Closed Bug 19133 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

DOGFOOD Crash occurs when install progress dialog closes


(Core Graveyard :: Installer: XPInstall Engine, defect, P1)

Mac System 8.5


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jimmykenlee, Assigned: dougt)



(Whiteboard: fix ready for checkin.)


(1 file)

Build: 1999-11-17-08-M12 (MAC)

1. From http://jimbob/trigger2.html, select any test file from the drop-down
   menu such as a_adddelcomp
2. Click Trigger case button
3. Click OK button from confirmation dialog

  MacsBug 6.5.4a6, Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1981-98

PowerPC unmapped memory exception at 0B83E240

  17-Nov-1999 4:31:42 PM (since boot = 4 hours, 38 minutes)
  Current application is ³apprunner²
  Machine = 69 (PowerMac8500), System $0850, sysu = $01008000
  ROM version $077D, $28F2, $0001 (ROMBase $FFC00000)
  VM is on; paging is currently safe
  NIL^ = $FFC10000
  Stack space used = +65674050
 Address 0B83E240 is in VM file-mapped logical memory space
 PowerPC 604 Registers
                         CR0  CR1  CR2  CR3  CR4  CR5  CR6  CR7
  PC  = 0B83E240     CR  0010 1010 0000 0000 0000 1000 1000 0100
  LR  = 0B83E1F8         <>=O XEVO
  CTR = 0AB1A5A0
  MSR = 00000000         SOC Compare Count
  Int = 0            XER 001   00     00                     MQ  = 02DCC3AC

