Closed Bug 169559 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Accessing global and local variables performance diff


(Core :: JavaScript Engine, defect, P1)






(Reporter: zbraniecki, Assigned: brendan)



(Keywords: js1.5, perf, testcase)


(9 files, 11 obsolete files)

5.24 KB, text/javascript
655 bytes, text/html
20.83 KB, patch
: review+
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
18.55 KB, text/plain
174.03 KB, patch
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
169.94 KB, patch
: review+
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
1.58 KB, patch
: review+
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5.24 KB, text/plain
7.43 KB, text/plain
I created this bug in result of discussion in bug 169442 . Mozilla (like IE) slower access global variables than local. But the difference is very big in Mozilla. I'm just wondering if we can do anything with this? (like checking Security only at the beggining, and after value changing?)
Keywords: perf
Keywords: testcase
Is there any chance to find reason for this? IE6: Global: 812 Local: 344 Mozilla: Global: 1578 Local: 297
Mass-reassigning bugs to
Assignee: jst → dom_bugs
Mozilla 20030402 Global: 1719 Local: 344 IE6: Global: 875 Local: 360 So nothing changed... Anyone could look it?
*** Bug 200848 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Reassigning to Security:General to see if we can mitigate some of the security checks or not; cc'ing jst. Note the testcase given by Tim Powell, and his results, in bug 200848 comment 1.
Assignee: dom_bugs → mstoltz
Component: DOM Level 0 → Security: General
QA Contact: desale → carosendahl
While I'm continuing to work on optimizing the security check on global variable access, I'm wondering how important this is to real-world applications. Are you accessing global vars in a tight loop, so that the speed of access will actually have some impact on the performance of your application?
Global vars are quite common, and often you *have* to use them, although the more common cases are just forgotten |var|s. Remember that most function calls, every use of the |Math| object, |undefined|, |parseInt|, |document| etc. constitute accesses to global objects. For an extreme real-world case see bug 203699. IMHO, the way to go is to check at compile time whether an identifier ever needs a security check. This can be done for every code not within a |with| or |catch|.
Blocks: 203699
Global vars are indeed really common on DHTML based sites /applications.
Blocks: 21762, 203448
No longer blocks: 203699
Blocks: 203699
Hmm.. Yes. They are still very common, even if they shouldn't be. Most of DHTML scripts should work on objects and if so, global variables shouldn't be used. But there are at least two situations where global variables are logical and natural. 1) variables which determinating platform on which script works. For example varibales ie,ns4,op,up5 and so on... 2) variables for things that are gobal in window scope (for example handlers of drag&droped objects), or variables passed between two frames, windows and so on. Second one is not a problem, but many scripts including widly used DynApi/DynDuo use this determination in every step of animation. So it's about in every 10,20 ms!!! Example: function Step () { if(ie)document.all['obj'],break; if(ns4)document.layers.['obj'].top=(T+=10),break; if(up5)document.getElementByID('obj'),break; }
Anyone working on this bug should try out's testcases in bug 203699 comment 19 and bug 203699 comment 20. The former takes a LONG time to load in Mozilla. The latter does not. The only difference is that in the latter, the top-level script is wrapped in an anonymous function to make the global variables local.
It's not just the DOM security checks that slow global variables down. They are much slower than local variables per se. This simple code: var x= 1000000; while ( --x ) ; takes still more than double time in global than in local context if I run it in the js shell. AIUI, most local variables are connected directly to a specific "slot" in the function, i.e. they don't have to be looked up by name at runtime, but their location is well known. In contrast, global variables are just properties of the global object, which is typically a host object, and the host might want to do something special if a property of its objects is accessed. E.g., if you say |var status= "some text"| at top level, a browser window displays "some text" in the status bar, but only if the user has allowed to do so. But most global variables are not meaningful to the host environment, yet it has to handle them. It is a design flaw of JavaScript that it is not possible to differentiate between ordinary global variables and properties of the global object. However, if the host would supply the engine with a list of properties of the global object it knows about resp. it is interested in, it should be possible to connect the remaining global identifiers directly to slots in the global object, just the same way it is done with local variables -- at least if they are undeletable (this covers all /declared/ global variables, functions and most (all?) native properties of the global object like |Math|, |parseInt| and |Infinity|, unless the host claims a name for its own use). An implementation of this suggestion would automatically bypass most unneeded DOM security checks as a side effect. I have no deeper understanding of the js engine code, but I think all problems araising from this suggestion should be solvable. There might be some additional difficulties when enumerating properties, however, and (unlike local variables) global variables must still be accessible as properties of the global object, in which case security checks are still needed (e.g. |frames[0].globalVar| might be forbidden to access).
