Closed Bug 200293 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Support for media="projection" in full-screen mode to use Mozilla for presentations


(Core :: Web Painting, enhancement)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: limi, Assigned: roc)


User-Agent:       Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) Opera 7.10  [en]
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.3) Gecko/20030312

Support for the CSS media type called "projection" would be a very nice, useful 
(and hopefully rather painless) addition to Mozilla's capabilities. I will 
summarize how I envision it being done in the next sections.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
0. Install Opera (any version after 4.0 will do)
1. Go to
2. Press F11 for full screen view, use PageDown to navigate to the next slide
3. Enjoy the beauty of (X|HT)ML based slide presentation :)

Actual Results:  
Opera applies the CSS style sheet with media="projection" attribute - part of 
the W3C spec - when it enters the full screen mode. This enables authoring of 
presentations in pure XML/XHTML, and is pioneered with great success in the 
Plone CMS - for an example, have a look at

in fullscreen mode in Opera.

Expected Results:  
Mozilla already have most of the hooks and CSS support required to do this. Step 
by step, here's what should happen:

1. You load a page which defines media="projection" as the media type for one of 
its CSSes
2. You switch to fullscreen mode
3. Mozilla applies the CSS with media type "projection"
4. Mozilla makes sure that PageUp/PageDown actually navigates to the 
page-break-before and page-break-after CSS elements
5. When you return to normal view, Mozilla makes the media="projection" CSS 
inactive again.

In addition I whould propose two enhancements that would help the user 
experience of this feature:

a) Mozilla shows a small "presentation mode" indicator that you can click when 
there is a CSS with media="projection" defined in the page, which sends you to 
fullscreen mode.

b) Mozilla remaps left/right mouse button to previous/next page respectively, so 
you can navigate the slides using just the mouse buttons.

c) Mozilla hides the scroll bar  and address bar in fullscreen mode when the 
media="projection" style sheet is present.

For a more extensive document explaining how this is done, go to:

It would be an incredibly nice addition to Mozilla if this feature if this was 
implemented - at the moment I always use Opera in combination with our Plone CMS 
to write presentations - and it's a pretty impressive effect to be able to 
present a web application from within the web browser itself - and in addition 
have the advantage of rendering the document as a normal page (excellent for 
printing) when it is not in "slides" mode.

Additionally, Mozilla already has most of the plumbing to make this happen, so 
it should be pretty easy to implement. For people that know the Mozilla code 
base, that is (I'm just a humble web developer ;)

Thank you for your attention.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 120398 ***
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Alex, maybe copy&paste of relevant suggestions to bug 120398 is good idea?
Spreading votes for two different bugs IMHO is not GoodIdea (tm). Though I can
vote for both. The lower bug-number is the more attention developers pay for it :)
Yes, doing that now. Voters, please vote for the other bug.
Component: Layout: View Rendering → Layout: Web Painting
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