  R0  = 0B83E1F8     R8  = 02F043A0      R16 = 00000000      R24 = 03D943F4
  SP  = 03AB11AC     R9  = 00000001      R17 = 00000000      R25 = 03AB18B8
  TOC = 0353F450     R10 = 02F1C064      R18 = 00000000      R26 = 02F028BC
  R3  = 030DD16C     R11 = 02F1C104      R19 = 00000000      R27 = 03AB1340
  R4  = 030DD16C     R12 = 12130000      R20 = 00000000      R28 = 03AB134C
  R5  = 00000000     R13 = 00000000      R21 = 00000000      R29 = 030DD16C
  R6  = 030DD15C     R14 = 00000000      R22 = 00000000      R30 = 032989A8
  R7  = 00000008     R15 = 00000000      R23 = 00000000      R31 = 00000001
 Disassembling PowerPC code from 0B83E218
            0B83E218   lwz        RTOC,0x0014(SP)                         |
            0B83E21C   lwz        r3,0x0048(SP)                           |
            0B83E220   lwz        r12,0x0000(r3)                          |
            0B83E224   lwz        r12,0x0010(r12)                         |
            0B83E228   bl         $+0x58F20                  ; 0x0B897148 |
            0B83E22C   lwz        RTOC,0x0014(SP)                         |
            0B83E230   li         r0,0x0000                               |
            0B83E234   stw        r0,0x0048(SP)                           |
            0B83E238   addi       r3,r29,0x0000                           |
            0B83E23C   lwz        r12,0x0000(r29)                         |
            0B83E240  *lwz        r12,0x0010(r12)                         |
            0B83E244   bl         $+0x58F04                  ; 0x0B897148 |
            0B83E248   lwz        RTOC,0x0014(SP)                         |
            0B83E24C   lwz        r3,0x0018(r30)                          |
            0B83E250   li         r4,0x0000                               |
            0B83E254   lwz        r12,0x0000(r3)                          |
            0B83E258   lwz        r12,0x00B0(r12)                         |
            0B83E25C   bl         $+0x58EEC                  ; 0x0B897148 |
            0B83E260   lwz        RTOC,0x0014(SP)                         |
            0B83E264   lwz        r3,0x0010(r30)                          |
 Heap zones
  #1  Mod        7069K  00002800 to 006E9DCF  SysZone^
  #2  Mod           6K    0000C1E0 to 0000DD7F  ROM read-only zone
  #3  Mod       56007K  006E9DD0 to 03D9BA9F  Process Manager zone
  #4  Mod       11801K    02EDF430 to 03A65B2F  ³apprunner²  ApplZone^  TheZone^
  #5  Mod         187K    03B20230 to 03B4EFDF  ³File Sharing Extension²
  #6  Mod          18K    03B5A4D0 to 03B5ED8F
  #7  Mod         942K    03B74A90 to 03C6058F  ³Finder²
  #8  Mod          83K    03C74E20 to 03C89D1F  ³Time Synchronizer²
  #9  Mod         361K    03C985B0 to 03CF2CAF  ³Folder Actions²
  #10 Mod          89K    03D43860 to 03D59F5F  ³Control Strip Extension²
  #11 Mod        2047K  04100000 to 042FFFDF
  #12 Mod         216K    04161370 to 0419736F
  #13 Mod          27K    041FB450 to 0420217F
Checking all heaps
 The System heap at 00002800 is ok
 The ROM read-only heap at 0000C1E0 is ok
 The Process Manager heap at 006E9DD0 is ok
 The ³apprunner² heap at 02EDF430 is ok
 The ³File Sharing Extension² heap at 03B20230 is ok
 The heap at 03B5A4D0 is ok
 The ³Finder² heap at 03B74A90 is ok
 The ³Time Synchronizer² heap at 03C74E20 is ok
 The ³Folder Actions² heap at 03C985B0 is ok
 The ³Control Strip Extension² heap at 03D43860 is ok
 Totaling the ³apprunner² heap at 02EDF430
                                 Total Blocks    Total of Block Sizes
  Free                           0087     #135   00339790     #3381136
  Nonrelocatable                 00BF     #191   0072220C     #7479820
  Relocatable                    05F2    #1522   0012AD20     #1223968
    Locked                       002E      #46   000CC2A0      #836256
    Purgeable and not locked     0000       #0   00000000           #0
  Heap size                      0738    #1848   00B866BC    #12084924
 The target heap is the System heap at 00002800
 Totaling the System heap at 00002800
                                 Total Blocks    Total of Block Sizes
  Free                           002D      #45   0000A5C0       #42432
  Nonrelocatable                 0857    #2135   0037540C     #3625996
  Relocatable                    0787    #1927   00367BC0     #3570624