Confirming the timings reports from the optimized JS shell: ----------------------- GLOBAL ACCESS ------------------------ js> var start =; var x= 1000000; while (--x){}; print( - start); 750 ----------------------- LOCAL ACCESS ------------------------- js> (function() {var start =; var x= 1000000; while (--x){}; print( - start);})() 328
Severity: normal → major
Hardware: PC → All
Severity: major → normal
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Has anybody of the js engine team looked at my suggestion in comment 11 before letting this bug laying around futured at the security component, while it could better be fixed in the engine?
In both testcases you can adjust the loop count. In the js shell set |this.count| to do so, in the HTML testcase set |count| in the query string. Default is 10000. My results for the global/local ratio are ~ 5.2 in the js shell and ~ 13.2 in the browser.
CCing the other JS engine guy.
Re: comment 13 -- yes, the engine could do something like what comment 11 sketches if it had enough reliable hints from the DOM. Note that per ECMA-262 Edition 3, a var statement does not replace a pre-existing property, so we can't do anything unless 'var foo' is creating foo (in which case, it will be permanent, so we can, in the current JS engine, count on its slot not changing). I was talking to jst the other week about taking more aggressive steps to solve the performance disparity. Thanks,, for pushing on this topic. Cc'ing jst, taking bug. /be
Assignee: mstoltz → brendan
Keywords: js1.5
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: Future → mozilla1.5alpha
The hint we need from the DOM is actually already implemented, via the JSClass.resolve hook. At the point (case JSOP_DEFVAR: in jsinterp.c) where OBJ_DEFINE_PROPERTY is being called after js_CheckRedeclaration has ascertained that no pre-existing property is named by this var statement, we know that the property's slot won't change, provided (attrs & JSPROP_PERMANENT). The trick will be specializing the code at compile time, if possible. Respecializing at runtime would be a pain, introducing bloat, requiring specialized code caching, etc. /be
Component: Security: General → JavaScript Engine
QA Contact: carosendahl → pschwartau
Target Milestone: mozilla1.5alpha → mozilla1.6alpha
May get to this in 1.7. /be
Target Milestone: mozilla1.6alpha → mozilla1.7alpha
Blocks: 117611
This patch includes other fixes and #ifdef'd instrumentation. /be
Attached patch lightly tested mega-patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Includes fixes for bug 165201 and bug 206599. /be
Blocks: 165201, 206599
Still need some work; JSSLOT_FREE doesn't include computed reserved slots. /be
Attachment #144014 - Attachment is obsolete: true
I doubt this has anything to do with DHTML performance. If bug 21762 is worth keeping open, it should be about DHTML, which uses (or should be fixed to use) function code, not global code. New patch and some benchmark results soon. /be
No longer blocks: 21762
I can minimize this by splitting patches out for other bugs. Some files are just being tidied (e.g. WIN16 cruft removal). /be
Attachment #144389 - Attachment is obsolete: true
gcc3.3.2 Fedora Core 1 -O2 js shell build, without (<) and with (>) minimal patch: 3,5c3,5 < Global: 764 < Local: 132 < Ratio: 5.788 --- > Global: 223 > Local: 124 > Ratio: 1.798 8,10c8,10 < Global: 700 < Local: 130 < Ratio: 5.385 --- > Global: 160 > Local: 127 > Ratio: 1.260 13,15c13,15 < Global: 700 < Local: 131 < Ratio: 5.344 --- > Global: 164 > Local: 124 > Ratio: 1.323 These are from three runs in a row after warming up with three runs where the output was not saved. It looks like the patch speeds up global variables 4x, so that they are about 25% slower than local variables, for the benchmark at attachment 122533 [details]. /be
Attached patch minimal patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
I'll attach the cleanup-only and strict-alias-fix-only parts separately. /be
Attachment #144635 - Attachment is obsolete: true
This should go into 1.8a ASAP. /be
Attached patch strict-alias fixes only (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Other strict alias fixes are in the main patch (attachment 144682 [details] [diff] [review]). /be
Attached patch fixed minimal patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
