Closed Bug 188729 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Ownership cycles during load are dangerous


(Core :: XML, defect)

Windows 98
Not set





(Reporter: sicking, Assigned: sicking)




(2 files)

Right now we have two ownership cycles during load 1. sink->document->parser->sink 2. sink->document->scriptloader->sink 1 is an easy fix since the document doesn't really need the parser, it only uses it to get the loadcommand so that it knows if it should fire a loadevent or not (why this is I don't know, but there we are). This cycle I fixed by simply adding a mLoadedAsData flag. I had to do a tad of cleaning up in nsXMLDocument::StartDocumentLoad since the current code relied on that rv was set to success at the point where we created the parser, otherwise an errorvalue from further up ended up being returned. (This is a very good example of why you shouldn't end your functions with |return rv;|) 2 is a bit trickier since the scriptloader always holds owning references, and the sink does need listen to the scriptloaders notifications. I fixed this the same way peterv fixed a similar problem in the syncloader; I created a proxy-object that holds a weak reference and forwards all calls. So the same chain cycle still exists, but the scriptloader->sink reference is weak. I had to make sure that the NS_NewX(M|B)LContentSink functions kept an owning reference to the sink while calling the Init function since creating the proxy addrefed/released the sink. (And you shouldn't use an object with refcount=0 anyway)
Attached patch patch to fixSplinter Review
There was one more thing i had to do. Just breaking the circle killed XSLT since the XSLT-code only kept a weak reference to the sink, so the only thing that kept the sink alive was the ownership circle. I changed this so that the XSLT code keeps a owning reference to the sink. To avoid a circular ownership between tranform-mediator<->sink i let the sink drop it's reference to the mediator once the mediator is fully set up. patch is diffed with -u10 to make bz happy :-)
Attachment #111320 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #111320 - Flags: review?(peterv)
Comment on attachment 111320 [details] [diff] [review] patch to fix > + nsScriptLoaderObserverProxy* proxy = new nsScriptLoaderObserverProxy(this); > + NS_ENSURE_TRUE(proxy, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); So.. hold an owning ref to this till after you call AddObserver()? 'twould be poor for the callee to addref and release the pointer (eg by doing a QI into an nsCOMPtr and having that go out of scope) on the reasonable assumption that the caller is holding a ref....(see comment 0 anyway ;) ). Also, should that not be NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIScriptLoaderObserver*, this)? Since that's not the first class nsXMLContentSink inherits from? + nsCOMPtr<nsIParser> parser = do_CreateInstance(kCParserCID); + NS_ENSURE_TRUE(parser, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); Let's not make up error values, ok? Get the rv from do_CreateInstance (fwiw, I've had do_CreateInstance fail with NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE when someone used the wrong contractid; having the right retval helps a lot in debugging). if(aContainer) { docShell = do_QueryInterface(aContainer, &rv); Could you declare webShell outside this if, set it in the if, and move the code that creates the sinks out of the if? That will give you identical behavior with less code duplication.... + // Set the parser as the stream listener for the document loader... + CallQueryInterface(parser, aDocListener); Why do you no longer check the rv here? sr=bzbarsky with those changes addressed.
Attachment #111320 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky) → superreview+
Comment on attachment 111320 [details] [diff] [review] patch to fix With bz's comments addressed.
Attachment #111320 - Flags: review?(peterv) → review+
checked in. Fixed all comments except > Also, should that not be NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIScriptLoaderObserver*, this)? Since > that's not the first class nsXMLContentSink inherits from? This is not needed since there will be an implicit cast (which is always safe)
checked in for real now. Leaving open since i realized that i might need to break the sink->document->scriptloader->sink cycle for the HTML-sink as well
Ah, good point. As long as you're not casting to void* and back the implicit cast should be ok. And you are not holding that owning ref as you call addObserver....
the checked in code does: nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptLoaderObserver> proxy = new nsScriptLoaderObserverProxy(this); so it should be holding an owning reference.
ugh. I thought you'd attached a patch with my comments addressed, but that was just peterv commenting... I need a break. ;)
+ + nsCOMPtr<nsIXMLContentSink> kungFuDeathGrip = it; nsresult rv = it->Init(aDoc, aURL, aWebShell, aChannel); if (NS_OK != rv) { delete it; return rv; } This causes a crash if Init() fails (double-delete). Can't believe I missed that...
Comment on attachment 114577 [details] [diff] [review] fix crash This comes up in SVG-enabled builds a lot, since Init() fails for SVG documents...
Attachment #114577 - Flags: superreview?(peterv)
Attachment #114577 - Flags: review?(bugmail)
Comment on attachment 114577 [details] [diff] [review] fix crash ugh. r=me
Attachment #114577 - Flags: review?(bugmail) → review+
Comment on attachment 114577 [details] [diff] [review] fix crash Sorry for missing that.
Attachment #114577 - Flags: superreview?(peterv) → superreview+
mozilla% cvs commit content/xml/document/src/nsXMLContentSink.cpp Checking in content/xml/document/src/nsXMLContentSink.cpp; /cvsroot/mozilla/content/xml/document/src/nsXMLContentSink.cpp,v <-- nsXMLContentSink.cpp new revision: 1.251; previous revision: 1.250 done
upps, this was fixed a long time ago
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
oh, wait, i left this open to fix the html-sink as well. Reopening
Resolution: FIXED → ---
QA Contact: rakeshmishra → ashishbhatt
The html part of this bug was fixed by bug 218837.
Closed: 22 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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