    Locked                       0184     #388   0028F260     #2683488
    Purgeable and not locked     005E      #94   00034830      #215088
  Heap size                      100B    #4107   006E758C     #7239052
 The target heap is the ³apprunner² heap at 02EDF430
 Displaying File Control Blocks
  fRef File                   Vol         Type Fl Fork     LEof
  0002 System                 Webbies     zsys dW rsrc #6124761
  0060                        Webbies     €€€€ dw data #1032192
  00BE                        Webbies     €€€€ dw data #6193152
  011C VM Storage             Webbies     ZSYS dW data #70254592
  017A System Resources       Webbies     zsyr dw rsrc  #727502
  0BC2 System                 Webbies     zsys dw data #4072175
  0C20 Open Tpt AppleTalk LiŠ Webbies     libr dw rsrc  #502792
  0C7E Open Transport Library Webbies     libr dw rsrc  #524771
  0CDC OpenTransportLib       Webbies     otsl dw data  #501392
  0D3A Shared Library ManageŠ Webbies     INIT dw rsrc  #211694
  0D98 Open Transport Library Webbies     libr dw rsrc  #524771
  0DF6 Open Tpt AppleTalk LiŠ Webbies     libr dw rsrc  #502792
  0E54 Open Tpt Internet LibŠ Webbies     libr dw rsrc  #461056
  0EB2 OpenTpt Remote Access  Webbies     libr dw rsrc #1083183
  0F10 OpenTptAppleTalkLib    Webbies     otsl dw data   #48738
  0F6E OpenTpt Modem          Webbies     libr dw rsrc   #91506
  0FCC OpenTpt Remote Access  Webbies     libr dw rsrc #1083183
  102A Remote Access Log      Webbies     lzlg dW data  #129024
  1088 Open Transport Library Webbies     libr dw rsrc  #524771
  10E6 Serial (Built-in)      Webbies     libr dw rsrc   #63254
  1144 OpenTpt Serial ArbitrŠ Webbies     libr dw rsrc    #7974
  11A2 OpenTpt Serial ArbitrŠ Webbies     libr dw rsrc    #7974
  1200 Users & Groups Data FŠ Webbies     BTFL dW data  #129024
  125E Apple Guide            Webbies     INIT dw data  #417352
  12BC ColorSync Extension    Webbies     appe dw data  #301152
  131A Contextual Menu ExtenŠ Webbies     INIT dw data   #66663
  1378 SOMobjects� for Mac OS Webbies     shlb dw data  #129152
  13D6 QuickTime�             Webbies     INIT dw data  #369846
  1434 Sound Manager          Webbies     INIT dw data   #15008
  1492 Speech Manager         Webbies     INIT dw data    #4000
  14F0 apprunner              Webbies     APPL dW rsrc   #97879
  154E Control Strip ExtensiŠ Webbies     appe dW rsrc   #67084
  15AC Find CM Items          Webbies     cmpi dw data   #21987
  160A Control Strip ExtensiŠ Webbies     appe dw data    #3160
  1668 Folder Actions         Webbies     appe dW rsrc    #4877
  16C6 Time Synchronizer      Webbies     appe dW rsrc    #6319
  1724 Finder                 Webbies     FNDR dw rsrc  #638602
  1782 Finder                 Webbies     FNDR dw data #1870234
  17E0 Color Picker           Webbies     INIT dw data    #6400
  183E File Sharing Library   Webbies     shlb dw data   #91214
  189C File Sharing Library   Webbies     shlb dw rsrc    #3190
  18FA Finder Preferences     Webbies     pref dW rsrc     #766
  1958 Desktop DB             Webbies     BTFL dW data  #387072
  19B6 Desktop DF             Webbies     DTFL dW data #2091426
  1A14 Time Synchronizer      Webbies     appe dw data   #37169
  1A72 OpenTptInternetLib     Webbies     otsl dw data  #257182
  1AD0 PrintingLib            Webbies     shlb dw data #1103024
  1B2E Folder Actions         Webbies     appe dw data   #17331
  1B8C File Sharing Extension Webbies     INIT dW rsrc  #194076
  1BEA AppleScriptLib         Webbies     shlb dw data   #22636
  1C48 Users & Groups Data FŠ Webbies     BTFL dW data  #129024
  1CA6 Folder Actions Menus   Webbies     cmpi dw data   #10205
  1D04 apprunner              Webbies     APPL dw data   #29476
  1D62 AppleTalk Switch       Webbies     sdev dw data    #5066
  1DC0 File Sharing Strip     Webbies     sdev dw data    #8634
  1E1E File Sharing Library   Webbies     shlb dw rsrc    #3190
  1E7C Monitor BitDepth       Webbies     sdev dw data    #4794
  1EDA Monitor Resolution     Webbies     sdev dw data    #9750
  1F38 Sound Volume           Webbies     sdev dw data    #4154
  1F96 Video Mirroring        Webbies     sdev dw data    #4426
  1FF4 Web Sharing CS         Webbies     sdev dw data   #21334
