Closed Bug 198217 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

The XML in the form is rendered wrong.


(Core :: DOM: HTML Parser, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: tahiry_asa, Assigned: harishd)


(Keywords: compat, dataloss, testcase)


(1 file)

User-Agent: Opera/7.03 (Windows NT 5.1; U) [en] Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.3) Gecko/20030312 The XML in the form has elements in the form <MSH.1>text</MSH.1> but when rendered and when submitted in the post it becomes <MSH.1>text</MSH>, which of course is a bad XML. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Just load the attached .html file and see for yourself. Actual Results: The XML in the TEXTAREA is wrong [<MSH.1>|</MSH>]. It's correct in the source when viewed in a external editor *and* in the Mozilla source viewer. Expected Results: It should have displayed <MSH.1>|</MSH.1> I made it critical because we lose data and thus cannot use Mozilla at all. Since there is no workaround, this feels urgent.
Just open and you'll see
This also happens in Mozilla 1.2, 1.3b and 1.3 under Linux.
This isn't actually valid, but we have a bug on handling this a little better. The problem is that you're not escaping the XML inside the textarea: when you "view source" on the HTML page containing the XML, you should see <textarea> &lt;!DOCTYPE... &lt;tag>some data&lt;/tag> </textarea> where "<" has been escaped as "&lt;" and "&" has been escaped as "&amp;". Your page has <textarea> <!DOCTYPE... <tag>some data</tag> </textarea> which forces the HTML parser to try and parse your HTML. Escaping the XML in the source will make the contents of the textarea display exactly the same, but it will also be valid and work in Mozilla.
Assignee: heikki → harishd
Component: XML → Parser
Keywords: compat, testcase
QA Contact: ashishbhatt → dsirnapalli
Whiteboard: DUPEME
Mr Hoess, I understand what you are saying. However, the page attached works as-in under Opera and (aaaargh!) IE. What puzzled us was why did it work when we did not have any of those <> tags and only caused problems with those. We never had to escape the XML inside TEXTAREAs before and have hundreds of pages we have to change to implement this. As you could imagine we'd rather not have to do this. Why is it that in your snippets, you escape the < and not the >. Could you point me to a page where the specs on this are located? I need to convince some people if I want to make those changes that we are off-spec.
I see this too. I think our parser might get confused by the "." in the tag name. Still, I think the correct way is to escape "<" and "&". atr: it is not necessary to escape ">" because it does not start any special markup. Of course you may want to do it anyway, for consistency.
Severity: critical → major
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: dataloss
This is still a duplicate... We have other (much older) bugs on this same issue. As long as we parse what's inside <textarea>, this will crop up (it shows up in a variety of ways, not just in dropping the ".1" in </foo.1>).
Mr Zbarsky, What is the bug number for the duplicated bug? Maybe I should have found it but obviously, I didn't. I'd like to see the conversation on that.
Mr Zbarsky, What is the bug number for the duplicated bug? Maybe I should have found it but obviously, I didn't. I'd like to see the conversation on that.
atr: wrt specifications, see <URL:>, the text beginning "Four character entity references..." This can be confirmed by <URL:>, comparing a document with and without escaping. There may also be security issues here, as well; I don't know what your data flow from these forms looks like, but consider the consequences of someone maliciously or accidentally entering "</textarea>", "</body>", or "</html>" into the XML editing form.
So where does this report go then? Is is still OPEN or is it considered not a bug and therefore closed? I appreciate all the responses.
This is similar to bug 99467 and bug 64799, but not exactly. Harish, should we create a meta-bug for compatibility parsing of unescaped markup in textareas?
Fixed by patch in bug 64799
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: DUPEME
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