Closed Bug 191053 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

International domain names (IDN) are displayed as garbage in bookmark


(Core :: Internationalization, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: teruko, Assigned: jshin1987)




(Keywords: intl, Whiteboard: [adt3])


(3 files, 1 obsolete file)

After I visited IDN and marked to bookmark, the International domain names are displayed as garbage in bookmark. Steps of reproduce 1. Put the following lines to pref.js user_pref("network.IDN_prefix", "bq--"); user_pref("network.IDN_testbed", true); user_pref("network.enableIDN", true); 2. Launch Netscape 3. go to the following IDN from Active Chinese Domain Name http://南极星.com/ Active Japanese Domain Name http://www.トナー.com/ Active Korean Domain Name http://부동산 Active German Domain Name http://internetdomä Active Polish Domain Name http://pasaż.com/ 4. After visited each IDN, select menu Bookmarks | Bookmark This Page each time 5. Select menu Bookmarks | Manage Bookmarks.. Actual result International Domain names are displayed as garbage. Expected result International Domain name is displayed in its language. Tested 1-28 Win32 trunk build on Win98 J.
QA Contact: ylong → teruko
Attached image screen shot.
Only German name is displayed fine.
Confirm this on Mac 10.2, change platforms to all. The garabage display in location bar but not bookmark.
OS: Windows 98 → All
Hardware: PC → All
i18n triage team: nsbeta1+/adt3
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1+
Whiteboard: [adt3]
Summary: International domain names are displayed as garbage in bookmark → International domain names (IDN) are displayed as garbage in bookmark
*** Bug 201049 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Attached patch Proposed patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Defined URI as PRUnichar* instead of char* to handle multibyte characters. Please try this one.
I'll try the patch. It seems like it should work.
A couple of more changes are necessary. I'm gonna upload a patch against the trunk. BTW, if anyone want to post international domain names here (for that matter, any non-ascii characters to any bug in bugzilla), please, make sure to set 'character coding' in View menu to UTF-8.
Attached patch updateSplinter Review
internet search also needs to be updated.
Assignee: nhottanscp → jshin
Attachment #140703 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 141332 [details] [diff] [review] update asking for r/sr. thanks for the patch, Hanaki-san.
Attachment #141332 - Flags: superreview?(jag)
Attachment #141332 - Flags: review?(varga)
Hmm, it could be AUTF8String, no?
It saves us little. At some point, we have to convert UTF-8 to UTF-16. Besides, without nsAUTF8String (AUTF8String in IDL is translated to nsACString), we'd better use PRUnichar*(wstring) or nsAString(AString) for Unicode. Otherwise, some callers could make a mistake of passing a non-UTF-8 string.
I'm not an expert on this, I would ask darin anyway, the patch looks good r=varga, but ask darin what he thinks about it
Thanks. I'm adding darin to CC to ask for his opinion.
Comment on attachment 141332 [details] [diff] [review] update On AUTF8String, someone could make the mistake of passing in non-UTF8 because they only see the |const nsACString&| in the c++ header, but they should look at the IDL interface or other documentation to determine what encoding is expected, as should the reviewer(s). In this case however, since we have to convert to UTF-16 anyway, I think this patch is fine. I would like darin's input on this though.
Attachment #141332 - Flags: superreview?(jag) → superreview+
ping darin :-) what do you think?
Does this fix also fix bug 201050?
Yes, it does.
Blocks: 201050
setting the target milestone to 1.7beta
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.7beta
Comment on attachment 141332 [details] [diff] [review] update varga already gave r, but wanted darin to take a look. To facillate darin's review, I'm asking him for r.
Attachment #141332 - Flags: review?(varga) → review?(darin)
Comment on attachment 141332 [details] [diff] [review] update r=darin
Attachment #141332 - Flags: review?(darin) → review+
nsBookmarkService.cpp is forked under browser -- do we need the same fix there for firefox? /be
Yes. I realized that 10 minutes ago and was about to fix it, but found that it'd been already taken care of by ben because it resulted in a bustage in firefox (nsInternetSearchService was not forked). Marking as fixed. Thanks all.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
This patch fails to build on windows.... (not all callers of CreateBookmarkInContainer were updated).
The tree has been red for two hours (granted, the first hour of that was from a different patch), jshin is unreachable (past the "I'm working on this" comment he made 20 minutes ago), and in my opinion any fixes to the bustage would be somewhat nontrivial and at least require review. Per agreement on #developers, patch backed out, along with the firefox bustage fixes it required.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Hey, I was watching the tree. The bustage fix is trivial. I'm not so happy with your backing this out.
Jungshik, we tried to contact you, unsuccessfully, for about an hour. Watching the tree implies being contactible by others so they have some idea of what's going on. That means either being on irc or having a listed way to get at you via aim or responding to questions on tinderbox, or _something_. Once you have that fix, relanding is trivial -- just back out my backout and then check in your fix. And if fixing ResolveShortcut is in fact trivial (as it may be; my knowledge of Win32 apis is not so hot) I apologize for not knowing how to do it; had I known how, I would have done it.
Boris, I apologzie to you for overreacting and causing the bustage in the first place. It just happens that I've never been fond of any form of instant messaging (including IRC), but I did add a comment to tinderbox that I'd fix it soon. Then, I spotted another bustage in the migration code for Opera on firefox. Nonetheless, I could have been more responsive and in the future, I'll make sure to be on #mozilla after landing a patch. As for IUniformResourceLocator::GetURL(), MSDN doesn't say anything about the encoding of URL, but I'm 99% sure that it's not a legacy multibyte encoding because it's a part of a dll that comes with MS IE. Only two remaining possibilities are ASCII (escaped) or UTF-8. For both possibilities, we can treat it as UTF-8(a little bit of perf. loss if it's always ASCII. When MSIE is updated - when?? - to support IDN, it may become UTF-8, though.)
Note that Ben had checked in the Opera migration bustage, as far as I can tell (it was part of what I backed out). Or was there other bustage too? If you need sr for the updates to the patch, feel free to ask me (though it will have to happen tomorrow morning). I love reviewing code that depends on undocumented apis. ;)
What's new in this patch is two line-changes (+ rather verbose comments) in xpfe/components/bookmarks/src/nsBookmarksService.cpp to fix the Windows bustage. Everything else (my patch + ben's checkins except for my comment) was in the cvs before. I'd just check this in if I can monitor the tree for the next two hours (or I could build on Windows. Somehow, my Windows build is failing in jpeg/ with an obscure error message from VC++ 6). I have to run now. bz, if you're still around, feel free to check this in.
Comment on attachment 143370 [details] [diff] [review] what's backed out by bz(= 141332 + ben's firefox checkins) + Windows patch sr=bzbarsky for those two changes. Jungshik, if you don't get to checking this in by this afternoon I'll do it for you.
Attachment #143370 - Flags: superreview+
backout the patch in bug 125762 see and your build will run. <rant> Sheriff is #mozilla. means IMHO that if you turn the tree red you should explain to the sheriff whats going on, regardless how you like irc. from If you are on the hook, you are findable. You are either at your desk, or pageable, checking e-mail constantly, or on IRC so that you can be found immediately and can respond to any problems in your code. When you did comment the tree was red already for a long enough time, given also the fact that ben needed to fix two files on ff. </rant>
(In reply to comment #31) > backout the patch in bug 125762 see > > and your build will run. Thanks, but I've already figured out how to fix it. > <rant> You're free to say whatever you want to say... It's unfortunate that you write to me personally when I was monitoring my bugmail box.
Resolving as fixed for real. Thank you all.
Closed: 21 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
*** Bug 253087 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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