  2052 AppleShare PDS         Webbies     BTFL dW data  #645120
  20B0 NSRuntime.shlb         Webbies     shlb dw data   #15704
  210E NSStdLib.shlb          Webbies     shlb dw data  #283869
  216C NSPR20.shlb            Webbies     shlb dw data  #210342
  21CA JavaScript.shlb        Webbies     shlb dw data  #398021
  2228 NetworkModular.shlb    Webbies     shlb dw data   #12258
  2286 xpcom.shlb             Webbies     shlb dw data  #556191
  22E4 libreg.shlb            Webbies     shlb dw data   #37794
  2342 webshell.shlb          Webbies     shlb dw data  #130810
  23A0 dom.shlb               Webbies     shlb dw data  #891819
  23FE Component Registry     Webbies     BINA dW data  #245327
  245C JSLoader.shlb          Webbies     shlb dw data   #17795
  24BA AppShell.shlb          Webbies     shlb dw data  #172158
  2518 chardet.shlb           Webbies     shlb dw data   #52404
  2576 uconv.shlb             Webbies     shlb dw data   #45434
  25D4 Network.shlb           Webbies     shlb dw data  #136155
  2632 resource.shlb          Webbies     shlb dw data    #9058
  2690 file.shlb              Webbies     shlb dw data   #31331
  26EE mimetype.shlb          Webbies     shlb dw data   #13376
  274C ucvlatin.shlb          Webbies     shlb dw data  #147777
  27AA widget.shlb            Webbies     shlb dw data  #287062
  2808 gfx.shlb               Webbies     shlb dw data  #152580
  2866 QuickTime� PowerPlug   Webbies     INIT dw data  #219681
  28C4 libutil.shlb           Webbies     shlb dw data    #5735
  2922 libimg.shlb            Webbies     shlb dw data   #51071
  2980 Text Encoding ConvertŠ Webbies     shlb dw data  #155168
  29DE WASTELib               Webbies     shlb dw data  #117737
  2A3C widget.shlb            Webbies     shlb dw rsrc     #921
  2A9A RDFLibrary.shlb        Webbies     shlb dw data  #593133
  2AF8 Chinese Encodings      Webbies     ecpg dw data   #14872
  2B56 Japanese Encodings     Webbies     ecpg dw data   #14952
  2BB4 Korean Encodings       Webbies     ecpg dw data   #10488
  2C12 Unicode Encodings      Webbies     ecpg dw data   #16872
  2C70 profile.shlb           Webbies     shlb dw data   #41851
  2CCE Mozilla Registry       Webbies     REGS dW data    #3366
  2D2C libpref.shlb           Webbies     shlb dw data   #56005
  2D8A ChomeRegistry.shlb     Webbies     shlb dw data   #32312
  2DE8 plugin.shlb            Webbies     shlb dw data   #88058
  2E46 nslocale.shlb          Webbies     shlb dw data   #47222
  2EA4 history.shlb           Webbies     shlb dw data   #37512
  2F02 Mork.shlb              Webbies     shlb dw data  #263770
  2F60 history.dat            Webbies     BINA dW data    #6542
  2FBE layout.shlb            Webbies     shlb dw data #3699867
  301C htmlparser.shlb        Webbies     shlb dw data  #424254
  307A unicharutil.shlb       Webbies     shlb dw data   #26139
  30D8 Caps.shlb              Webbies     shlb dw data   #76452
  3136 Cookie.shlb            Webbies     shlb dw data   #61639
  3194 xpinstall.shlb         Webbies     shlb dw data  #211056
  31F2 zlib.shlb              Webbies     shlb dw data   #42298
  3250 mailnews.shlb          Webbies     shlb dw data  #336817
  32AE Wallet.shlb            Webbies     shlb dw data  #116925
  330C bookmarks.shlb         Webbies     shlb dw data   #83414
  336A XPConnect.shlb         Webbies     shlb dw data  #186818
  33C8 oji.shlb               Webbies     shlb dw data   #87407
  3426 LiveConnect.shlb       Webbies     shlb dw data   #96730
  3484 view.shlb              Webbies     shlb dw data   #87735
  34E2 Search.shlb            Webbies     shlb dw data   #60117
  3540 lwbrk.shlb             Webbies     shlb dw data   #16774
  359E gifdecoder.shlb        Webbies     shlb dw data   #15041
  35FC about.shlb             Webbies     shlb dw data   #17808
  365A mozBrowser.shlb        Webbies     shlb dw data   #44326
  36B8 http.shlb              Webbies     shlb dw data   #67798
  3716 RegViewer.shlb         Webbies     shlb dw data   #22017
  3774 strres.shlb            Webbies     shlb dw data   #12160
  37D2 EditorTxmgr.shlb       Webbies     shlb dw data   #24815
  3830 EditorCore.shlb        Webbies     shlb dw data  #556697
  388E Install.log            Webbies     TEXT dW data       #0
