Closed Bug 197009 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Certificate with T61-labeled iso-8859-1 characters is not shown in Certificate Manager


(Core Graveyard :: Security: UI, defect)

Other Branch
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: jgmyers)




User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020510 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020510 I have downloaded and installed a test certificate from which have the real name "Åse Æreløv". I also downloaded another one with only ASCII characters from Password is Test1234 When looking in "Certificate Manager" the certificate with the name "Åse Æreløv" is not shown. Only the one with the name "Test Testesen" is shown. Both certificate does work so this is just a minor detail. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Download certificate 2. Install with password: Test1234 3. Open "Certificate Manager" Actual Results: I can not see the name "Åse Æreløv". The name is just blank. Expected Results: Show the name "Åse Æreløv"
Confirming problem with 2003031108, changing Component. I don't get the problem in the exact same form as the reporter. The certificate is displayed with a name of "test" in the windows of Certificate Manager. I have no idea where this "test" value can come from. View of the certificate declares that the certificate has no CN. In Details, the subject view does show the correct value for CN. The CN is encoded in ISO-8859-1 with a TeletexString.
Component: Internationalization → Client Library
Ever confirmed: true
Product: Browser → PSM
Version: Trunk → unspecified
Forgot to change owner/QA. This should go in the same category as other comparable bug like bug 185167, it clearly seems it's the PSM that is wrong, not browser.
Assignee: smontagu → ssaux
QA Contact: ylong → junruh
Could it be that the problem is that PSM is actually expecting valid TeletexString, and will not tolerate ISO-8859-1 instead ? In view details, bug 185167 shows that the data is always displayed in ISO-8859-1 whatever the encoding is. RFC3280 deprecates issuing new certificate in TeletexString encoding and recommends UTF8String instead. The confusion in many CA between the TeletexString encoding and ISO-8859-1 is a strong reason for that. But it also says that implementer should try to accept both conformant TeletexString encoding and ISO-8859-1 encoding in TeletexString strings.
QA Contact: junruh → bmartin
Confirming bug. The certificate itself appears to be good. It looks like NSS is handling the certificate fine, since it displays correctly in the detail view. I think it is PSM who is not dealing with the non-ASCII fields correctly.
I am having problems with certificate names containing danish letters, זרו, in certificate manager. For me it seems certificate manager is unable to display and handle certificates if danish letters are present in certificate names - instead is displayed a blank name. However the certificates works fine and are handled correctly by mozilla for authentication etc. Managing certificates is not possible - especially backing up of such certificates is impossible. A backup results in the following error: Failed to create the PKCS #12 backup file for unknown reasons The above mentioned certificate from has NOT a name with danish letters. I am unable to supply a certificate with a name containing such letters as certificate name.
Blocks: 217305
Taking. Initial triage suggests this is probably an NSS bug, CC'ing Nelson. CERT_DecodeAVAValue() is probably returning the CN value encoded in ISO-8859-1, when the API is defined to return strings encoded in UTF-8. I see no code in NSS for converting T61 strings (or iso-8859-1 labeled as T61 strings) into UTF-8--it appears to incorrectly assume T61 strings already conform to UTF-8. Will work to confirm or eliminate the above theory.
Assignee: ssaux → jgmyers
Depends on: 53133
Summary: Certificate with non-ASCII characters is not shown in Certificate Manager → Certificate with T61-labeled iso-8859-1 characters is not shown in Certificate Manager
John, (Good to see you here again!) I believe your hypothesis: "[NSS] appears to incorrectly assume T61 strings already conform to UTF-8." is correct.
*** Bug 192679 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This has been fixed on the NSS trunk. NSS was released just this past week, so it seems unlikely this will make it into Mozilla in time for Mozilla 1.7.
*** Bug 212295 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Fixed/verified with 2004020208 (Windows 2000) Afer import, the danish characters can be seen in the "certificate name" row of Certificate Manager. They also are visible in the "common name" in the Certificate Viewer. They also can be seen in the tree view of the "Details" tab of Certificate Viewer, as well as when clicking on Subject in the lower partof this tab. I'd request to include this bug, and related encoding bug in NSS 3.9.1, so that they end up in 1.7.b A Mozilla 1.7 final with fully working i18n in certificates would be a really good thing. Is there be any way to include this inside Moz 1.4.2 ? That could be good for some large non-US users that have decided on 1.4 for their Mozilla deployment (cf
Closed: 21 years ago
Flags: blocking1.7b?
Resolution: --- → FIXED
This is not fixed as NSS 3.9.1 has neither been released nor incorporated into Mozilla.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
If this PSM bug is solely caused by NSS bug 53133, this bug is already fixed in current Mozilla builds (2004-01-28 or later) because the fix for the NSS bug has been in the NSS_CLIENT_TAG (the NSS tag used by the Mozilla trunk) since 2004-01-28. (See for recent changes to NSS_CLIENT_TAG.)
Closed: 21 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Flags: blocking1.7b?
Product: PSM → Core
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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