Closed Bug 17909 Opened 25 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Need Large and Small Throbber again


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: selmer, Assigned: tao)



(Whiteboard: custrtm+)

The current builds do not recognize the need for large and small throbbers,
there is only one size.  We need 2 sizes (at least) to handle toolbars with and
without images.
Blocks: 7579, 17876
Assignee: german → don
Our group can supply the design specs/ artwork no problem but we need somebody
in Apprunner-land to build the logic around popping the small/large image in and
out. Probably setting a custom attribute to the toolbar like [textonly] that we
would then set a style to...Forward to don to get somebody to help with this,
feel free to re-assign once you need the artwork/specs...
The current plan is that all apps will either have text only or full state
buttons (with images). The full state looks slightly different on our flagship
browser (avoiding text here, to keep design simplicity) than on the other apps
like mail (since they have more buttons they will always have explanatory text).
Text only will look similar in all apps.
Target Milestone: M15
Move to M15 to worry about later ...
Moving UE/UI component bugs over to new User Interface: Design Feedback 
component.  UE/UI component will be deleted.
Component: UE/UI → User Interface: Design Feedback
Move to M16 for now ...
Target Milestone: M15 → M16
german, don wants to know what your call on this is.
Assignee: don → german
don, can you please let me or german know what you particular info you need for 
this bug's solution: it seems to me that in the early comments, german already 
provided general solution, and is waiting for an engineer to take on the real 
work. Can we make it into current milestone for PR2? Should we mark it as 
dogfood or beta2 bug?
Assignee: german → don
German, we can build whatever you want.  I just don't understand what you want. 
Should we support a small/large throbber again?  If so, what should it look
Assignee: don → german
Target Milestone: M16 → ---
Yes the small throbber is needed for text-only toolbar mode in order to conserve 
space. we have the artwork, just need the implementation of toolbars to support 
that. Forwarding to hyatt to see where we are with the text-only vs images-only 
vs images+text impementation of toolbars (are we even doing it for NS6 
timeframe?). David pls feel free to reassign to me or Don once that information 
is added to the bug.
Assignee: german → hyatt
as far as i know, we're not doing that for 6.0, but i could be wrong.
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Chaning the qa contact on these bugs to me. MPT will be moving to the 
owner of this component shortly. I would like to thank him for all his hard 
work as he moves roles in, Yada, Yada...
QA Contact: claudius → zach
Full Screen mode has a small throbber.  WFM?
Blocks: 62444
Seems reasonable to me.  Reassigning to Tao for final decision.
Assignee: hyatt → tao
Priority: P3 → P2
Whiteboard: custrtm+
Target Milestone: Future → ---
Yes- agreed- our clients will want this customization on this view.
Component: User Interface Design → XP Apps: GUI Features
removed jhooker from cc: list
Resolving per comments #11 through #13
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
Component: XP Apps: GUI Features → UI Design
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