  38EC libjar.shlb            Webbies     shlb dw data   #29208
  394A Netscape Registry      Webbies     REGS dW data #1685821
  39A8 StdLog                 Webbies     TEXT dW data   #33555
  #224 FCBs, #158 in use (including #27 fonts not listed), #66 free
 Displaying Driver Control Entries
  No drivers are busy.
 Displaying resource information:
  >   Map $02F2B0B8, flags $0000, file $2A3C = widget.shlb
      Map $02EDF5B8, flags $0000, file $14F0 = apprunner
   +  Map $00003290, flags $801A, file $0003 = €ROM resources that override
    S Map $00003374, flags $200D, file $0002 = System
      Map $00003210, flags $0014, file $017A = System Resources
      [Skipped $001B maps belonging to font files]
 Calling chain using A6/R1 links
  Back chain  ISA  Caller
  00000000    PPC  0BB33484
  03AB1980    PPC  0BB30808  main+00118
  03AB1900    PPC  0BB302D4  main1(int, char**)+00554
  03AB17F0    PPC  0BA6F9D0  nsAppShellService::Run()+00018
  03AB17B0    PPC  0B9F7D58  nsAppShell::Run()+00038
  03AB1730    PPC  0B9F84A0  nsMacMessagePump::DoMessagePump()+0003C
  03AB16E0    PPC  0B9F8768  nsMacMessagePump::DispatchEvent(int,
  03AB1690    PPC  0AC99A60  Repeater::DoRepeaters(const EventRecord&)+00030
  03AB1650    PPC  0B9DAAEC  nsMacNSPREventQueueHandler::RepeatAction(const
  03AB1610    PPC  0AC2654C  nsEventQueueServiceImpl::ProcessEvents()+00064
  03AB15D0    PPC  0AC3965C  nsEventQueueImpl::ProcessPendingEvents()+00018
  03AB1590    PPC  0AD0207C  PL_ProcessPendingEvents+0007C
  03AB1540    PPC  0AD02118  PL_HandleEvent+00028
  03AB1500    PPC  0AC6C644  EventHandler(PLEvent*)+00044
  03AB14A0    PPC  0AC65940  XPTC_InvokeByIndex+0000C
  03AB1460    PPC  0AC65A48  _XPTC_InvokeByIndex+000C8
  03AB13BC    PPC  0A03B4E0  nsInstallProgressDialog::Close()+3B4E0
  03AB137C    PPC  0BA644AC  nsWebShellWindow::Close()+0028C
  03AB128C    PPC  0AC29CE4  nsCOMPtr_base::~nsCOMPtr_base()+00030
  03AB124C    PPC  0B83DF10  DocumentViewerImpl::Release()+3DF10
 Return addresses on the stack
  Stack Addr  Frame Addr   ISA   Caller
   03AB1598                PPC   0AC3965C
   03AB1568                PPC   0AC24F60 EventQueueEntry::GetEventQueue()+000A4
   03AB1548    03AB1540    PPC   0AD0207C PL_ProcessPendingEvents+0007C
   03AB1528    03AB1520    PPC   0AC29CE4 nsCOMPtr_base::~nsCOMPtr_base()+00030
   03AB1518    03AB1510    PPC   0AC39E58
   03AB1508    03AB1500    PPC   0AD02118 PL_HandleEvent+00028
   03AB1500                68K   03AB153E
   03AB14D8    03AB14D0    PPC   0AC29C44 nsQueryInterface::operator()(const
nsID&, void**) c
   03AB14B8    03AB14B0    PPC   0AD1B6B8 PR_ExitMonitor+00054
   03AB14A8    03AB14A0    PPC   0AC6C644 EventHandler(PLEvent*)+00044
   03AB146C                68K   0018719A 'scod BFAF 0002'+04BCA
   03AB1468    03AB1460    PPC   0AC65940 XPTC_InvokeByIndex+0000C
   03AB1448    03AB1440    PPC   001B758C EmToNatEndMoveParams+00014
   03AB1428    03AB1420    PPC   0AD69658 malloc+00040
   03AB1408    03AB1400    PPC   0C237284 InitFloatingWindows+00764
   03AB13C8    03AB13C0    PPC   0C237284 InitFloatingWindows+00764
   03AB13C4    03AB13BC    PPC   0AC65A48 _XPTC_InvokeByIndex+000C8
   03AB139C    03AB1398    68K   0018719A 'scod BFAF 0002'+04BCA
   03AB1388    03AB1380    PPC   001B758C EmToNatEndMoveParams+00014
   03AB1384    03AB137C    PPC   0A03B4E0 nsInstallProgressDialog::Close()+3B4E0
   03AB12F8    03AB12F0    PPC   0C261840
   03AB12E8    03AB12E0    PPC   FFD570B4 CheckUpdate+0001C
   03AB12BA    03AB12B6    68K   FFC7F44E _FreeAlert+00E56
   03AB1298                68K   FFC7FAB0 _FreeAlert+014B8
   03AB1294    03AB128C    PPC   0BA644AC nsWebShellWindow::Close()+0028C
   03AB125A                68K   FFC7F9AA _FreeAlert+013B2
   03AB1254    03AB124C    PPC   0AC29CE4 nsCOMPtr_base::~nsCOMPtr_base()+00030
   03AB1234    03AB122C    PPC   0BA70B48
   03AB1214    03AB120C    PPC   0B83DF10 DocumentViewerImpl::Release()+3DF10
   03AB11E4    03AB11DC    PPC   0B9ECA14 nsMacWindow::~nsMacWindow()+000EC
   03AB11C4    03AB11BC    PPC   0BADE540 nsWebShell::operator
   03AB11B4    03AB11AC    PPC   0B83E1F4
 Displaying memory from 0
  00000000  FFC1 0000 FFC1 0000  0037 2626 0018 2628  �¡€€�¡€€€7&&€€&(
  00000010  0018 262A 0018 262C  FFC0 31A8 FFC0 31AA  €€&*€€&,�¿1®�¿1�
 Closing log

