Closed Bug 184550 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Performance regression, caused by the fix for Bug 131889, during forwarding inline.


(MailNews Core :: Composition, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: stephend, Assigned: bugzilla)




(Keywords: perf, Whiteboard: have fix)


(2 files)

Build ID: 2002-12-09, Windows XP/2000. Summary: Performance regression between 7/22/02 and 9/01/22 forwarding inline. Steps to Reproduce: 1. I have a 30KB text file (it's a C++ file) that when I forward as inline from a Local Folder, takes twice as slow as the Netscape 7.0 RTM/Mozilla 0.9.x milestone build. (I have logs to prove this, but it's evident visually, as well). Actual Results: BRANCH: 0[324328]: [0.82][0.17] - Finished inserting data into the editor. The window is finally ready! TRUNK: 0[2642a8]: [1.90][1.43] - Finished inserting data into the editor. The window is finally ready! To enable automatic logging for mail compose: See
Sorry for not being able to pare this down to a closer range of checkins/builds. Neither nor ftp://sweetlou have builds earlier than 9/01/02 and later than 7/22/02.
The build that will tell me if it's the "remove editorShell" work is 11/10/02. Please test that one.
Meant to tell you that it's not that build (IE, still occurs with that build, which means the perf regression occurred before then).
I took a look at my checkins during that period and don't see anything suggestive. The big deletion rewrite landed in that timeframe, but it shouldn't affect document load times.
On the link to the perf page you provide, I see other interim numbers listed before "Finished inserting data into the editor". What do those interim numbers look like? Do we know what stage has become slower?
My bad, the second number is the time differential for that step, right? So we are seeing data insertion go from 0.17 -> 1.43, an 8 fold increase. Jean-Francois, I'm assuming nothing changed on the mail side here? If it asn't you should assign to me.
the only possible check in which may affect the perf number during that periode in nsMsgCompose.cpp is: 08/27: rev 1.353. Bug 131889 - Need to insert separatly the HTML headers I'll backup that change to see...
I backup the change for bug Bug 131889 and the time to insert the message body went from 3.12s to 0.79s! looks like htmlEditor->ReplaceHeadContentsWithHTML(headContent); is very time consuming! I need more testing to really know where the time is lost...
The time is spend in htmlEditor->InsertHTML(aBuf); but the time this operatin takes is depending on the fact we have removed the head tag from the buffer or not! Just removing the line aBuf.Cut(start, end - start); will send the perf number to normal. I need to check the data in the buffer to be sure I cut properly the head tag...
here is an extended log with the code untouch: [process]: [totalTime][deltaTime] -------------------- 0[2b5158]: [0.01][0.01] - Start opening the window 0[2b5158]: [0.97][0.97] - Start initializing the compose window (ComposeLoad) 0[2b5158]: [1.09][0.12] - Done with the initialization (ComposeLoad). Waiting on editor to load about:blank 0[2b5158]: [1.59][0.51] - Start Removing the header tag from the buffer 0[2b5158]: [1.59][0.01] - done Removing the header tag from the buffer 0[2b5158]: [1.59][0.01] - Start Replacing the HeadContents With HTML 0[2b5158]: [1.60][0.01] - Done Replacing the HeadContents With HTML 0[2b5158]: [4.22][2.63] - Finished inserting data into the editor. The window is finally ready! and now, the same one but without removing the head tag from the buffer (I still do the header replacement): -------------------- 0[2b5158]: [0.01][0.01] - Start opening the window 0[2b5158]: [0.97][0.97] - Start initializing the compose window (ComposeLoad) 0[2b5158]: [1.08][0.11] - Done with the initialization (ComposeLoad). Waiting on editor to load about:blank 0[2b5158]: [1.59][0.52] - Start Removing the header tag from the buffer 0[2b5158]: [1.59][0.01] - done Removing the header tag from the buffer 0[2b5158]: [1.59][0.01] - Start Replacing the HeadContents With HTML 0[2b5158]: [1.60][0.02] - Done Replacing the HeadContents With HTML 0[2b5158]: [1.88][0.28] - Finished inserting data into the editor. The window is finally ready!
changing summary now that I have found what caused the regression
Summary: Performance regression between 7/22/02 and 9/01/22 forwarding inline. → Performance regression, caused by the fix for Bug 131889, during forwarding inline.
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.3beta
I discovered that I can fully remove the code added by the fix for bug 131889 without regressing that bug. Something must have changed since in editor which prevent having several head tag in a document. That also fix the performance regression. I was able to reproduce bug 131889 using a Netscape 7.0 RTM build (to be sure I was doing the correct test).
Whiteboard: have fix
Attached patch Proposed fix, v1Splinter Review
Remove code that cause the performance regression. It was for bug 131889 but it's not needed anymore.
Comment on attachment 108914 [details] [diff] [review] Proposed fix, v1 Cavin, please review...
Attachment #108914 - Flags: review?(cavin)
Comment on attachment 108914 [details] [diff] [review] Proposed fix, v1 r=cavin.
Attachment #108914 - Flags: review?(cavin) → review+
Comment on attachment 108914 [details] [diff] [review] Proposed fix, v1 sr=bienvenu
Attachment #108914 - Flags: superreview+
Fix checked in the trunk
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
worth taking for 1.3 alpha?
Flags: blocking1.3a?
Emphatically, yes ;-) It's visible on a 1.7GHz with 512MB of RAM.
WHy not, it cannot hurt. But in the other hand, we can live with it too for an alpha version...
QA Contact: esther → stephend
Flags: blocking1.3a? → blocking1.3a-
Using builds: Mac OS X 10.2.2 - 2002-12-12-10 Windows 2000/XP - 2002-12-12-08 RedHat 8.0 Linux - 2002-12-12-08 Under HTML compose mode, when I forward a 30KB plain text C++ file inline, we're back to what we were in Netscape 7.0 days. Windows: 0[2642a8]: [0.77][0.29] - Finished inserting data into the editor. The window is finally ready! (subsequent runs are: 0[2642a8]: [0.21][0.21] - Finished inserting data into the editor. The window is finally ready!) Mac: With the fix: 2002-12-12-10 build: [4.66, 2.03, 2.11] (in seconds, successive runs within the same session) Without the fix: 2002-12-09-03 build: [8.30, 4.61, 4.69] (in seconds, successive runs within the same session) Linux: With the fix: 2002-12-12-08 build: [4.66, 2.03, 2.11] (in seconds, successive runs within the same session) Without the fix: 2002-12-09-22 build: [8.30, 4.61, 4.69] (in seconds, successive runs within the same session) By all accounts, VERIFIED FIXED
OS: Windows XP → All
Hardware: PC → All
Cut and paste error for Linux should read: Linux: With the fix: 2002-12-12-08 build: [1.44, 1.20, 1.26] (in seconds, successive runs within the same session) Without the fix: 2002-12-09-22 build: [2.78, 2.42, 2.39] (in seconds, successive runs within the same session) Note that Linux, by default, doesn't have the mail.compose.max_recycled_windows pref set to 1 (which would enable it).
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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