messages and news postings in an efficient manner. If possible, would like this in 5.0 :-)
Assignee: phil → alecf
Reassign to alecf
Target Milestone: M12
adding putterman to this. There are huge focus architectural issues to fix before we even have a shot at this in a reliable manner.
QA Contact: lchiang → laurel
Target Milestone: M12 → M13
Target Milestone: M13 → M16
I was wondering if/when we were going to get to this feature. FWIW, I really miss it. Is it really M16?
Summary: Space bar should scroll the message and then move to next unread message → [FEATURE] Space bar should scroll the message and then move to next unread message
Are the huge architectural issues with focus resolved now?
Priority: P3 → P2
Target Milestone: M16 → M17
[FEATURE] bugs past M16 are OUT for this release. Marking M20. If you disagree with this action, please help me explain it to the PDT.
Target Milestone: M17 → M20
I think this is polish that we need for the product - users have been using this feature since 3.x Taking off feature radar, because it's not a FEATURE, it's more of a featurelet
Summary: [FEATURE] Space bar should scroll the message and then move to next unread message → Space bar should scroll the message and then move to next unread message
Target Milestone: M20 → M17
I don't want to play schedule chicken, but I really miss this feature too. Will defer to Alec and Steve's judgement about when/if this could be done.
Mass moving to future
Target Milestone: M17 → Future
Don't forget the dialog when you're jumping between folders/groups: `Continue to next unread message in {folderName/groupName}?' (The dialog has keyboard focus on the `OK' button, so you can just press Space again to continue.)
Summary: Space bar should scroll the message and then move to next unread message → Space bar at end of message should move to next unread message
cross-folder navigation is a completely different bug... which might not be filed..
I'm sure Laurel has filed it. It's to track cross folder navigation.
changing title back to it's original one.. we want to make sure to scroll the message when the user hits space. I've got this partially working in my tree.
Summary: Space bar at end of message should move to next unread message → Space bar should scroll the message and then move to next unread message.
alec, do you still have a partial fix for this? feel free to attach the patch and hand the bug off to me. (see #17801, next across folders is working.)
adding me to the cc list.
Yes, I think so. I'll attach a patch.
filters/search UI->gayatrib
Assignee: alecf → gayatrib
oops back to me
Assignee: gayatrib → alecf
Target Milestone: Future → mozilla0.6
Target Milestone: mozilla0.6 → mozilla0.9
taking from alecf. add jst, who has some sort of patch.
Assignee: alecf → sspitzer
Well, what I have is not really anything I'm proud of and it doesn't really work all the time either, I hacked on this months back and found this in one of my trees today. This patch does make mozilla scroll when pressing space when reading a news message and if we're at the bottom of the message it skips to the next unread message. The problem is that sometimes the code makes mozilla go to the next unread message w/o scrolling so that needs to be fixed before this is ready for prime time. I'm guessing the event handler runs in the wrong window/context sometimes so we're not able to scroll the content window. I'll attach the patch.
QA Contact: laurel → fenella
as mentioned in bug triage meeting yesterday, am nominating spacebar navigation releated bugs.
Keywords: nsbeta1
marking nsbeta1-, though if someone can get the patch to work correctly, it would be taken.
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1-
Keywords/nomination: 4xp, mozilla0.9, mozilla1.0.
moving to future.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9 → Future
Please reconsider this one, annoying bugs like this one is what makes people think this product sucks. The lates attachment works, if someone who understands the mailnews UI code could spend 5 minutes looking at the patch and testing what it does I think it could be ready for checkin. Please, please, please. Pretty please!
Target Milestone: Future → ---
I can provide Someone from mailnews should review...
Johnny, it's great!! It works fine on my own build on Linux. But I prefer moving to 'next message' (not 'unread') with space bar. So I modified your patch and it makes me happy now.
Cool :-) I think mozilla should follow what NS4.x did tho, and go to the next unread message when you press space. You're always free to do whatever you want in your own build, of course :-)
FYI, the nsbeta1- and the future refer to the current owner of the bug doing the fix. If someone else contributes a good patch then we'll take it. So, thanks for the patch. It'll make a lot of keyboard users happy.
Seth, looks like this one is ready to go pending mail review and and sr=.
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9
now that the performance branch has landed I'll work on getting this landed.
fixed. thanks for the patch jst.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Linux (2001-03-26-05 mtrunk) Win32 (2001-03-26-09 mtrunk) Mac (2001-03-26-12 mtrunk) Verify this one. However, crash occurs when scrolling using space bar on News. See bug 73485,
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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