Progress dialog appears and installation occurs.  When this completes, a crash
occurs.  There is no information recorded to the Install.log or the version

Installation occurs along with recording to Install.log and version registry.
No crash follows.
Assignee: cathleen → sgehani
Reassigning to Samir per Dan's request.  I do requests...sometimes. :-)
Target Milestone: M12
Blocks: 20203
Priority: P3 → P1
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Magically, dbragg's recent changes fixed this! Marking so. Thanks Don!

Um, like it automagically is still there for me.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Clearing FIXED resolution due to reopen.
Depends on: 7753
We hope 7753 will fix this. We have no other solution and Danm and the rest of
the XPToolkit team are too swamped to help much. But this completely blocks use
of this feature on the Mac so must be fixed in M12
Assignee: sgehani → danm
I (think I) see the problem. Taking bug (sgehani asked me to look at it).
Prepare to have it dumped back on you if I'm goofing.
Assignee: danm → sgehani
Actually, I'm going to give this bug back. It's not a PDT bug, and I've been informed
that it doesn't get any of my time right now. So looks like you get to fix it, after all.

Here's the problem: gfx/src/mac/nsRepeater.cpp is built into a project buried somewhere in netwerk.
Actually that's probably not the real problem, but it sure annoyed me for a good half hour today.
The other problem is that while in the DoRepeaters() loop in that file, the repeater being processed
(theRepeater) can be deleted out from underneath you from another thread. Repeater enumeration
and repeater queue modifications need to be threadlocked, I think.
Assignee: sgehani → dougt
Doug says this is most likely the same cause as 20964, he'll take it.
Summary: [PP]Crash occurs immediately after triggering any xpi file → [PP]Crash occurs when install progress dialog closes
Updating the summary -- has nothing to do with triggers, it's the dialog.
Bulk move of XPInstall (component to be deleted) bugs to Installer: XPInstall
Summary: [PP]Crash occurs when install progress dialog closes → DOGFOOD Crash occurs when install progress dialog closes
Whiteboard: fix ready for checkin.
found the problem. ready for checkin
Closed: 25 years ago25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
checking in.
Build 1999-12-10-08-M12

Back to normal.
Blocks: 21564
No longer blocks: 20203
No longer blocks: 21564
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.


