Closed Bug 172791 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Popup Window for Login shows up blank


(Core Graveyard :: Security: UI, defect, P3)

1.0 Branch


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: davidpjames, Assigned: ssaux)




(Keywords: regression)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.2b) Gecko/20021001 Phoenix/0.2
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.2b) Gecko/20021001 Phoenix/0.2

See below

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Goto URL
2. Click on 'Log in to QCARD' link near bottom of page

Actual Results:  
Popup window is produced with no content

Expected Results:  
The Window should display a page that contains fields for a username (student
number in this case) and a password as well as a few buttons.

This appears to be a problem with Mozilla 1.2b and its derivatives (Phoenix
0.2). Tested using the Phoenix 0.2 version for Windows and linux as well as the
Mozilla 1.2b nightly of 20021004 for Windows with the same problem. However, the
1.1 versions of Mozilla for both linux (see identifier below) and Windows
display the window properly, as does Galeon 1.2.6 for linux. Changing UA for
1.2b variants had no effect either.

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.1) Gecko/20020913 Debian/1.1-1

It's for this reason that I believe the problem to be with changes in Mozilla
and not a site problem, even though the site contains a browser sniffer, which,
to me, appears only to check for older MS and NS browsers;

var name = navigator.appName;
var vers = navigator.appVersion;
var message = "Your browser (type, version, or encryption level) is not
compatible with QCARD. Requirements: Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator
being version 4 or higher as well as having 128-bit encryption.";
function check_browser(){
 vers = vers.substring(0,1)
 if (name == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && vers < "4")
if (name == "Netscape" && vers < "4")
if (navigator.appName != "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && navigator.appName !=

I get no errors returned with any Mozilla browser, just a blank popup when I
click on the login link with 1.2b browsers. The only other bug I could find that
was like this was bug 85557 -
- where the issue of 'regression' in 1.2a is raised in recent comments.
Mozilla can't load this URL :

-> PSM and confirming with win2k build 20021004..

i get this error on my debug build :
Error loading URL : 80
Assignee: jst → ssaux
Component: DOM Level 0 → Client Library
Ever confirmed: true
Product: Browser → PSM
QA Contact: desale → junruh
Version: other → unspecified
The server is broken and needs to be updated (AFAIK).

It works if you disable TLS for SSL. (edit\preferences\Privacy...}SSL\[]Enable TLS)

ssaux/junruh : send it to evangelism ?
(but i thought we handle those broken servers)
Re Comment #2;

Confirm that altering security preferences works on Mozilla build 20021004.

What is TLS and why does leaving it enabled work with Mozilla 1.1 but not with
1.2 pre-releases? If this is an evangelism issue I'd do it myself but I'd like
to know why first (plus, if the site maintainers download the most recent stable
release (eg 1.1) they would find that it works).
I missed that it works with 1.1 and TLS.
I don't know if Mozilla have problems now with a server with broken TLS or
Mozilla itself is broken.

FYI: The server is "IBM HTTP Server/V5R3M0"

TLS intolerant, nelsonb's flavor B. Works on the trunk commercial build with TLS
enabled, but not on the 10/7 mozilla nightly.
Blocks: 169277
Severity: normal → minor
Keywords: regression
Priority: -- → P3
Version: unspecified → 2.4
The workaround is to disable TLS in the preferences. nsbeta1+
Keywords: nsbeta1+
This appears to be fixed in a test build to fix bug 
167227 - test builds here -
The fix should be checked in soon.
Depends on: 163605
This should be fixed starting with tomorrow's build, by the patch for bug
163605. Please reopen if you still can reproduce the problem.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
verified fixed with win2k and a 10min old CVS trunk build
*** Bug 175045 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Tested this afternoon using latest builds of both Mozilla and Phoenix; no
problems accessing page or logging in with either. Thanks.
*** Bug 175376 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 176893 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Product: PSM → Core
Version: psm2.4 → 1.0 Branch
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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