Closed Bug 191073 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Classic Theme: personal toolbar has a white vertical line on the left


(SeaMonkey :: Themes, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: christian.weisel, Assigned: durbacher)


(Keywords: polish, regression)


(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.3b) Gecko/20030128 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.3b) Gecko/20030128 On the classic theme: The home button has a white 1px width vertical line on the left side. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Change to classic theme 2. Activate the home button (if it's not there) 3. Look at the button Actual Results: You will the the extra 1px width line on the home button. Expected Results: There should be a white 1px seperator line between the colapse buttons an the toolsbars. But not that extra white line of the home button
Attached image Screenshot
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.3b) Gecko/20030128 I´m seeing this line also if Home button and/or Bookmarks button are deactivated, I´ve got a bookmarks folder in the personal toolbar.
CC'ing marlon, who does icon issues (right?)
Keywords: regression
confirming (using 2003020508/win2k)
Ever confirmed: true
Summary: Classic Theme: Home button has a white vertical line on the left → Classic Theme: personal toolbar has a white vertical line on the left
Keywords: mozilla1.3
Keywords: mozilla1.3
Keywords: polish
Is this still valid?
Yes. It still looks like in your screenshot.
This is a very trivial bug, but also very visible one. Nominating for 1.7a, so it hopefully gets some attention.
Flags: blocking1.7a?
This fixes it: set the <toolbar> attribute: prefixhidden="true" toolbar-prefix is an additional hbox that was added for bug 134345 which did some work for adding a sidebar open/close button to the Personal Toolbar in _Netscape_ (Mozilla does not have it). The added attribute comes from and is used in the same way as here for the sidebar in I'm not sure why it the Navigation Toolbar does not show that light line although not hiding it. According to DOM Inspector it is there as well...
Umm... now Modern theme has NO light line there. Not good, will look into it.
Ok, I found the problem: the author of the bug 134345 patch obviously was using Modern theme and after adding the toolbar-prefix box he saw exactly what this bug is about: a doubled light vertical line. But instead of hiding his box when not needed, he deleted the other light vertical line (the legitimate one): the left border of the toolbar holder (see diff from version 1.76 to 1.77 of navigator.css). Unfortunately he only did it for Modern theme, so this bug here remained. This patch now adds the left border back in Modern (giving it the same color code it had before). And of course it still hides the toolbar-prefix box as the first version already did. I tested it and I guess the only possible issue is with the Netscape distribution that optionally has a sidebar toggle button in the personal toolbar. Please only read the rest of this comment if you care for Netscape 7. [I installed Netscape 7.1 and what I first saw is that it is terribly broken: Modern theme lacks the light vertical line when there is no sidebar button and Classic theme has one such line too much between the sidebar button and the bookmarks button when there is one. My patch would add such a line there also for Modern theme, a fix (that also would fix the already broken classic theme) would be to add a dark line to its left so the sidebar button gets a properly separated button. So my fix does not break Netscape much more than it already is - and the fix would be trivial. Uh, I forgot: Netscape is dead... So this is only important with respect to other distributions that have a sidebar button and shows that my fix is no problem for them.]
Attachment #138258 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 138260 [details] [diff] [review] Revised patch, works for Modern and Classic Requesting r= from Neil.
Attachment #138260 - Flags: review?(
Great! Will this make this into 1.6?
Comment on attachment 138260 [details] [diff] [review] Revised patch, works for Modern and Classic Requesting sr= from alecf. José: well, when this patch has r= and sr= you may request approval for 1.6 (if it is not released by then). I certainly would consider its risk being low, but others have to decide.
Attachment #138260 - Flags: superreview?(alecf)
Comment on attachment 138260 [details] [diff] [review] Revised patch, works for Modern and Classic Ugh, this is such a mess, I would be quite happy to see the toolbarprefix hacks removed completely...
Attachment #138260 - Flags: review?( → review+
That's what I thought... But for now this patch should suffice, I don't think I'm able to cleanly remove all this stuff. Nevertheless it might be a rewarding cleanup.
Comment on attachment 138260 [details] [diff] [review] Revised patch, works for Modern and Classic sr=alecf
Attachment #138260 - Flags: superreview?(alecf) → superreview+
Assignee: shliang → durbacher
checked in on trunk: Checking in xpfe/browser/resources/content/navigator.xul; /cvsroot/mozilla/xpfe/browser/resources/content/navigator.xul,v <-- navigator.xul new revision: 1.411; previous revision: 1.410 done Checking in themes/modern/navigator/navigator.css; /cvsroot/mozilla/themes/modern/navigator/navigator.css,v <-- navigator.css new revision: 1.84; previous revision: 1.83 done
Flags: blocking1.7a?
fixed for 1.7 trunk Currently _I_ have no intention to get this into 1.6.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Core → SeaMonkey
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