Closed Bug 174531 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

caret is not visible when typing


(Core :: DOM: Editor, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: wislam, Assigned: kinmoz)


20021008 - winxp this is like a user interface issue. but I'm sure everyone would want this since Microsoft have always been doing it - they must be right ;) basically, when typing in the url bar or a password prompt (mail), the caret is not visible. Until you stop typing. It would be a good idea to have it stay on during typing (especially at a password prompt or something similar). -- text areas on website are fine.
Waheed Islam: is this bug 59546 ? (See also duplicates there)
i'm not sure whether this is related. according to the summary, bug 59546 is about the caret not appearing instantly when clicking on a text field. this bug is about the caret not appearing when typing. this is definitly a timing issue as i've learnt by... 1. delete everything in url box 2. make sure focus is in the url box (caret is blinking) 3. press and hold space bar. at first it appears the caret completely dissapears. but then you notice it faintly bliking. -- this should NOT happen. When typing, the caret should ALWAYS be visible -- the timer should stop. I now believe the same thing is happening on web forms.
testing using firebird 20030721 and moz 20030717... this appears to have been fixed. marking as such.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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