- fixed LookupArgOrVar to use -1 for slot instead of default-0 sprop->shortid if !(sprop->flags & SPROP_HAS_SHORTID), to avoid matching eval-created var references from eval code against argument slot range, selecting JSOP_GETARG etc. -- this was broken in the non-minimal patch, but not exposed until I added the (getter == js_CallClass.getProperty && fp->fun && (uintN) slot < fp->fun->nargs) disjunction right operand to the (getter == js_GetArgument) condition governing JOF_QARG opcode selection in LookupArgOrVar. - fixed two bogus JOF_CONST tests in jsemit.c (regressed after non-minimal patch, although second instance is not apparently caught by any test); - renamed SPROP_HAS_DEFAULT_[GS]ETTER to SPROP_HAS_STUB.... This attachment passes the testsuite. /be
Attachment #144682 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #144683 - Flags: review?(shaver)
Comment on attachment 144687 [details] [diff] [review] strict-alias fixes only The jsdbgapi.c change is more than just a strict aliasing fix: it fixes an old bug where early error returns toward the bottom of JS_SetWatchPoint would leave obj locked. /be
Attachment #144687 - Flags: review?(bryner)
Attachment #144728 - Flags: review?(shaver)
Latest patch, warmed-up best of three before/after diff: 13,15c13,15 < Global: 700 < Local: 131 < Ratio: 5.344 --- > Global: 150 > Local: 127 > Ratio: 1.181 /be
Target Milestone: mozilla1.7alpha → mozilla1.8alpha
shaver: look for the XYZZY comment in jsemit.c and pretend I make that line look like this: case JSOP_SETCONST: /* NB: no change */ break; and similarly for the other "no change" line nearby (no need to set op to its present value). /be
The previous patch added one word to JSFunction's size. This patch makes use of an old patch I had lying around to combine fun->native and fun->script via a union discriminated by the new fun->interpreted packed bool that fits in a spare byte. This patch also contains the XYZZY removal fix mentioned previously, and a few comment tweaks. /be
Attachment #144726 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #144728 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #144728 - Flags: review?(shaver)
Comment on attachment 144814 [details] [diff] [review] diff -w version of last attachment (for reviewing) Shaver, this is money -- still passes the testsuite, works in mozilla, and I hope for some Ts, Txul, and maybe even Tp wins. /be
Attachment #144814 - Flags: review?(shaver)
Argh, one more jsemit.c tweak, diff of diff format, new patch on the right: 784c784 < + case JSOP_DELNAME: op = JSOP_FALSE; break; --- > + case JSOP_DELNAME: /* NB: no change */ break; IOW, for fast global variable access, we have to let DELNAME look up the slow property and test whether it is permanent. If it is, no-op (and the fast path may apply if other conditions are true -- see the new JSOP_DEFVAR/CONST case in jsinterp.c). If not, the fast path can't be used, fp->vars[atomIndex] will be JSVAL_NULL, and DELNAME will delete the impermant global property that existed before the variable declaration with the same name was processed. /be
> If [DELNAME finds an impermanent property], the fast path can't be used, > fp->vars[atomIndex] will be JSVAL_NULL, and DELNAME will delete the > impermanent global property that existed before the variable declaration > with the same name was processed. (Typo fix above.) And any JSOP_*GVAR ops that execute after the DELNAME will find JSVAL_NULL in fp->vars[atomIndex] and not a int-jsval-tagged slot number, and take the slow path, for example failing to find the now-deleted property in the case of JSOP_GETGVAR/JSOP_NAME. /be
Comment on attachment 144814 [details] [diff] [review] diff -w version of last attachment (for reviewing) New patch incorporating patch for bug 238881 and another fix found while testing. I'll give a diff-of-diff run-down soon. /be
Attachment #144814 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #144814 - Flags: review?(shaver)
Attachment #144813 - Attachment is obsolete: true
All should be clear. Shaver, ask me anything. /be
Attachment #144894 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #145002 - Flags: review?(shaver)
Attachment #144687 - Flags: review?(bryner) → review+
Comment on attachment 144687 [details] [diff] [review] strict-alias fixes only Oops, the jsxdrapi.c change is all wrong. What was I thinking? /be
Attachment #144687 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #144687 - Flags: review+
Attachment #145030 - Flags: review?(bryner)
Comment on attachment 145002 [details] [diff] [review] diff -w version of last attachment (for reviewing) Looks good, with the assertion change from IRC. Let's see some T* numbers!
