Bug 193439
Opened 22 years ago
Closed 20 years ago
RFC 2231 style encoding should be used for filename parameter of attachment (instead of RFC 2047 style)
(MailNews Core :: Attachments, defect)
MailNews Core
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: jshin1987, Assigned: jshin1987)
(Blocks 1 open bug)
(Keywords: intl)
(1 file)
18.00 KB,
Details | Diff | Splinter Review |
Mozilla-mail uses RFC 2047 style encoding for filename parameter
of attachment. This is a clear violation of RFC 2231(RFC 2184)
and RFC 822(STD 11). (note that we cannot use RFC 2047 style
encoding for parameters of mail headers while abiding by
RFC 822/STD 11, which is why RFC 2231 style encoding was
Mozilla-mail can decipher RFC 2231 style encoding
in incoming messages, but somehow it doesn't use
that for outgoing messages.
I searched bugzilla for 'rfc 2231', 'rfc 2184', 'rfc 2047'
and 'content-disposition', but there's no bug filed on
this as far as I can tell.
(see bug 193142 comment #2 and bug 193142 comment #3) as well.
Assignee | ||
Comment 1•21 years ago
In the patch for bug 86089, the code for checking
'mail.strictly_mime.parm_folding' pref. entry was added [1], but it's never
added to mailnews.js so that it's always set to the default 0. With that set to
'2' (in user.js), RFC 2231 encoding is applied to parameter values that are
already RFC-2047 encoded as shown below:
Content-Type: image/gif;
name*0*=UTF-8'en, ko, hi, en-us'%3D%3FUTF-8%3FB%3FaTE4bmwxMG4uY29tL8OGw4TC
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: inline;
filename*0*=UTF-8'en, ko, hi, en-us'%3D%3FUTF-8%3FB%3FaTE4bmwxMG4uY29tL8OG
Moreover, its 'lang' field is a verbatim copy of my 'accept-language' setting.
If there's no better source (I can think of a couple of sources), 'lang' should
be just omitted.
Assignee: mscott → jshin
Updated•20 years ago
Product: MailNews → Core
Comment 2•20 years ago
Should another ticket be opened for thunderbird? It has the same problem.
Assignee | ||
Comment 3•20 years ago
No. TB and Mozilla suite share the code, which is why it's filed under
'Core:MailNews attachment'
Comment 4•20 years ago
I did some testing to check which MUAs use RFC 2231. Here are the results so far:
- pine: ok
- evolution: ok
- kmail: ok
- mutt: ok
- thunderbird: NOK
- outlook express (from win98 up to xp): NOK
- sylpheed: NOK
Assignee | ||
Comment 5•20 years ago
Thanks for testing. I thought only Pine does it right :-). A more important
question (well, we have to live with the fact that a lot of people use MS
products) to ask is whether MS Outlook and Outlook Express understand it when
included in incoming emails although it doesn't use it for outgoing emails.
While you're at it, can you check it out?
Another test to conduct is how popular web mail services and programs handle it.
The result of two tests will be an important factor in determining our default
Btw, I've just made a patch to do the right thing when 'parm folding' pref. is
set to 2.
Comment 6•20 years ago
Well, outlook doesn't like RFC 2231 encoded attachments. Below is how *outlook*
sees such attachments when sent by each MUA listed. In all cases, the attachment
was "bláblá.txt":
kmail -> ATT00045.txt
pine -> .txt (*)
evolution -> ATT00063.txt
thunderbird -> bláblá.txt
mutt -> ATT00089.txt
sylpheed -> bláblá.txt
(*): I have to revise the pine results. Here is what it sent:
Content-Type: TEXT/plain; charset=US-ASCII;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64
Content-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.61L.0502021131180.29202@starway.conectiva>
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename*="ISO-8859-1''bl%C3%A1bl%C3%A1.txt"
So, it said it was ISO-8859-1, but the filename is actually using UTF-8. I don't
know now if it's a pine issue or some other misconfiguration on that machine
which sent it.
And here is what each mailer actually sent:
kmail 1.7.92
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment;
Evolution 2.0.1
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename*=iso-8859-1''bl%E1bl%E1.txt
Content-Type: text/plain; name*=iso-8859-1''bl%E1bl%E1.txt; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Thunderbird 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; name="=?ISO-8859-1?Q?bl=E1bl=E1=2Etxt?="
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="=?ISO-8859-1?Q?bl=E1bl=E1=2Etxt?="
Mutt 1.5.6i
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename*=iso-8859-1''bl%E1bl%E1%2Etxt
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Sylpheed 0.9.10
Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Disposition: attachment;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Things look bad for webmails, though:
gmail (barfed completely) (NOK)
Content-Type: text/plain; name="bl"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="bl"
yahoo webmail (no encoding at all?) (NOK)
Content-Type: text/plain; name="bláblá.txt"
Content-Description: bláblá.txt
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="bláblá.txt"
terra webmail (big Brazilian ISP) (NOK)
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: attachment;
iG webmail (another big Brazilian ISP) (NOK)
Content-type: text/plain; name="bláblá.txt"
Content-description: Arquivo anexado pelo iGmail
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
Content-disposition: attachment
imp 3.2.2 (NOK)
Content-Type: text/plain; name="bláblá.txt"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="bláblá.txt"
Assignee | ||
Comment 7•20 years ago
Thanks for testing. That's what I expected. One possible compromise is to use
RFC 2047 for 'name parameter' in C-T header while using RFC 2231 for 'filename'
re: Pine
Pine's multilingual support (as is released by the UW Pine team) has a lot to be
desired. There's a set of patch made by me and Bernhard Kaindl (of SuSE Linux) at
Comment 8•20 years ago
Evolution showed all emails with the correct attachment name (besides the Gmail
one, which truncated the name), even those without RFC 2231 compliance.
