Closed Bug 18030 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Filter not always applied if multiple msgs match criteria


(MailNews Core :: Backend, defect, P3)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: laurel, Assigned: Bienvenu)


There are problems with some filters firing when mutliple incoming/new messages
match the filter criteria; the filter action will only be applied to one/some of
the incoming messages.

I'm seeing this happen on different filters, although David Bienvenu reported it
based on message body filtering in comments of bug #17058.

In my testing so far on POP with NT 4.0, I've seen the problem in two filter
      a.  filtering on message body regardless of filter action
      b.  filtering on subject when action is Move to Folder.

In both of the above cases, if a single incoming message matches the criteria,
the filter fires correctly each time.

1.    In 4.x, open a POP account.
2.    Edit|Message Filters.
      Set up a simple single line criteria filter like: body contains foobar
with the action to change priority to High.
      Confirm OK.
3.    Migrate the profile to 5.0 (or copy rules.dat to 5.0 Mail directory)
4.    Go to messenger window, Get Msg, login to POP Inbox, provide proper
5.    Send yourself two or three messages with foobar in the body.
6.    Get the messages.

Result:  Only one/some of the messages will get the filter action applied.

Expected result:  Filter action should be applied to all new messages which
match the filter criteria.

Found using 1999-11-04-08m11 commercial build NT 4.0
Will test and report findings for other platforms, other filter types/actions.
Severity: normal → major
QA Contact: lchiang → laurel
A note about the subject contains string move to folder problem:  I'm not even
getting all the matching messages.  This is consistent on NT and linux.  I can
send several messages which don't match the filter and I get them all right
away. I send a few matching the criteria and the last one will be moved to the
destination folder and the others will be missing -- won't show in the
destination folder or the Inbox. The messages are not in the Trash, not
anywhere.  They don't ever show up. ??? Eek.  Maybe a separate and worse
I didn't see any messages missing, but I was doing body filters at the time.
Target Milestone: M12
Whiteboard: I have a fix; now I need a green tree to check into.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
OK, fix checked in.
Using 12-02-08m12 on nt4.0:
Still happens when testing with body filters (POP).

Haven't tested on other platforms yet, just providing FYI.
could you be more specific about which filters you ran, and what the messages
contained? This bug describes a bunch of different possibilities. thanks!
I ran a POP filter for body contains foobar move to folder.
Sent 3 messages with foobar in body.
Got messages.
First 2 foobar body messages stayed in Inbox and the third was the only one
correctly moved to the destination folder.
this works for me for subject filtering, but body filtering had the problem you
David: I'm not seeing this problem with today's builds on linux and nt (mac has
its other problems)after doing several test runs. Are we calling this fixed, or
are you looking into it further based on your last comment?
yes, I think this one is fixed. I was hoping this would fix the mac body
filtering problem, but it doesn't.
Whiteboard: I have a fix; now I need a green tree to check into.
Am not seeing this problem with Mac subject filtering, but since the bulk of
problem was when filtering on body, will wait to do final verification until mac
body filtering bug #17058 is fixed.
OK using 12-10-08m12 commercial build on linux, nt and mac
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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