Attachment #145002 - Flags: review?(shaver) → review+
Attachment #145030 - Flags: review?(bryner) → review+
Fix is in. /be
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment on attachment 144683 [details] [diff] [review] WIN16 and other ifdef and lesser cleanups only r=shaver, RIP WIN16
Attachment #144683 - Flags: review?(shaver) → review+
Did this really help? I ran attachment 122533 [details] 10 times each in js.exe built from Mozilla 1.4.3, Mozilla 1.7.6 and Mozilla 1.8b from today on a dual Xeon 3.06Ghz w/1G Ram running winxpsp2 and it looks like things have gotten worse over time rather than better. Mozilla 1.4.3 Global Local Ratio 282.00 46.00 6.13 281.00 47.00 5.98 312.00 47.00 6.64 297.00 62.00 4.79 282.00 46.00 6.13 282.00 47.00 6.00 281.00 47.00 5.98 281.00 47.00 5.98 266.00 47.00 5.66 281.00 47.00 5.98 Average 284.50 48.30 5.93 Mozilla 1.7.6 297.00 46.00 6.46 281.00 63.00 4.46 297.00 47.00 6.32 297.00 47.00 6.32 266.00 47.00 5.66 281.00 63.00 4.46 281.00 47.00 5.98 282.00 62.00 4.55 297.00 47.00 6.32 281.00 62.00 4.53 Average 286.00 53.10 5.51 Mozilla 1.8b 312.00 63.00 4.95 312.00 78.00 4.00 313.00 62.00 5.05 375.00 62.00 6.05 328.00 62.00 5.29 328.00 63.00 5.21 344.00 78.00 4.41 312.00 63.00 4.95 313.00 62.00 5.05 313.00 78.00 4.01 Average 325.00 67.10 4.90
1.4.3 and 1.7.6 look about the same. This bug's patch affects the 1.8 trunk only, and per comment 32 it did give a big win. Bob, could you try pulling js/src, js/src/config, and js/src/editline by date from just after I checked in, and retesting? I'll retest too. I hope there isn't some OS dependency here -- I've been testing only with gcc on Linux. /be
Hmm, best 1 of 5 tries with an optimized js shell on my 2GHz thinkpad running FC3 gcc gives: $ Linux_All_DBG.OBJ/js t.js Testing... Global: 196 Local: 161 Ratio: 1.217 That seems a bit off from the initial gain reported in comment 32. It'll take some pull-by-date rebuild tedium to see whether there was a regression. The results a bit noisier than I recall, too. The other four tries' results were: $ Linux_All_DBG.OBJ/js t.js Testing... Global: 247 Local: 160 Ratio: 1.544 $ Linux_All_DBG.OBJ/js t.js Testing... Global: 245 Local: 159 Ratio: 1.541 $ Linux_All_DBG.OBJ/js t.js Testing... Global: 196 Local: 160 Ratio: 1.2 $ Linux_All_DBG.OBJ/js t.js Testing... Global: 197 Local: 161 Ratio: 1.224 /be
I pulled js/src, js/src/config, js/src/editline from 2004-04-13 and built using make -f Makefile.ref BUILD_OPT=1 then ran 10 tests. Xeon 3.06Ghz, winxpsp2, VC6 = Average 281.50 62.10 4.59
Gahh. What about a build pulled from 4/11? /be
To make sure I am not doing anything stupid, I will attach the test case I am using and list exactly what I did to get these results. If anyone else has WinXPSP2, I would appreciate confirmation. I did get even worse results for a current trunk build on a thinkpad t42 1.7Ghz machine running WinXPSP2 Visual C++ 6, SP5, Processor Pack and Platform SDK .mozconfig mk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR=@TOPSRCDIR@/obj-@CONFIG_GUESS@-release mk_add_options MOZ_CO_PROJECT=suite ac_add_options --enable-application=suite ac_add_options --enable-optimize ac_add_options --disable-activex ac_add_options --disable-activex-scripting ac_add_options --disable-tests ac_add_options --disable-debug ac_add_options --enable-crypto cd mozilla/js cvs update -D 2004-04-11 src src/config src/editline cd src rm WINNT5.1_OPT.OBJ/* make -f Makefile.ref BUILD_OPT=1 cd WINNT5.1_OPT.OBJ js js>load('bug-169559.js') Ten runs 3.06Ghz Xeon (Average is average of the numbers in the column): 281.00 47.00 5.98 282.00 31.00 9.10 266.00 47.00 5.66 266.00 47.00 5.66 282.00 46.00 6.13 266.00 31.00 8.58 281.00 47.00 5.98 266.00 46.00 5.78 266.00 47.00 5.66 266.00 46.00 5.78 Average 272.20 43.50 6.43
zack-weg, with your permission this will be included in the javascript test library. Could you send me the name and email address you would like included under "Contributor(s)" ?