Same for Kmail (except for the Pine email, whose attachment was shown as
not-decoded UTF-8)
mutt only displayed correctly the emails which were either RFC 2231 encoded or
which had no encoding at all.
What a mess...
Comment 9•20 years ago
Finally, regarding how Thunderbird 1.0 reads/displays all those emails, it
behaves like Evolution: shows everything correctly except for the gmail one,
where there is nothing to show (truncated name).
Ok, I'm done :)
Assignee | ||
Comment 10•20 years ago
Thanks again for testing.
As for web mails, I don't care what they do with outgoing emails. (As you found
out, Mozilla can deal with most of cases because I made multiple layers of
fallbacks.) I don't exepct them to do the right thing given that virtually all
of them are very poor in terms of the standard compliance in general and in I18N
support in particular(google's trackrecord of standard compliance is not so good
either.) Our concern is how they handle RFC 2231 in *incoming* emails. Perhaps,
we have to make Mozilla use RFC 2231 by default unless major mail clients
(including web mail services) make attachment with RFC 2231 filename params
totally unavailable/invisible. Not being able to get the original filename is
not critical.
Assignee | ||
Comment 11•20 years ago
fixes the problem mentioned in comment #1 and made RFC-2231 encoding the
default. It shouldn't be a problem for ASCII-only relatively short (< ~70
chars) file names even if mail clients at the other end don't understand RFC
2231 becuase ASCII-only short filenames, we don't use RFC 2231. For non-ASCII
filenames, it's a little inconvenient to lose the original file name (the file
content is NOT lost) but that's what they should pay for using non-compliant
mail clients like MS Outlook and MS OE.
Anyway, one can revert to the old behavior by setting
'mail.strictly_mime_paramfolding' to 0 or 1
Assignee | ||
Updated•20 years ago
Attachment #173366 -
Flags: superreview?(bienvenu)
Attachment #173366 -
Flags: review?(mscott)
Comment 12•20 years ago
Comment on attachment 173366 [details] [diff] [review]
+ {
+ PR_FREEIF(encodedRealName);
+ encodedRealName = PL_strdup(real_name);
can just use PR_Free here and a couple lines later... PR_Free checks for null.
I'm not sure if you need moa for the nsEscape change. Darin on bzbarsky,
Attachment #173366 -
Flags: review?(mscott) → review+
Assignee | ||
Comment 13•20 years ago
Thanks for r, David.
bz and darin, do you have anything to say about adding 'unconditional' to
nsEscape (%-escape everything)? We need it for pesky encodings like SJIS and
Big5 that 'infringe upon' the ASCII range. Alternatively, we can make it figure
out whether a n octet in the ASCII range is a part of a multibyte character.. We
might need it anyway (if we do that, it has to be a separate function or with an
optional parameter).
Assignee | ||
Comment 14•20 years ago
Comment on attachment 173366 [details] [diff] [review]
r was from David. let's ask bz for sr because it includes a change in
Attachment #173366 -
Flags: superreview?(bienvenu) → superreview?(bzbarsky)
![]() |
Comment 15•20 years ago
Comment on attachment 173366 [details] [diff] [review]
I really don't know nsEscape well enough to sr this...
Attachment #173366 -
Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky) → superreview?(darin)
Comment 16•20 years ago
Comment on attachment 173366 [details] [diff] [review]
>Index: xpcom/io/nsEscape.h
>+ unconditional = 0 /**< escape everything */
url_Unconditional or url_All would seem like more consistent
names for this. remember that this guy lives at global scope,
so a name like unconditional is much more likely to interfere
with someone elses code than one with the url_ prefix.
also, it's very unclear to me what this means. are you saying
that each byte will be %xx escaped unconditionally? please
make that clear in the comment if so.
>Index: mailnews/compose/src/nsMsgCompUtils.cpp
>+ // RFC 2047 style encoding (it's not standard-compliant)
>+ if (parmFolding != 2) {
nit: can you write parmFolding == 0 or do you really mean != 2?
>+ PR_FREEIF(encodedRealName);
>+ encodedRealName = PL_strdup(real_name);
nit: there's a little bit of mixing of allocators here. PR_Free
is not necessarily the same as PL_strfree, which is required to
free the results of PL_strdup. Of course, I think we mix these
everywhere and in fact PR_Free and PL_strfree are equivalent in
mozilla today, but we should try not to code to that assumption.
if it's difficult to fix, then don't bother.
Attachment #173366 -
Flags: superreview?(darin) → superreview+
Comment 17•20 years ago
In my build:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8b2) Gecko/20050329
in prefs.js is:
which is checked here:
and this I add to my prefs.js
How should it be?
Assignee | ||
Comment 18•20 years ago
thanks for catching it. I've just fixed the 'typo'. I'm sorry I also forgot to
mark this as fixed. I addressed reviewer's concern except for darin's (mix-up of
alloc/free because it's quite involved)
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment 19•19 years ago
*** Bug 308839 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 20•19 years ago
The fix causes incompatibilies with most e-mail clients, including Outlook and Outlook Express.
bug 309566
bug 317972
bug 305650
bug 314116
bug 323388
bug 323390
Also seems to be causing international problems:
Updated•17 years ago
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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