I didn't get a reply on permission, so I checked in a different testcase which I believe illustrates the difference between global and local variables as js/tests/Regress/regress-169559.js
QA Contact: pschwartau → moz
The test for this currently checks that global is no more than twice as fast as local access. This is failing due to the ratio randomly coming in up to 2.3 for some runs. I intend to change the ratio to 2.5 to eliminate spurious random failures.
Flags: testcase+
Windows is getting slower and Linux is getting faster in 1.9. vs 1.8. Ratio OS Build 2.51 windows opt 2.51 windows opt 2.51 windows opt 1.8_2006011300 2.90 windows opt 1.9a1_2006011306 3.00 linux opt 1.9a1_2006011107 3.00 linux opt 1.9a1_2006011300 3.02 linux opt 1.9a1_2006011300 3.03 windows opt 1.8_2006011305 3.03 windows opt 1.8_2006011305 3.30 linux opt 1.9a1_2006011107 3.54 windows opt 3.78 macosx opt 3.78 macosx opt 3.81 macosx opt 4.24 macosx opt 1.8_2006011107 4.26 linux opt 4.26 linux opt 4.27 macosx opt 1.8_2006011300 4.30 linux opt 1.8_2006011106 4.33 macosx opt 1.8_2006011300 4.38 linux opt 4.40 linux opt 4.42 linux opt 1.8_2006011300 4.52 linux opt 1.8_2006011223 4.58 linux opt 1.8_2006011107 4.87 windows opt 1.8_2006011300 4.87 windows opt 1.9a1_2006011108 4.87 windows opt 1.9a1_2006011301 4.87 windows opt 1.9a1_2006011301 5.03 windows dbg 5.03 windows dbg 5.03 windows dbg 1.8_2006011300 5.03 windows dbg 1.8_2006011300 5.03 windows dbg 1.9a1_2006011109 5.03 windows dbg 1.9a1_2006011301 5.06 windows dbg 5.06 windows dbg 5.06 windows dbg 1.8_2006011107 5.06 windows dbg 1.9a1_2006011108 5.20 windows opt 1.8_2006011107 5.20 windows opt 1.9a1_2006011108 5.26 windows opt 1.8_2006011107 5.34 windows dbg 1.8_2006011108 5.52 macosx dbg 5.56 linux dbg 1.9a1_2006011108 5.62 linux dbg 1.9a1_2006011301 5.64 linux dbg 5.64 linux dbg 1.9a1_2006011301 5.70 macosx opt 1.9a1_2006011108 5.72 linux dbg 5.75 macosx opt 1.9a1_2006011301 5.77 linux dbg 1.9a1_2006011108 5.78 linux dbg 1.8_2006011300 5.87 windows opt 5.94 linux dbg 1.8_2006011300 5.96 linux dbg 1.8_2006011107 6.00 linux dbg 6.02 macosx dbg 1.8_2006011108 6.04 macosx opt 1.9a1_2006011301 6.05 linux dbg 6.11 linux dbg 1.8_2006011107 6.26 windows opt 6.32 macosx dbg 1.8_2006011301 6.33 macosx dbg 6.33 macosx dbg 1.8_2006011301 6.42 macosx dbg 8.85 macosx dbg 1.9a1_2006011302 9.14 macosx dbg 1.9a1_2006011302 9.31 macosx dbg 1.9a1_2006011109 10.75 windows dbg 1.9a1_2006011301
How about in the js shell? Should be no significant difference there. jst, bz: are we doing anything extra on Windows in window resolve or class-wide getProperty/setProperty hooks? Bob: you may have to profile to find out more. /be
QA Contact: bclary → general
See bug 376291 for the 1.9 issue (I think). /be
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